NCERT Solutions for Science Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment FREE PDF Download
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment
1. What types of questions are there in our environment class 10 questions and answers?
The types of questions that you will come across in the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 are as follows.
Very short answer type questions
Short answer type questions
Long answer type questions
There are 3 multiple-choice questions and 1 very short answer type of question in the NCERT Solutions Class 10 Science Chapter 13. You can answer the very short answer type of questions in one sentence. There are about 7 short answer type of questions and 5 long answer type of questions in the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment. All the questions given in the exercise of the chapter are solved as per the CBSE Class 10 guidelines are solved in these NCERT Solutions.
2. Where can I get the best NCERT Solutions for ch 13 science class 10?
You can get the best NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment on Vedantu. It is a leading ed-tech and students from all across the country vouch for the readability and reliability of NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu. The NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment are in alignment with the latest CBSE Class 10 syllabus and answer format. So, you can download and refer to these NCERT Solutions for your exam preparation. These NCERT Solutions will guide you to write precise answers for all types of questions commonly asked in the examination.
3. Can I download class 10, our environment NCERT Solutions?
Yes, you can download the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment for absolutely free of cost. These NCERT Solutions are available in PDF format on Vedantu. You can download this PDF and refer to these solutions even when you are not connected to the internet.
4. What is meant by biological magnification from our environment class 10 NCERT solutions? Give an example.
The gradual accumulation of toxic chemical compounds in the body of living organisms at various trophic levels of the food chain, is called biological magnification. As we go up a food chain, the concentration of these toxic substances will go on increasing, and the maximum concentration of these toxic substances can be observed at the highest trophic level.
A very common example of biological magnification is the accumulation of insecticides or chemical fertilizers in organisms at various levels of food chains.
5. What is the environment according to Class 10 Science Chapter 13?
The environment is something that consists of various biotic and abiotic components, such as plants, animals, human beings, and other physical non-living components that coexist in an area together and interact with each other in order to maintain the balance of nature. The environment can also be defined in simpler terms as the immediate surrounding in which one lives. You will come across this topic in the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 given on Vedantu.
6. What is Our Environment explained in class 10 science chapter 13 question answers?
Our Environment is Chapter 13 of the Class 10 Science NCERT textbook. This chapter deals with our ecosystem, ecology and the various aspects related to our surroundings and its betterment. It is crucial to understand that the unnecessary use of natural resources will lead to severe problems in the future when our planet fails to provide us with any more resources. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Our Environment PDF is created by a team of experts.
7. How can we protect our environment according to Class 10 Chapter 13?
Class 10 science our environment question answers explains that the environment is something that needs to be protected not just for nature’s benefit but for our benefit as well. Exploiting the natural resources and the environment as a whole will cost future generations to come. So, everyone must try to save the environment by altering their transport choices, reducing the number of chemicals and usage of effluents, planting more trees, making wise energy choices, and not depleting natural resources.
8. Why are plastics and other man-made substances not broken down by the action of bacteria or other Saprophytes? How are these substances broken down discussed in our environment class 10 questions and answers?
Plastics and other man-made substances are non-biodegradable in nature and hence, they are not decomposed by microorganisms or decomposers like bacteria or other saprophytes present in the environment. These non-biodegradable wastes then accumulate in the environment, pollute land and water and result in a global problem. These plastics and man-made substances ultimately settle at the bottom of the oceans and are usually broken down over a long period of time by the action of sunlight, marine animals, and oxidation.
9. How is using Vedantu for our environment class 10 PDF advantageous?
The Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Our Environment Chapter 13 Class 10 Science are beneficial for the students of Class 10, who are willing to gain knowledge as well as score good marks in their examination. These solutions are prepared by a group of experts who have worked hard in putting up a simpler version of the story, summarised it and also given the solutions to each question in a very precise manner. The PDF can be downloaded free of cost from the Vedantu website ( and the app.