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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories About Flying


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NCERT Solutions for chapter "Two Stories about Flying" includes two captivating tales: "His First Flight" by Liam O’Flaherty and "Black Aeroplane" by Frederick Forsyth. "His First Flight" narrates a young seagull's journey from fear to flight, while "Black Aeroplane" follows a pilot's mysterious encounter that saves him during a perilous flight. Both stories explore themes of courage, fear, and unexpected help.

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You can easily access comprehensive NCERT Solutions to Two Stories About Flying Questions and Answers on Vedantu which are updated for the latest Class 10 English Syllabus. These solutions are the missing pieces you need to walk into the exam hall with utmost confidence.

Glance on Class 10 English Chapter 3 - Two Stories About Flying

  • The Chapter features two different stories, one about a seagull and the other about a mysterious savior plane. Both these stories highlight bravery, courage, and strength.

  • In Part 1, His First Flight, a young seagull is afraid to fly, fearing his wings won't support him.

  • Despite his siblings' success, he lacks the confidence to leave the ledge and achieve his first flight.

  • Hunger and a desperate leap lead to his first successful flight, overcoming his fear.

  • Part 2, "Black Aeroplane" by Frederick Forsyth follows a pilot's journey from France to England.

  • He encounters a storm and loses visibility and control of his plane.

  • A mysterious plane guides him to safety, but he later discovers no such plane exists.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter -3 Two Stories About Flying

I. His First Flight by Liam O’ Flaherty

Thinking about Text (pg. 36)

1. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others? Do you think a human baby also finds it a challenge to take its first steps?

Ans: Since it was the young seagull’s first flight, he was afraid to fly. Yes, I think all young birds are afraid before they take their first flight since they are doing it for the first time, and it must be challenging for them. Human babies would similarly find it difficult to start walking. The first steps are abrupt, and they fall multiple times but then they master the skill.

2. “The sight of the food maddened him.” What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?

Ans: The young seagull was reluctant to overcome his fear of flying. His family was stubborn about giving him the flight lesson. So, after continuous rounds of motivation, when he did not take off, his mother used his hunger as bait. He was extremely hungry and when he saw his mother tearing a piece of fish, he cried and asked her to share it with him but instead of addressing the cries, she took a piece of food in her beak and stopped midway while flying towards the young seagull. Not able to resist the pangs of hunger further, he rushed at the food and plunged towards it, and took his first flight.

3. “They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?

Ans: The young seagull was about to attempt his first flight and was filled with anticipation and anxiety. He saw his family flying in the sky and enjoying themselves. His parents were teaching the younger ones to fly and were motivating and mocking him for not being able to. They also threatened to leave him on the ledge and feed him no food if he does not try. They wanted him to get over his fear and learn to fly and enjoy this blessing as a bird. It’s also a survival skill and hence was important to learn.

4. Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parents encouraged you to do something that you were too scared to try? Discuss this in pairs or groups.

Ans: While growing up everyone has multiple experiences where their parents encourage them to do something we are afraid to try as a child. I loved watching kids skating in the park. I was young at that time, around 6-7 years. Since I always begged about getting skates and learning them, my parents got them for me. I happily wore them but fell soon after I stood up. After that, I was a mess. I refused to try skating, no matter how hard my parents tried to convince me. After many years I came across them again. I was still sceptical about trying it but eventually gathered courage and put them on. I fell multiple times, but I still tried and then eventually learned how to skate. After that, I enjoyed skating a lot.

5. In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, and a foregone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given in answer to the previous question, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try, regardless of a possibility of failure

Ans: We are made to believe as individuals that we must exceed at everything we try. This toxic positivity does affect us in the long run, and it becomes difficult for us to accept failures. My success in skating was not guaranteed but seeing other kids skate so well did put pressure on me to ace in it. I believe it was the frustration of not being able to succeed on the first try that made me give it up so fast. But later when I tried, regardless of the possibility of failure, I succeeded and that feeling was fulfilling.


Write a short composition on your initial attempts at learning a skill. You could describe the challenges of learning to ride a bicycle or learning to swim. Make it as humorous as possible. 

Ans: When I first started learning to ride a bicycle it was an absolute mess. I got a new bicycle when I was 6 years old. It had training wheels, so it wasn’t much trouble to learn to pedal it but when the wheels were removed, it became a hustle and nuisance for me. I fell down multiple times, got hurt lord knows how many times and then left, being irritated with it. I begged my parents to attach the wheels back again and they refused. It was my elder sister who taught me how to cycle. She held me from behind, encouraged me to keep my balance and just kept looking forward. It is one of the sweetest memories I have with her.

II. The Black Aeroplane by Fredrick Forsyth

Thinking about the Text

1. “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?

Ans: The pilot took the risk of flying through the harsh weather. The sky was overcast with clouds. He took this risk because he was excited to fly his old Dakota aeroplane over France to England, to celebrate Christmas with his family.

2. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.

Ans: The pilot took the risk of flying in the severe weather but as soon as he flew into the storm his surroundings turned completely black. Along with his other devices like radio, his compass also stopped working and it turned round and round. He felt his end was near, but then he saw another aeroplane that guided him to safety. He was happy to find a helper and with enough fuel for five or ten minutes, he safely landed his plane.

3. Why does the narrator say, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota…”?

Ans: The narrator was excited to fly the old Dakota aeroplane to England, to celebrate Christmas with family. But he got caught in a storm and was saved by a guide plane. He was delighted to be out of the storm and safely land and hence was not sad about moving away from the old plane. 

4. What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

Ans: The narrator was concerned about the other pilot who saved his life because after landing he could not see any other plane on the runway. He was worried about the fellow pilot and wanted to express his gratitude but when he asked the woman in the control room, she was surprised because the radar did not show any other plane.

5. Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.

Ans: The narrator got worried and anxious when he realized his death was near as the plane was caught in the storm and had enough fuel only for five or ten minutes. It must have been his subconscious that would have guided him through this trouble as there was no other plane in the storm, as told by the woman in the control room. It can also be a strand of his imagination or hallucination that would have shown up because of the panic his brain was in.

Thinking About the Language:

I. Try to guess the meanings of the word ‘black’ in the sentences given below. Check the meanings in the dictionary and find out whether you have guessed right.

1. Go and have a bath; your hands and face are absolutely black.________

Ans: The meaning of ‘black’ in this sentence is that the face and hands are dark with dust and heat.

2. The taxi driver gave Ratan a black look as he crossed the road when the traffic light was green. ___________

Ans: Here, ‘black’ refers to an angry look.

3. The bombardment of Hiroshima is one of the blackest crimes against humanity. __________

Ans: Here, ‘blackest’ refers to the darkest and cruellest crime against humanity.

4. Very few people enjoy Harold Pinter’s black comedy. ___________

Ans: Here, ‘black’ refers to dark and gloomy comedy.


5. Sometimes shopkeepers store essential goods to create false scarcity and then sell these in black. ____________

Ans: The meaning of ‘black’ in this sentence is that the shopkeepers sell the described goods ‘at a higher price.’

6. Villagers had beaten the criminal black and blue. ____________

Ans: Here, ‘black’ means that the criminal suffered excessive beating at the hands of the villagers.

II. Match the Phrases Given Under Column A With Their Meanings Given Under Column B:



Fly a flag

Move quickly/suddenly

Fly into rage

Be successful

Fly along

Display a flag on a long pole

Fly high

Escape from a place

Fly the coop

Become suddenly very angry




Fly a flag

Display a flag on a long pole

Fly into rage

Become suddenly very angry

Fly along

Move quickly/suddenly

Fly high

Be successful

Fly the coop

Escape from a place

III. We know That the Word ‘Fly’ (of Birds/Insects) Means to Move Through the Air Using Wings. Tick the Words Which Have the Same or Nearly the Same Meaning.

Swoop flit paddle flutter

ascend float ride skim

sink dart hover glide

descend soar shoot spring

stay fall sail flap

Ans: The words which have the same or nearly the same meaning as ‘fly’ are swoop, flit, float, dart, soar, hover, sail, skim, glide, and flutter. Swoop means to move quickly down through the air, flit means to move abruptly, float means to hover lightly, dart means to move rapidly, soar means to fly about, hover means to stay at a place in the air, sail means to move smoothly, skim means to move lightly, glide means to have a smooth continuous motion and flutter means to hover. 


Have you ever been alone or away from home during a thunderstorm? Narrate your experience in a paragraph. 

Ans: Yes, I was once away from home during a thunderstorm. I was at my grandparent’s home when the weather suddenly changed, and clouds spread across the sky. My grandparents had to leave because of some emergency, and I was inevitably bound to stay home, alone. I am fond of rain and thunder, so it isn't much of a problem for me. But that night staying alone at home was scary. Even a slight thunder scared me, and I just tossed over in my bed the whole night.

Benefits of NCERT English Chapter 3 Class 10 Question Answers:

  • NCERT Solutions provides detailed explanations and insights for "Two Stories About Flying," ensuring students understand both parts thoroughly.

  • The solutions offer precise and well-structured answers for Two Stories About Flying Questions and Answers, helping students prepare effectively for exams.

  • Specific answers ensure students can focus on the key points of the chapter, aiding in better retention and understanding.

  • The availability of PDF allows students to study anytime, anywhere, making revision convenient.  

  • NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Two Stories about Flying Question Answers helps in breaking down complex themes and narratives, making them easier to comprehend.

  • By covering English Chapter 3 Class 10 Question Answer thoroughly, these solutions prepare students for various types of questions that might appear in exams.

  • The solutions for Class 10 English Lesson 3 Question Answers serve as a valuable resource for students, offering in-depth analysis and explanations.

  • The solutions available in Class 10 English Chapter 3 PDF format ensure that students have easy access to study material, facilitating efficient study sessions.

  • With a focus on Class 10 English Chapter 3 NCERT Solutions helps students concentrate on the essential aspects of the chapter, enhancing their learning experience.

  • The solutions provide a well-rounded approach to Two Stories About Flying, covering all important questions and answers, and ensuring students are well-prepared for their exams.


The chapter "Two Stories about Flying" encompasses two compelling narratives that explore themes of fear, courage, and unexpected assistance. "His First Flight" depicts a young seagull's journey from trepidation to triumph, while "Black Aeroplane" tells of a pilot's mysterious rescue during a perilous flight. Together, these stories highlight the importance of overcoming fear and the surprising ways help can arrive, offering valuable life lessons to readers. Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for the Class 10 English Chapter 3 Question Answers which students can download in PDF format for FREE compiled by master teachers so that you can be exam-ready!

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 3 Two Stories About Flying

1. Give the Symbolic Meaning of this Line “I Will Take the Risk?”

This line from “The Black Aeroplane” symbolically tries to give insight into the psychological condition of a pilot who is desperate to meet his family after many days. In the course of his journey, he encountered a massive storm that posed threats to his long-cherished wish of getting back home sooner. However, it was the power of his desire to meet the family that made him take that risk to fly the plane into the storm. He was instilled with the courage to drive past all hardship and emerge victorious with his inner strength.

2. Give the Significance of the Phrase “The Sight of the Food Maddened Him?”

This line essentially conveys the dire desperateness that the hungry seagull encountered when it was left alone on the cliff torn apart from its family. The hunger was an impediment that forced the seagull to gather courage and jump off the cliff to catch the fish that its mother had thrown at it. Ironically the seagull that was afraid to take its first flight initially was compelled by its hunger to take a great risk. But it was the moment of courage and getting rid of dire hardship that made it fearless and gave me a conviction to fly.

3. What message Class 10 English NCERT First Flight Chapter 3 Solution Convey?

The Two Stories About Flying Questions and Answers - The Black Aeroplane by Fredrick Forsyth and “His First Flight “ by Liam Oh Hearty. The solutions provide detailed and analysed answers to the conceptual questions of both stories. It also provides insights to the imagery and metaphor that are used in the plot to reflect upon the major themes of fear and struggle faced by man and animal alike. The solution also helps the students to understand rhetorical devices as well as the meaning of important words used in the chapter.

4. Narrate the theme of the Two Stories About Flying.

The message that we get from Two Stories About Flying is that sometimes we reach a place where we lose hope, and it's just fear surrounding us. We cannot see any way to get out of this awkward situation. To come out of such situations, inner strength and determination are significant. These qualities will also give us the courage to face any situation in our lives.

5. What is the message one gets from the lesson Two Stories About Flying?

The message that we get from Two Stories About Flying is that sometimes we reach a place where we lose hope, and it's just fear surrounding us. We cannot see any way to get out of this awkward situation. In order to come out of such situations, inner strength and determination are significant. These qualities will also give us the courage to face any situation in our lives.

6. When the narrator says, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota study rankers”, What he meant?

The narrator said that after landing he was not sorry to walk away from old Dakota study rankers because he had a dreadful experience of flying the plane and had almost lost all hopes. He was very unsure that he could ever land. When he landed safely, his happiness knew no bounds, so he was not sorry to walk away. 

7. Give the symbolic meaning of the line, “I will take the risk in the Black Aeroplane”.

The line “I will take the risk” from Black Aeroplane convey the inner determination of the pilot to be united with his family, but unfortunately, the storm makes him feel impossible to make it happen. However, his strong desire and determination to meet his family make him take the risk and fly the plane in the storm. He overcomes all hardships to reach his goal. His determination makes him victorious. Visit Class 10 Chapter The First Flight for more details.

8. Where can I find NCERT Two Stories About Flying Questions and Answers PDF?

You can easily access and download the FREE Class 10 English Chapter 3 PDF here on Vedantu which you can even access offline.

9. How do the seagull's parents encourage him to fly?

The seagull's parents encourage him by scolding and threatening him with starvation if he does not learn to fly. They also demonstrate flying and fetching food to motivate him.

10. What finally prompts the young seagull to fly?

The young seagull is finally prompted to fly when his mother tempts him with food, and in his desperation to reach the food, he jumps off the ledge and discovers his ability to fly.