NCERT Solutions For Class 1 English Poem “After A Bath”- Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 1 English Marigold Chapter 2 After A Bath
1. Who is the author of the poem “After A Bath”?
The poem After A Bath poem is beautifully crafted in very simple words by Aileen Fisher, which makes it easier and more interesting for young talents to understand.
2. What is the concept of Chapter 2 “After a Bath”?
This poem is interesting and also children learn the activities that one must follow after taking a bath. This is also the routine that they do before going to school, like having a bath, dressing up, wearing a uniform etc. This is not something new so it will be easy to understand as they know these activities. The questions in the exercises teach the student to answer the questions in a better way from the initial stages.
3. What are the questions asked in this poem?
The questions asked here are very simple and the children will enjoy answering these questions. The poem is easy to learn and can be taught in full rhythm.
Do you like to have a bath?
Do you bathe yourself?
How would you dry yourself?
Have you seen an animal drying itself when it is wet?
When children try to answer these simple questions they will know and get an idea of the way the answers should be written. This might be very simple or just an answer of one line but they will know how to frame the simple answers and then when they do to the higher classes it becomes quite simple for them.
4. What are the words used thrice in this poem?
To make this poem more interesting, the words are rhythmically used so when the children recite the poem it develops interest within them. The words that are used thrice in this poem are dry, try and shake. Trying to wipe and dry is for us, how we dry after a bath and the word shake is used to show how dogs dry by shaking. This poem makes the children focus and be attentive in the class due to the smooth flow of the poem.
5. What are the activities to be done after a bath according to the poem?
The activity that should be done after the bath is to dry and wipe the hand’s toes, fingers, and nose. It is a time-consuming activity. In this poem, it is also mentioned that if it were in the case of a dog what would he do to dry himself? Will he use a towel wipe? Will he take so much time? No, right? because he will just shake his body and he is all set. It is just a comparison to developing more interest in children’s minds. At this age, it is an important factor to make sure the children are attentive and focused.