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NCERT Class 5 English Books


NCERT Class 5 English Books

The solutions for NCERT Textbook Class 5 English are available here for students to download. They can easily get access to the same in the PDF format. These solutions help students in understanding the lessons, stories, and poems in a comprehensive manner and guide them to achieve good scores in their examinations.

NCERT Books For Class 5 English; Free PDF Download

NCERT Books for Class 5 English cover various aspects of English literature, including prose, poetry, and drama. The best part is that these books are available for free PDF download, making them easily accessible to all. The NCERT books enhance language skills and critical thinking abilities, helping students excel in their English examinations. You can download the NCERT Book for Class 5 English for free from the links given in the table below.


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NCERT Books for Class 5 English PDF - Free Download

Our Latest NCERT Books for Class 5 English Solutions uplift your confidence, improve your practical knowledge, skills and prepare you for further classes. The chapter-wise descriptions for Class 5th English NCERT Book are mentioned below:

Unit 1: Ice Cream Man:

In this poem, students will study a sweet poem about ice-cream. We all love to eat ice-cream on a hot summer day; students will enjoy reading about ice-cream as it is what they crave during the summer season. They will be introduced to some new words along with some fun questions and exercises to do by the end of the chapter. 

Wonderful Waste:

This chapter tells a story about a Maharaja of Travancore who planned a huge feast in his palace. Students will learn not to waste food as the king visits the kitchen to check the preparation for the feast and tell the cook not to waste vegetable scraps and use them wisely. He ultimately listens to the king and makes a delicious dish out of those vegetable scraps.  

Unit 2: Teamwork: 

We all know how important teamwork is, as all our dreams and goals can be achieved if we work in a team. In this poem, students will learn to work together in a team with each other. It is a beautiful message that will be with them for their whole life. There are various questions given by the end of this chapter for students to practice. 

Flying Together: 

In this chapter of NCERT Books Class 5 English students will read the story about a flock of wild geese, who lived in the thick leafy branches of a huge tree. There was an old bird who told the little birds to destroy the creepers but they did not listen and one day hunters came and trapped the geese. It was the wise bird who helped them to fly out of the trap. Students will learn to listen to their elders with this beautiful story. 

Unit 3: My Shadow: 

This is a beautiful poem that throws light on the topic of shadow. Students of this age group are always curious to know about new things. By this poem, they will learn about their shadow and why it always follows them and does exactly what they do. It will also tell them why their shadows disappear when there is no sun. 

Robinson Crusoe: 

This chapter covers the story of a man named Robinson Crusoe, who lived alone on an island for a very long time as his ship was destroyed by the sea. As he wanted to overcome his loneliness and wished for company, he found a footprint of a man and got frightened. He got back into his cave with the thought of his footprint. Students will learn about being alone and lonely through this chapter. 

Unit 4: Crying: 

This poem from NCERT Textbook Class 5 English is a beautiful one. It is about crying and tells how crying a little is of no use. Students will learn to overcome their sadness by crying and then experience joy. The last tear is known to be the beginning of the new happiness according to the poem. 

My Elder Brother: 

This chapter covers the story of two brothers, Munna and Bhaiya. Students will know about the difference between the two brothers due to their age. Though Bhaiya was older, he cared about Munna’s studies but failed himself twice even though he studied for hours. Bhaiya told him the importance of studying as their parents are not educated, he also pushed him to follow a strict time table and not waste time. Students will learn the importance of studies in life. 

Unit 5: The Lazy Frog:

In this poem, students will learn about a lazy frog named Fred, who does not do any work even after his mother asks him to help her but he doesn’t listen to her. He sleeps all the time even when a lady frog comes his way.  

Rip van Winkle:

This chapter from NCERT Books Class 5 English is an interesting story of a man named Rip Van Winkle who is good-natured. He was liked by everyone around him but he was a lazy man. Once he went to the hills and found an old and short man who gave him something to drink. He drank it and slowly went to sleep. After waking up, he finds no one around him and starts to walk down the hill to see unfamiliar faces. When an old woman recognizes him, she asks where he has been for twenty long years.

Unit 6:  Class Discussion:

In this poem, students will read about a quiet girl named Jane, who doesn’t participate in the class discussion. As all the students and teacher are busy talking, she is silently sitting and staring around. When the teacher asks her why she is not participating, she tells her not everyone likes to speak and is quiet by nature. 

Talkative Barber:

This chapter deals with the story of a talkative barber who lived in the city of Cashgar. One day he was called to shave the Sultan’s head, but instead of doing his job he kept on talking. This irritated the Sultan and he got angry. The barber quickly started washing his head and did his job. Later, to get rid of the barber, the sultan offered him the food that was prepared and the barber experienced the generosity of the Sultan. 

Unit 7: Topsy Turvy Land: 

This poem of the NCERT Textbook Class 5 English is about a strange land where everything is upside down. Everything is the opposite of the real world, as the sea is full of sand and the students go to school at the night time, people pay for things they don’t get and hats are found on the feet and not on the head. It is an interesting and fun poem. 

Gulliver's Travels:

In this chapter, students will read the story of Gulliver who reached an island with his companions. His companions are chased by a huge monster, but they all escape. When is all alone on the island, he sees everything is so big compared to him. Then suddenly he meets big monsters who were kind to him. This story will teach students various important lessons. 

Unit 8: Nobody's Friend: 

In this poem, students will know about some students who don’t share their things with others and how they fail to make friends. But it also tells how there are so many sweet and loving children who share their things and have lots of good friends. Through this poem, students will learn a good habit of sharing and making new friends. 

The Little Bully:

This chapter in the NCERT Books Class 5 English is about a naughty boy named Hari. He was small but very strong and loved to tease other children. He pinches them and plays tricks on them that lead to all the strong hatred of children towards him. When they went on a school picnic, Hari faced a similar situation and learned his lesson of never teasing others again. 

Unit 9:  Sing a Song of People: 

This poem tells how we live in a fast-paced world. People are in a hurry to reach a different place, to do things, as they are seen walking on the subway hurriedly. As people are walking in crowds, there are some people who are silent. Some talk loudly while some softly. People who are in a hurry can smile and laugh but they don’t have time to look at others as they are always in a hurry. 

Around the World:

This chapter deals with the story of Mr. Phileas Fogg and his journey of the world along with his companion. They began their journey from San Francisco to New York via train. Students will also read about the difficulties they faced during their journey but how they ultimately completed it. 

Unit 10: Malu Bhalu:

This poem talks about the story of a polar bear named Malu Bhalu who lived in an icy lair. Students will know about how she lived with her family and what she did to survive. Her mother told her to learn swimming and she did as told. They will also know how brave and fearless she was and they should also be like her. Down the NCERT Books PDF Class 5 English and get your concept clear perfectly. 

Who will be Ningthou:

In this chapter, students will learn how qualities make one a good ruler. It is a story of a king and queen who have always been kind and good to their people as they wanted to see them happy. One day when the King decided to choose an heir, he tests all his sons but doesn’t find them worthy. However, her daughter becomes the heir as she could understand the people and feel their pain. 

Avail 100% relevant solutions for NCERT 5th Class English Book PDF Free Download online at Vedantu and develop a grip on the basic concepts and ideas. Vedantu is a reliable education platform that allows you to learn lessons in an easy way. We give step by step solutions made as per CBSE Board guidelines. This is a one-stop for all the solutions, tactic without any inconvenience. Students can use these solutions in the PDF form, just by signing up with Vedantu.

English is an important language that helps students communicate globally and also helps them understand different concepts, and read different books in higher up classes easily. Making students realize its importance from a younger age will make it easy for them to get used to that language. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry. It will also help students understand the important contributions made by various authors and poets. 

You can download the textbook for free from the above-given link. You can also access the book from your laptop or mobile app. Vedantu also has other important study materials and solved questions for all the classes. You can also download the previous year question papers from our website or mobile application.

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FAQs on NCERT Class 5 English Books

1. What does the summary of the chapter “Icecream Man” in CBSE class 5 tells us?

“Ice cream man” is the first poem from the CBSE class 5 English textbook. It is a poem about ice cream and a person who sells ice cream. It also tells us how all the children like to eat ice cream and gets excited when they see ice cream. It mentions how children crave ice cream, especially in the summers. The poem is written by Rachel Field and brings back all the childhood memories with ice cream. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry.

2. What does the summary of the chapter “Rip Van Winkle” in CBSE class 5 tells us?

“Rip Van Winkle” is a lesson from the CBSE class 5 English textbook. It is about a Dutch-American man who falls asleep on a hill for 20 years after getting drunk. It starts with describing the routine life of Rip and his expedition into the Catskills hill to hunt, where he gets drunk and falls asleep for 20 years. When he returns to his village after a long time he finds major changes like his wife’s death, end of the American Revolution. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry.

3. What does the summary of the chapter “Malu Bhalu” in CBSE class 5 tells us?

“Malu Bhalu” is a lesson from the CBSE class 5 English textbook. It is about a polar bear whose name is Malu Bhalu. The poem unfolds to describe its environment, how it learns how to fish. The bear admires its parents and wants to live like them. She has a dream to see what is behind the blue skies. Her mother suggests the bear learn how to swim properly. The bear becomes brave and learns what her mother asks her to do. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry.

4. What does the summary of the chapter “Sing a Song of People” in CBSE class 5 tells us?

“Sing a Song of People” is a lesson from the CBSE class 5 English textbook. It is about how fast-paced the world tells us how people are always in a hurry no matter where they want to go. It also tells us though we may walk individually, we are still a part of the crowd. It also tells us how different people have different behaviors. How an individual in the crowd never considers another individual. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry.

5. What does the summary of the chapter “Little Bully” in CBSE class 5 tells us?

“Little Bully” is a lesson from the CBSE class 5 English textbook. It is about a boy who used to bully all his classmates. It is about a boy named Hari who is not so big but is so strong and teases everyone in the class. He likes to pinch and prickle other kids with pins. Everyone is angry at him for his behavior and avoids him. So Hari goes to a pool and sits there to have lunch. He then feels lots of crabs pinching him and realizes his mistake later. NCERT textbooks have been designed with utmost care and research to imbibe the LSRW- listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the English language into the children. It is also designed to reflect contemporary trends through prose and poetry