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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Sectors of the Indian Economy - FREE PDF Download

The Sectors of Indian Economy Class 10 Economics NCERT Solutions, Explores the three pillars – primary (agriculture), secondary (manufacturing), and tertiary (services) – that contribute to national development. Focus on the changing landscape of the economy, understand disguised unemployment, and discover the importance of the informal sector. This chapter equips you to be an informed citizen who appreciates the multifaceted nature of India's economic growth.

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The answers provided by Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 are clear and exact solutions to all questions. These solutions help understand complex subjects and study effectively for tests. Check out the revised Class 10 social science syllabus and start with Vedantu for your academic excellence.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy

  • Economics Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answer, learn about the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors – the building blocks of India's economy. Explore the distinct activities and roles of each sector in production and growth.

  • Uncover how the relative importance of each sector (agriculture, industry, services) has changed over time in the Indian economy in Economics Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answer.

  • Learn about the concept of disguised unemployment, a unique challenge faced in some sectors, particularly the primary sector.

  • Gain insights into the significant role of the informal sector, which often operates outside regulations, in the Indian economy.

  • NCERT Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 questions and answers PDF offer clear, precise answers to textbook questions, aiding in comprehension and exam preparation.

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Exercise solutions

1. Fill in the blanks using the correct option given in the bracket:

i. Employment in the service sector ______ increased to the same extent as production. (has/has not)

ii. Workers in the _____ sector do not produce goods. (tertiary/agriculture)

iii. Most of the workers in the _____ sector enjoy job security. (organised/unorganised)

iv. A _____ proportion of labourers in India are working in the unorganised sector. (large/small).

v. Cotton is a _____ product and cloth is a _______ product. (natural/manufactured)

vi. The activities in primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors are ______. (independent/interdependent)


i. Has not

ii. Tertiary

iii. Organised

iv. Large

v. Natural

v. Interdependent

2. Choose the most appropriate answer.

a. The sectors are classified into public and private sectors on the basis of:

i. Employment conditions

ii. The nature of economic activity

iii. Ownership of enterprises

iv. Number of workers employed in the enterprise

Ans: Option iii) ownership of enterprise

b. Production of a commodity, mostly through the natural process, is an activity in _____ sector.

i. Primary

ii. Secondary

iii. Tertiary

iv. Informative technology

Ans: Option i) Primary

c. GDP is the total value of ______ produced during a particular year.

i. All goods and services

ii. All final goods and services

iii. All intermediate goods and services

iv. All intermediate and final goods and services

Ans: Option ii) All final goods and services

d. In terms of GDP, the share of the tertiary sector in 2003 is _____

i. Between 20 per cent and 30 per cent

ii. Between 30 per cent and 40 per cent

iii. Between 50 per cent and 60 per cent

iv. 70 percent

Ans: Option iii) between 50 per cent and 60 per cent

3. Match the following:


Problems faced by farming sector


Some possible measures


Unirrigated land


Setting up agro-based mills


Low prices for crops


Cooperative marketing societies


Debt burden


Procurement of food grains by government


No job in the off-season


Construction of canals by the government


Compelled to sell their grains to the local traders soon after harvest


Banks to provide credit with low interest



Problems faced by farming sector


Some possible measures


Unirrigated land


Construction of canals by the government.


Low prices for crops


Procurement of food grains by the government.


Debt burden


Banks provide credit with low interest.


No job in the off season


Setting up agro-based mills


Compelled to sell their grains to the local traders soon after harvest


Cooperative marketing societies.

4. Find the odd one out and say why.

i. Tourist guide, dhobi, tailor, potter

ii. Teacher, doctor, vegetable, vendor, lawyer

iii. Postman, cobbler, soldier, police constable

iv. MTNL, Indian Railways, Air India, SAHARA Airlines, All India Radio


i. Tourist guide, appointed by the government.

ii. Vegetable vendor, since it does not require a formal education.

iii. Cobbler - workers in the public sector, his profession belongs to the private sector.

iv. SAHARA Airlines is a private enterprise, others are government undertakings.

5. A research scholar looked at the working people in the city of Surat and found the following.

Place of work

Nature of employment 

Percentage of working people

In offices and factories registered with the government



Own shops, offices, clinics in the marketplace with formal licence



People working on the street, construction workers, domestic workers



Working in small workshops usually not registered with the government



Complete the table. What is the percentage of workers in the unorganised sector in this city?


Place of Work

Nature of Employment 

Percentage of Working People

In offices and factories registered with the government



Own shops, offices, clinics in the marketplace with formal licence



People working on the street, construction workers, domestic workers



Working in small workshops usually not registered with the government



The worker percentage of the unorganised sector in the city is 70%.

6. Do you think the classification of economic activities into primary, secondary, and tertiary is useful? Explain how.

Ans: Yes, classification of economic activities into primary, tertiary, and secondary is very much useful since it can give information on how and where the people of a country are employed.

It also helps in ascertaining, which sector of economic activity is contributing more or less in the GDP of the country and per capita income.

For example: Suppose if the tertiary sector is developing much faster compared to the primary sector, it means agriculture is depleting. We can observe that the agriculture profession is getting unpopular or regressive, if we classify economic activities for smooth administration as well as development.

7. For each of the sectors that we came across in this chapter, why should one focus on employment and GDP? Could there be other issues which should be examined? Discuss.

Ans: Each sector should focus on employment and GDP since these determine the size of a country’s economy. Focus on employment and GDP will definitely help in determining two important things, that is, per capita income and productivity.

So, in each sector, employment rate, status, and its contribution towards the GDP, which helps to understand how a particular sector is functioning and what can be done to initiate future growth.

Other related issues which need to be examined are as follows:

  • Balanced regional development

  • Equality in income and wealth among all the citizens of the country.

  • Modernization of technology.

  • How to eradicate poverty

  • Self-reliance of the country

  • To have surplus food production in India.

8. Make a long list of all kinds of work that you find adults around you doing for a living. In what way can you classify them? Explain your choice.



Nature of work

Nature of activity



Bank Clerk




Freelancer cartoonist




Construction worker




Doctor in AIIMS




DTC bus driver








Guest house receptionist




Tailoring shop




Public sector factory supervisor



We have classified them according to the nature of the activity and whether they are working in an organised or unorganised sector. This gives us information on how and where people are employed.

9. How is the tertiary sector different from other sectors? Illustrate with a few examples.

Ans: The tertiary sector is different from the other 2 sectors because the other two sectors produce goods, the only difference is that this sector does not manufacture goods by themselves. The activities under this sector help in developing the primary and secondary sectors. These activities support the manufacturing process.

Example: communication, banking, storage, insurance, transport, trade etc. Hence, these are called the service sector.

10. What do you understand by disguised unemployment? Explain with an example each from the urban and rural areas.

Ans: Disguised unemployment is when the people who are visibly employed but they are actually unemployed. This kind of situation is called Hidden Unemployment.

For example:

  • In rural areas, this kind of employment is found in the agriculture sector, suppose in a family of 9 people everyone is engaged and doing work in the same agricultural area. If 4 people are removed from it, there will be no reduction in the result. Hence, these 4 people are actually disguisedly employed.

  • In urban areas, this kind of unemployment can be seen in service sectors, for example, in a family where all the members are working in a small business which can be managed by a less number of people.


11. Distinguished between open unemployment and disguised unemployment.


Open Unemployment

Disguised Unemployment

If a country’s labour does not get an opportunity for adequate employment, this situation is called open unemployment.

In Disguised unemployment, people who are visibly employed but actually don’t have full employment. 

This type of unemployment is found in the industrial sector of our country. This is also among the landless agricultural labourers in rural areas.

It is generally found in the unorganised sector where work is not continuously available or many labourers are employed for the same amount of work.

12. “Tertiary sector is not planning any significant role in the development of Indian economy”. Do you agree? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Ans: No, I don’t agree with this statement. The tertiary sector has contributed immensely in the last two decades in the Indian economy. The information technology field has grown, and the GDP share of the tertiary sector has grown from 40% in 1973 to 50% in 2003.

13. Service sector in India employs two different kinds of people. Who are these?

Ans: The service sector in India employs:

  • The people who are there in this service may directly help in the production of goods. For example, people in transportation, storage, communication, finance etc.

  • The people involved in these services are not directly helping in the production of goods. For example, teachers, doctors, barbers, cobblers, lawyers, etc. They are called ancillary workers which means that those who are giving their services to the primary sector providers.

14. Workers are exploited in the unorganised sector. Do you agree with this view? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Ans: Yes, I agree workers are exploited in the unorganised sector:

  • Having no fixed number of working hours. The workers work 10-12 hours without paid overtime.

  • They do not get extra allowances apart from the daily wages.

  • Government rules and regulations for the protection of labourers are not followed.

  • No job security.

  • Jobs are low paid and the workers in this sector are illiterate, ignorant, and unorganised.

15. How are the activities in the economy classified on the basis of employment conditions?

Ans: On the basis of employment conditions, the activities in the economy are classified into organised and unorganised sectors.

  • Organised Sector: This sector covers those enterprises that are registered by the government and have to follow rules and regulations. Example: Reliance, GAIL etc.

  • Unorganised Sector: It consists of small and scattered units which are not in control of the government. They do not follow any rules and regulations made by the government. Example: Casual workers in construction, shops etc. There is no job security.

16. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised sectors.

Ans: Employment conditions in the organised and unorganised sectors are quite different.

  • The organised sector consists of companies registered under government, so it offers job security, paid holidays, pension, health and other benefits, fixed working hours and extra pay for overtime work.

  • Unorganised sector is a host of opportunities, there is no job security as well.

  • No paid holidays or pensions or retirement, no benefits of provident fund or health insurance, no fixed work timings and no guarantee of a hygienic work environment.

17. Explain the objectives of implementing the NREGA 2005.

Ans: The objectives of implementing NREGA 2005 are listed below:

a. To increase income and employment of people.

b. Every state will be able to develop tourism, regional craft, IT etc.

c. Central government made a law to implement, right to work in 200 districts.

d. NREGA aims to provide 100 days of employment.

18. Using examples from your area, compare and contrast the activities and functions of the private and public sectors.


Public Sector: 

  • Public welfare is the main objective.

  • It is managed as well as controlled by the government.

  • It provides education, health, food, and security to the people like Indian railways, Post office, etc.

Private Sector:

  • Maximum profit in terms of earning is the main objective.

  • It is managed and controlled by an individual or group of individuals.

  • It provides consumer goods to the people; Reliance, TISCO.

19. Discuss and fill the following table giving one example each from your area.

Well-Managed Organisation

Badly-Managed Organisation

Public sector

Private sector


Well-Managed Organisation

Badly-Managed Organisation

Public sector

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation

Air India

Private sector

Reliance Jio Telecom


20. Give a few examples of public sector activities and explain why the government has taken them up.


  • Public sector activities, that is, provision of water, electricity, and modes of transport. The government has taken up this because water and power are needed by everyone.

  • If we leave the work of providing electricity and water to the private companies, then the latter may exploit this opportunity.

  • They may sell these at higher rates which the masses cannot afford.

  • To make sure that all the basic amenities such as water and electricity are available for all, the government supplies all these at low and affordable rates.

21. Explain how the public sector contributes to the economic development of a nation.

Ans: Public sector contributes to the economic development of a nation:

  • It promotes rapid economic development by creating and expanding the infrastructure.

  • It creates employment opportunities.

  • It generates financial resources for development.

  • It ensures equal income and wealth, hence a balanced regional development.

  • It encourages the development of small, medium, and large industries.

  • It ensures easy availability of goods at affordable rates.

22. The workers in the unorganised sector need protection on the following issues: wages, safety, and health. Explain with examples.

Ans: Workers in the unorganised sector require protection in terms of wages. Labourers who are employed as vendors or repair men etc. do not have fixed income. They hardly get employed throughout the year.

  • Safety: Workers in the unorganised sector are not provided with safe drinking water or a clean environment. Example: Working in mining, chemical industries is hazardous.

  • Health: Leave is not granted if there is a health issue. Medical aid is not available, e.g., Construction workers.

23. A study in Ahmedabad found that out of 15,00,000 workers in the city, 11,00,000 worked in the unorganised sector. The total income of the city in this year (1997-1998) was Rs 60,000 million. Out of this 32,000 million was generated in the organised sector. Present this data as a table. What kind of ways should be thought of for generating more employment in the city?


Organised Sector

Unorganised Sector


Number of workers




Income (Rs)

32,000 million

28,000 million

60,000 million

  • The larger portion of workers is working in the unorganised sector, the per capita earning of those in organised sector is more.

  • The government should encourage the businessmen in the unorganised sector to change them into the organised sector.

  • Government needs to bring some incentives so that more industries will be started in the organised sector.

24. The following tables gives the GDP in Rupees (Crores) by the three sectors:













i. Calculate the share of the three sectors in GDP for 1950 and 2000.

ii. Show the data as a bar diagram similar to Graph 2 in the chapter.

iii. What conclusions can we draw from the bar graph?


i. In 1950,

Total share of sectors in GDP = (8000+19000+39000) = 138,000 crore

Share of Primary sector = $\dfrac{80000}{138000}\times 100$ = 57.97% 

Share of Secondary sector = $\dfrac{19000}{138000}\times 100$ =13.76% 

Share of Tertiary sector = $\dfrac{99000}{138000}\times 100$ =28.26%

In 2000,

Total share of sectors in GDP = (314000+280000+555000) = 1149000

Share of Primary sector = $\dfrac{314000}{1149000}\times 100$ = 27.32%

Share of Secondary sector = $\dfrac{280000}{1149000}\times 100$ = 24.36%

Share of Tertiary sector = $\dfrac{555000}{1149000}\times 100$ = 48.30%

ii. Bar graph

Bar graph

Bar Graph

iii. The conclusion drawn is that the share of the tertiary sector in the GDP has approximately doubled, the primary sector has halved. The secondary sector has increased by 10% in the last 5 years.

Topics Covered in Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy


Economics Chapter 2 Class 10 Topics


Sectors of Economic Activities


Comparing the Three Sectors


Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India


Division of Sectors as Organised and Unorganised

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of the Indian Economy

  • Sectors of The Indian Economy Class 10 PDF NCERT Solutions cover all the important topics and subtopics of the chapter, providing students with a comprehensive understanding and facilitating effective revision.

  • Sectors of The Indian Economy Class 10 PDF NCERT Solutions can offer detailed explanations of concepts you might find challenging in the textbook, solidifying your grasp of the material.

  • Economics Class 10 Chapter 2 Question Answers are aligned with the updated CBSE guidelines for Class 10, ensuring students are well-prepared for exams.

  • Clear explanations of complex socialist ideas and principles help in grasping the core concepts in Sectors Of The Indian Economy Class 10 NCERT Solutions.

  • In Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 questions and Answers PDF provides accurate answers to textbook questions and assists in effective exam preparation and better performance.

  • Sectors of The Indian Economy Class 10 NCERT Solutions enhance critical thinking skills by analysing the significance of Sectors Of The Indian Economy in shaping modern Economics.

Students can also check and refer to Class 10 Sectors of the Indian Economy Revision Notes and Sectors of the Indian Economy Important Questions available on the official website, to practise and learn effectively.


In Economics Chapter 2 Class 10, Sectors of the Indian Economy, we explored India's economic activities categorised into primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. These sectors play crucial roles in employment, income generation, and overall economic development. Understanding their dynamics helps us grasp the complexities of India's economy and the challenges each sector faces. This knowledge equips us to appreciate the importance of balanced sectoral growth and the need for policies that foster inclusive development and economic progress.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Social Science Economics Chapter 2 Sectors of The Indian Economy

1. How many Chapters are there in CBSE Economics Class 10 other than Chapter 2?

There are 5 chapters in total in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics. A brief overview of them has been provided below for quick reference.

  • Development: An idea of how the Economy affects a country’s growth.

  • Sectors of Indian Economy: The different classifications of economic sectors and their working.

  • Money and Credit: These are the two most important factors of economic growth. Students will know about the history of currency.

  • Globalisation and the Indian Economy: Factors affecting globalisation and the link of globalisation with economies of different countries.

  • Consumer Rights: Consumer Protection Act of 1986 was issued by the government to protect them from unethical business practices.

You can find detailed guides on individual chapters as well on Vedantu’s website.

2. How to prepare for Chapter 2 Economics Class 10?

The first step to prepare for your upcoming board exams is to go through the CBSE prescribed textbooks. Repeated learning and revision of the concepts will help students excel in their answer-framing proficiency. Stress should be put on definitions of GDP, Employment, types of economic sectors, types of unemployment, and their differences.

Reinforcement of important topics in the syllabus can be practised by solving exercises and previous years’ question sets. It is recommended that you take help from study guides like NCERT Solution of Economics Class 10 Chapter 2, to prepare for any type of questions that may be asked in the final exams.

3. From where can you download Economics Class 10 NCERT Solutions Chapter 2 for offline studies?

There are a lot of critical concepts in Chapter 2 Economics Class 10 NCERT Solutions, where students face problems. But at the same time, it is crucial for them to have a clear idea of these concepts to understand the fundamentals of Economy. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 comes with precise answers and explanations on difficult topics. This not only helps them perform well in their board exams but also makes their foundation on Economics firm and prepares them for further study in the subject. You can download Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 solutions in PDF format from online tutoring sites like Vedantu.

4. How many questions are present in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2?

There are a total of 24 questions present in NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2. The first half of the question consists of filling in the blanks. The next part of the questions consists of MCQs. The remaining questions consist of matching the following, finding the odd one out, and reasoning, respectively. All the solutions for these questions are easily available on Vedantu app and website. 

5. Where can I find the correct NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 online?

You can find the correct NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2 on the Vedantu website. Visit the page-NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Economics Chapter 2. This is the most reliable site for the NCERT solutions, as the solutions are very accurate and prepared by subject matter experts who have curated the solutions aligning with the CBSE guidelines.

6. Compare the employment conditions prevailing in the organised and unorganised sectors.

The employment conditions that prevail in the organised and unorganised sectors have a huge difference. The organised sector offers steady salary, job security, paid holidays, pensions, and many more perks that also include health benefits. This is because the organised sector is registered with the government. The unorganised sectors do not offer any of the benefits mentioned above.

7. Explain the objective of implementing the NREGA 2005.

NREGA 2005 was implemented to implement the right-to-work law in 200 districts of the country. People who are willing to work and are looking for a job are benefited from this objective. This objective also states that if the government fails to provide employment, then allowances will be given to families. Complete solutions for this chapter are available on Vedantu free of cost for your reference.

8. Are NCERT Solutions for Chapter 2 of Class 10 Economics important?

Yes, the solutions for NCERT Social Science Class 10 are very important. The solutions will help you prepare for your exams in a better way. Other than that, the solutions will help you understand the topics and concepts very well. Vedantu provides very accurate solutions for students. Hence, if students need solutions, they can always consult Vedantu. On this website, the students will be able to download chapter-wise solutions for every NCERT subject free of cost in PDF format.

9. What are the challenges faced by the industrial sector in India?

According to Ch 2 Economics Class 10, The industrial sector in India faces challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, high costs of production, regulatory complexities, and competition from global markets. These factors affect industrial growth and employment opportunities.

10. How has the service sector grown in importance in India according to Sector of Indian Economy Class 10?

The service sector has become a major contributor to India's GDP and employment due to globalisation, technological advancements, and rising consumer demand for services. It includes diverse industries like IT, banking, healthcare, and tourism, which have expanded significantly in recent decades.