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NCERT Class 4 EVS Book PDF


CBSE Class 4 NCERT EVS Books Free Download

Over the years NCERT is in charge of printing and publishing books that strictly adhere to the CBSE syllabus. These books are self-explanatory as the analysis it offers is easily comprehensible and makes the reading experience exciting. Since Environmental studies is a compulsory subject, students always look at NCERT class 4 EVS book PDF download for a hassle-free learning process.

NCERT Class 4 EVS textbook is designed to make students aware of their surroundings. Reading this book, students are more likely to become more attentive to the issues that require immediate attention.

Thus, Class 4 EVS books present an overview of the environment to the students and encourage them to build an environment-friendly world.

For a long time, NCERT books have been considered the most trusted books for the students to study and revise any of their subjects. These books are going to provide you with the clearance of mainly all your concepts. This is the reason that starting classes like 1 and 2 NCERT is preferred even by the board for the study of various subjects. This book NCERT not only clears your basic concepts but also provides you with the practice problem exercise so you can score well in the examination and clear the application of all your concepts.

Environmental science is that branch of science that integrates physical, biological and information science to the study of our environment and gets solutions for all our environment-related problems. On this subject, we can not only study the environment but also the relationship that man and wild or man and environment have. This is a basic subject and it is necessary for you to clear the basic concepts of this subject so you should prefer NCERT while preparing the environmental science subject.

NCERT Books For Class 4 EVS; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 4 EVS cover diverse topics such as Going To School, Ear To Ear, A Day With Nandu, and the Story of Amrita. The greatest advantage is that these books can be freely downloaded in PDF format, making them accessible to all. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 4 EVS in both English and Hindi Languages. Get the link to download Class 4, Maths NCERT Books from the table below.

Studying Environmental Science at NCERT

  • Environmental science enlightens us on how we can conserve our environment in the phase where there is an immense increase in population and the depletion of the natural sources that are increasing day by day.

  • NCERT books provide you with all the necessary information about this subject: what is the need to conserve the environment, how resources are deflecting and what measures you should take to conserve this environment which is deporting daily.

  • When you prepare any subject from NCERT book l, you tend to clear your fundamental concept of that subject and it also provides the practice problems that help you understand the application of concepts you have studied. You will get really good marks if you will study NCERT thoroughly because mainly these books are preferred by examiners to set your exam.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 4 EVS Book PDF

1. What is the Syllabus for CBSE Class 4 EVS?

​​The syllabus for CBSE Class 4 EVS includes a total of 27 chapters which covers significant issues of our surrounding. Apart from stressing upon the several environmental aspects, this chapter also combines other elements, like the interview of an eminent personality, an introduction to Indian currency, etc. The syllabus is vast, but the topics it covers are vital for students to know.

2. What is the Significance of Environmental Studies?

Environmental studies guide us to live life in a better way and discuss the measures to protect the environment. It provides a chance to learn about the bountiful resources that nature offers and the means to preserve them for the future. Along with that, environmental studies help us to develop a deeper understanding of the physical world around us and other cultural, traditional activities of our nation.

3. What is Deforestation?

The reduction of forests and trees of a particular area is known as deforestation. There are several causes of deforestation, and human development is the biggest among them. Cutting trees to source woods, expanding agricultural lands, urbanisation, etc. are some of the primary development reasons behind deforestation. Besides, natural calamities like flood, volcanic eruptions, etc. are also responsible for deforestation.

4. What are the Significant Causes of Water Pollution?

The major causes of water pollution are industrial wastage, oil leakage in the sea, and mining activities are a few to name. Apart from that, using excessive pesticides in the field also leads to water pollution. However, if the right measures are taken immediately, it can be prevented to some extent.

5. What is the importance of having CBSE NCERT PDF environmental science of class 4?

Since we all know that it is a fact that we cannot have the access to NCERT books all the time and neither we can carry them everywhere but when it comes to the PDF version of the same book we can have the acres to it anywhere if we have our device with us and it can be a phone too. You just need to download the PDF from the Vedantu app and you will have access to the NCERT book anytime, anywhere.

6. How can I prepare for my exams using the NCERT of EVS PDF provided to me by Vedantu?

To prepare for the exams you can use the NCERT PDF if environmental science is provided to you by the Vedantu app. This NCERT PDF is provided to you so that you can have free access to the book of NCERT. It is not like the chapters are different, the only thing is that the PDF is in the same way as your book will be. You can carry it anywhere as long as you can carry your phone.

7. Where can I download the latest NCERT for environmental science in Class 4?

You can get the environmental science  NCERT PDF from an app like Vedantu. Vedantu provides you with the PDF of the latest version of the environmental science NCERT that is according to the new revised CBSE syllabus. This will help you to make online notes as well and you can have access to environmental science anywhere at the time you will need it. Vedantu has experts who designed these PDFs for you according to the latest updated CBSE syllabus.

8. What is the need for Solutions for NCERT of class 4 environmental science?

The solutions of NCERT of environmental science are necessary as many questions are directly asked in your examination from the NCERT books only and you need to know about the solutions well if you want to score well in your examination. Vedantu provides you with the solutions of the whole NCERT especially designed by experts. You can have access to it on the  Vedantu's website and Vedantu mobile app

9. Should I look out for other textbooks of environmental science or studying from NCERT alone is enough?

No, you don’t need to refer to multiple textbooks for environmental science subjects. If you will refer only to NCERT and study the whole NCERT properly, you will not need to refer to other books. You can also take help from the NCERT PDF provided to you by the Vedantu app or website and can study it properly. There is a benefit of having an online PDF of the NCERT book that besides carrying it everywhere you can make online notes also.