Download NCERT Solutions For Class 1 English Marigold Chapter 1
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Chapter 1 - Three Little Pigs
1. Statement – Monu had Built the Strongest House. True or False.
It’s false; Monu’s house was not strong as it was made up of sticks.
2. How was Gonu able to save his house from the bad wolf?
Gonu’s house was made of red bricks, which was very difficult for the Wolf to destroy. So, the Wolf left his house, and they lived happily.
3. Where did Sonu and Monu Finally Stay After Their House was Huffed and Puffed?
They stayed in Gonu’s house after their house was huffed and puffed by the bad wolf.
4. Why was Gonu’s house the strongest?
Gonu’s house was the strongest because it was made of bricks.
5. What have we learned from the “Three Little Pigs”?
From the “Three Little Pigs,” we learn that we should help our friends in need and always show kindness to others.
6. Why could the big bad wolf not blow down Gonu’s house?
The big bad wolf could not blow down Gonu’s house because the house was made of bricks.