Class 12 NCERT Solutions For English Drama Chapter 1 - Chandalika
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Chapter 1 Drama
1. Why did Prakriti get Obsessed with Ananda, and What did she Decide to do About it?
Prakriti was an untouchable girl or “Chandalika” who has always lived on the fringes of society and shunned by upper caste people. Those who were outside her caste would not even let her touch their things or have water from her hands. When Ananda, a Buddist monk, comes to her and asks for water, she tries to tell him that she is not fit to offer him water. However, the monk tells her she is equal to him like any other human being and takes water from her hands. Prakriti feels elated by this gesture, and her self-esteem gets a boost. Intoxicated by this new feeling, she wants to own Ananda and in that endeavour makes her mother work black magic so that Ananda comes to her.
2. What are the Main Concepts that this Play Tried to Bring Forth?
The play revolves around three main concepts, which are:
It highlights how the caste system in our society can manifest itself psychologically and give inferiority complex to those who are born in the so-called lower caste.
The play conveys that self-realization is the basic need of all human beings. Everyone wants to be acknowledged as equals and given the same status as others. If one gets the required respect and love, they flourish.
There is a thin line between self-realization and vanity. If one gets intoxicated by self-esteem, it could lead to vanity and false pride. That could be detrimental for the growth of the person who acts as their vanity dictates them.
3. Who is the writer of Chapter 1 of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama?
The writer of Chapter 1 'Chandalika' of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama is Rabindranath Tagore, one of the most prominent writers in English literature. Tagore is best known for his poetry. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913 for his popular work of literature ‘Geetanjali’. Tagore was a prolific writer, composer, educationalist, social reformer, philosopher, and painter. He is popularly known for writing the national anthems of India and Bangladesh. He wrote the drama ‘Chandalika’, a story about a girl belonging to an untouchable caste and a monk.
4. Who is Prakriti in Chapter 1 of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama?
Prakriti is the protagonist of the drama ‘Chandalika’ written by Rabindranath Tagore. Chandalika tells the story of a Chandal girl named Prakriti, a member of the lowest untouchable caste, who falls in love with a good-looking monk after giving him water. She couldn't help herself and made her mother recite the spells and bind him so he could be brought to their house in the middle of the night. But later she realizes that no one should be kept in captivity for love.
5. Why did Prakriti' mother cast a spell on Ananda?
When Prakriti met Ananda, the Buddhist monk, his humane behaviour moved her. She wasn’t used to being treated this nicely and hence she got a soft spot for the monk. She liked the monk so much that she couldn’t resist herself and asked her mother to cast a magic spell on him. This spell was meant to bind the monk and bring him to Prakriti and draw him towards her in a lustful manner. However, she knew that casting a spell on a Buddhist devotee would be a sin.
6. Which social evil does Chapter 1 of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama focus on?
In Chapter 1 ‘Chandalika’ of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope, Tagore portrays a socially outcast woman, Prakriti, belonging to the lowest class of society. The central female protagonist in the drama who grew up in an oppressive society, believed that she was socially inferior, to the point that she was convinced that even a simple touch or contact would defile other castes. Such convictions compelled her to refrain from giving water to the thirsty monk who came her way in the first place.
7. How should I prepare Chapter 1 of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama?
Chapter 1 ‘Chandalika’ of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope is quite an interesting story. It enforces a lot of hidden messages to the students regarding society, human nature, etc. to understand this chapter in a better way, the students must read the chapter twice or thrice to get a hold of it. Mark the sections that explain the main events and the theme of the story. Revise the character sketch of all the important characters in the story as well. You can refer to NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Drama provided by Vedantu. These solutions are available at free of cost on the Vedantu website( and mobile app as well.