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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Kar Chale Hum Fida


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Chapter 6 Kar Chale Hum Fida Hindi (Sparsh) - FREE PDF Download

Explore the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6  Kar Chale Hum Fida. This resource helps students understand the chapter better. It includes clear explanations, summaries, and answers to NCERT questions according to the Latest CBSE Class 10 Hindi Syllabus. By downloading this free PDF, students can get the help they need to study and prepare for their exams effectively.

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This guide provides easy-to-understand answers and key points that simplify learning. It is designed for students to grasp the main ideas of the chapter without difficulty. With these NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi, students can practise and improve their skills in Hindi. Don't miss the chance to download this valuable resource for free and enhance your learning experience.

Glance on Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6 - Kar Chale Hum Fida (Poem)

  • Theme of Sacrifice: The poem pays homage to the brave soldiers who sacrifice their lives for the country. It emphasises the nobility of their actions and the commitment they show towards their homeland.

  • Emotional Depth: Through evocative language and powerful imagery, the poet conveys the deep emotional connection that individuals have with their country, highlighting the pain and pride associated with such sacrifices.

  • Patriotism: The poem instils a sense of patriotism, urging readers to honour the sacrifices made by the soldiers and recognise the importance of their contributions to the nation’s security and freedom.

  • Imagery and Symbolism: Azmi employs rich imagery and symbolism throughout the poem to illustrate the struggles faced by soldiers, creating a vivid picture of their experiences and emotions.

  • Inspiration for Future Generations: The poem serves as an inspiration for young readers, encouraging them to reflect on the values of bravery, duty, and commitment to the nation.

  • Cultural Significance: The poem is not only a tribute to soldiers, but also a reminder of the collective responsibility of citizens to uphold the values of sacrifice and dedication to the country.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Kavita कर चले हम फ़िदा

(क) निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-

1. क्या इस गीत की कोई ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि है?

उत्तर:- इस गीत को सन 1962 के भारत-चीन युद्ध की ऐतिहासिक पृष्ठभूमि के समय लिखा गया था| चीन ने तिब्बत की ओर से आक्रमण किया और भारतीय वीरों ने इस आक्रमण का मुकाबला वीरता के साथ किया|

2. ‘सर हिमालय का हमने न झुकने दिया’, इस पंक्ति में हिमालय किस बात का प्रतीक है?

उत्तर:- हिमालय भारत के मान सम्मान का प्रतीक है| हमारे अनेक शादी के सिर में लड़ते हुए वीरगति को प्राप्त हो गए थेतथा देश के मान सम्मान को सुरक्षित रखा|

3. इस गीत में धरती को दुलहन क्यों कहा गया है?

उत्तर:- जिस तरह दुल्हन को लाल जोड़े में सजाया जाता है उसी तरह भारतीय सैनिकों ने अपने प्राणों की आहुति देकर धरती को खून के लाल रंग से सजा दिया इसलिए इस गीत को दुल्हन कहा गया है|

4. गीत में ऐसी क्या खास बात होती है कि वे जीवन भर याद रह जाते हैं?

उत्तर:- गीतों में हृदय को स्पर्श करने वाली भाषा और संगीत का तालमेल होता है जिससे वे हमें जीवन भर याद रह जाते हैं|

5. कवि ने ‘साथियो’ संबोधन का प्रयोग किसके लिए किया है?

उत्तर- कवि ने ‘साथियो’ संबोधन का प्रयोग देशवासियों के लिए किया है, जो देश की एकता को दिखा रहा है। देशवासियों का संगठन ही देश को विकासशील तथा समृद्धशाली बनाता है। देशवासियों का  साथ ही देश की ‘अनेकता में एकता’ को मजबूत बनाता है।

6. कवि ने इस कविता में किस काफ़िले को आगे बढ़ाते रहने की बात कही है?

उत्तर:- कवि की इच्छा है कि यदि सैनिकों की टोली शहीद भी हो जाए तो बाकी बचे हुए सैनिक युद्ध की राह पर बढ़ते चले| यहां देश की रक्षा करने वाले सैनिकों के समूह के लिए काफिले शब्द का प्रयोग किया गया है

7. इस गीत में ‘सर पर कफ़न बाँधना’ किस ओर संकेत करता है?

उत्तर- इस गीत में ‘सर पर कफ़न बाँधना’ देश के लिए अपना सब कुछ अर्थात् संपूर्ण समर्पण की ओर संकेत करता है। सिर पर कफन बाँधकर चलने वाला व्यक्ति अपने प्राणों से मोह नहीं करता, अन्यथा  अपने प्राणों का बलिदान देने के लिए हमेशा तत्पर रहता है इसलिए हर सैनिक हमेशा मौत को गले लगाने के लिए तैयार रहता है।

8. इस कविता का प्रतिपाद्य अपने शब्दों में लिखिए।

उत्तर:-प्रस्तुत कविता देश के सैनिकों की भाषा में लिखी गई है जो कि उनके देशभक्ति की भावना को दिखाती है| यह कविता सैनिकों के दिल की आवाज को व्यक्त करती हैं जिन्हें अपने देश के लिए किए गए हर कार्य हर बलिदान पर गर्व है|

(ख) निम्नलिखित का भाव स्पष्ट कीजिए-

1. साँस थमती गई, नब्ज़ जमती गई

फिर भी बढ़ते कदम को न रुकने दिया|

उत्तर:- इन पंक्तियों में कवि ने भारतीय जवानों के साहस की सराहना की है| भारतीय जवानों ने चीनी आक्रमण के समय हिमालय की बर्फीली चोटियों पर लड़ाई लड़ी| इतनी ठंड के समय में उनके साथ घुटने लगी थी साथ ही तापमान कम होने से नव भी जम गई थी परंतु वह किसी भी बात की परवाह किए बिना आगे बढ़ते रहे और हर मुश्किल का सामना किया|

2. खींच दो अपने खू से जमीं पर लकीर

इस तरफ़ आने पाए न रावन कोई|

उत्तर:- यह गीत  की प्रेरणा देने वाली पंक्तियां हैं कभी का भाव है कि भारत भूमि सीता की तरह पवित्र है शत्रु की रावण हरण करने के लिए उसकी तरफ बढ़ रहा है इसलिए उसको आग्रह है कि हम आगे बढ़ कर उसकी रक्षा करें तथा ऐसी लक्ष्मण रेखा के नीचे की शत्रु आगे बढ़ने ना पाए यानी उसे रोकने का प्रयास करें|

3. छू न पाए सीता का दामन कोई

राम भी तुम, तुम्हीं लक्ष्मण साथियो |

उत्तर:- कवि सैनिकों को बताना चाहता है कि भारत का सम्मान सीता की पवित्रता के समान है देश की रक्षा करना तुम्हारा प्रथम कर्तव्य है देश की पवित्रता की रक्षा राम और लक्ष्मण की तरह करना है नाम तथा लक्ष्मण का कर्तव्य भी हम सबको ही निभाना है|

भाषा अध्ययन

1. इस गीत में कुछ विशिष्ट प्रयोग हुए हैं। गीत के संदर्भ में उनका आशय स्पष्ट करते हुए अपने वाक्यों में प्रयोग कीजिए।

कट गए सर, नब्ज़ जमती गई, जान देने की रुत, हाथ उठने लगे


1. युद्ध के क्षेत्र में क्षत्रुओं के सर कट जाए

2. युद्ध के समय तापमान इतना अधिक था कि सबकी नब्ज जम गई|

3. शत्रु की तैयारी देख कर सब जान गए कि यह जान देने की रुत है|

4. भगवान के दर्शन होते ही जयकारे के साथ सबके हाथ उठने लगे|

Summary of Chapter 6 - Kar Chale Hum Fida 

This poem is written in the historical background of the 1962 Indo-China war. China fought on the side of Tibet and Indian heroes faced it bravely. Songs have the qualities of emotionality, musicality, rhythmicity, truth etc., due to which they are remembered for life. The spirit of patriotism and sacrifice is clearly visible in the song 'Kar Chale Hum Fida' which has struck a chord in the mind of every Indian.

The soldier will never back down from saving the honour of the country. With the hope that the enemy could never cross the borderline of blood drawn by him, he is leaving the burden of protecting the country to the countrymen. The soldier says in this chapter that there are very few opportunities to lay down his life for the country.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6 - Kar Chale Hum Fida (Poem)

By utilising NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 Poem Kar Chale Hum Fida, students can deepen their understanding of the poem, improve their analytical skills, and cultivate a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made by individuals for their country.

  • In-depth Understanding of Themes: The NCERT Solutions provide detailed explanations of the poem’s themes, such as sacrifice and patriotism. This helps students grasp the profound meanings behind the verses and appreciate the emotional depth of the poem.

  • Analysis of Poetic Devices: The solutions break down various poetic devices used by Kaifi Azmi, including imagery, symbolism, and metaphors. Understanding these elements enhances students’ literary appreciation and analytical skills.

  • Structured Responses for Exam Preparation: With organised answers to chapter-related questions, students can prepare effectively for exams. The structured format aids in learning how to articulate their interpretations clearly.

  • Encouragement of Critical Thinking: The poem encourages readers to reflect on the concepts of duty and sacrifice. The NCERT Solutions prompt critical thinking, allowing students to connect the poem's themes to their own lives and experiences.

  • Improvement of Language Skills: Engaging with these solutions helps students enhance their language skills, as they learn to express complex ideas and emotions effectively in their responses.

  • Accessibility of Resources: The NCERT Solutions are readily available online, providing easy access for students to review and study at their convenience, reinforcing their learning experience.

  • Inspiration and Motivation: The themes of sacrifice and commitment in "Kar Chale Hum Fida" serve as a source of inspiration, motivating students to honour the values of bravery and dedication in their own lives.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi (Sparsh) Chapter 6: Kar Chale Hum Fida (Poem) are invaluable resources for students looking to enhance their understanding of this impactful poem by Kaifi Azmi. These solutions provide clear insights into the themes of sacrifice, patriotism, and valour, helping students appreciate the emotional depth and literary beauty of the text. By offering structured answers and detailed explanations, the solutions prepare students effectively for their exams while encouraging critical thinking and personal reflection on the values of duty and commitment. The accessibility of these resources ensures that students can engage with the material conveniently, making their learning experience both enriching and rewarding. Ultimately, the insights gained from this chapter and its accompanying solutions inspire students to honour the sacrifices made by individuals for the nation and to embody these values in their own lives.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Kar Chale Hum Fida

1. Where can Students Find NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Kar Chale Hum Fida?

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 Kar Chale Hum Fida by Kaifi Azami can be found on the website and the application of Vedantu. These solutions are easy to download and will not take much time. The solutions are created with the help of experienced teachers who have a fair idea about the topic.

2. How can one Download NCERT Solutions for Class 10th Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6?

You need to visit the website and then download the PDF file to get the solutions. The PDF is available for free download.

3. Should I learn the poem ‘Kar Chale Hum Fida’ for board examinations?

No, there is no need to learn the poem’ Kar Chale Hum Fida’ word by word. Questions that are frequently asked in the board examinations from this chapter are based on the understanding of the poem. You should know the meaning of each and every line of the poem. Understand and learn all the literary devices that are used in the poem. You can attempt CBSE practice papers as well.

4. What is the message of the Indian soldiers to everyone in the poem ‘Kar Chale Hum Fida’?

The writer through the medium of Indian soldiers in his poem wants to evoke the feeling of patriotism in the people of India. They ask people to be brave and courageous for their country. And to not fear death if it comes while protecting their homeland. The writer encourages the youth to join the army and serve their country and sacrifice themselves if that day comes. Die rather than bowing your head in front of the enemies.

5. Can I find the meaning of Class 10 Hindi Sparsh Chapter 6 ‘Kar Chale Hum Fida’ in NCERT Solutions?

Yes, you can find a summary of this poem, Kar Chale Hum Fida in NCERT Solutions. Vedantu provides a brief summary of every chapter before the NCERT Solutions. You can visit Vedantu’s web page where you can find the meaning of each line of the poem ' Kar Chale Hum Fida’. The explanation provided is easy to understand and does not include any additional information. You can also find word meanings of difficult words from the poem.

6. Can I find NCERT solutions for class 10 Sparsh chapter 6 in a PDF format? 

Yes, you can find the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sparsh Chapter 6 in a PDF format. You can visit the website to obtain a PDF file of NCERT solutions. Vedantu provides NCERT solutions in a PDF format for when you want to study offline without any distraction. You can download it from their web page. NCERT Solutions are curated by experts that are highly qualified in the given subject.  The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.

7. What problems are mentioned in chapter “Kar Chale Hum Fida’ that are faced by the Indian army while they protect our country?

The Indian army has to go through many hardships in order to keep our homeland safe. In this poem, the writer mentions that in the Himalayas, in extremely cold weather, even when ice runs in their veins and they get brain freeze, they continue to protect the borders of our country. There is a constant threat to their lives at the border due to extreme weather, heights and sudden situation of war.