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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 5 Princess September


Class 8 English (It So Happened) Chapter 5 - Princess September FREE PDF Download

NCERT Solutions for English Chapter 5 Princess September Class 8 provides a comprehensive guide to understanding this delightful story by Somerset Maugham. Class 8 English Chapter Princess September tells the tale of Princess September, whose life changes with the arrival of a charming songbird.

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Princess September Class 8 Question Answer offers detailed explanations of the plot, characters, and themes, helping students grasp the moral and narrative nuances of the story. With clear answers to textbook questions and insightful interpretations, Class 8 English NCERT Solutions enhances students' comprehension and analytical skills, ensuring thorough exam preparation and a deeper appreciation of literature.

Download the FREE PDF of Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 5 Question Answer, updated according to the CBSE Class 8 English Syllabus. Start with Vedantu to pursue a path of academic excellence!

Glance on Class 8 English Chapter 5 Princess September Question Answer

  • Princess September Class 8 tells a charming tale of twin princesses, contrasting personalities, and the magic of kindness, that is beautifully made to engage young minds.

  • Princess September is the youngest of seven princesses who are celebrated for their beauty. She is different because she has a tiny, golden star on her forehead.

  • Princess September's golden star makes her stand out and brings her much attention and admiration from the kingdom.

  • Princess September Question Answers chapter explores themes of beauty, identity, and the power of love to overcome adversity. 

  • Chapter 5 emphasises the importance of inner beauty and true love beyond superficial appearances.

  • Class 8 English Princess September Question Answer delves into themes of sibling rivalry, compassion, and the transformative power of love, offering insights into the characters' growth and relationships.

  • It discusses the use of language, narrative techniques, and the author's style, enhancing appreciation for storytelling and literary craftsmanship.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 5 – Princess September

Comprehension Check

1. How many daughters did the royal couple have?

Ans: A royal couple of Siam had nine daughters who they named following the name of the month.

2. Why were they named after the months of the year?

Ans: They were named following the months of the year since the King and the Queen had several daughters, and it confused the Queen to need to remember so several names.

3. The King had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar?

Ans: The King's peculiar habit was that rather than getting gifts on his birthday, he gave them. It is referred to as peculiar because generally, people get gifts on their birthdays.

4. (i) What was Princess September's reaction to the loss of her parrot?

Ans: When she locked the bird within the cage, it passed away. Princess September sobbed uncontrollably after her parrot died. She kept crying and nothing reassured her.

(ii) What was her mother's reaction to it?

Ans:  Her mother, who did not recognize her feelings, proclaimed it as nonsense. Very cruelly she told her to go to bed without having any supper.

(iii) What do the reactions indicate about the nature and temperament of each?

Ans: The Princess' reaction suggests that she was a young, sensitive child. That is why she cried over the death of her parrot. It was an extremely important thing for her. The death of her parrot filled her with sadness. Her mother's reaction reveals that she was a bit harsh. She did not understand her daughter's sadness and supported her. She did not think that the death of the parrot was in any manner a major incident to weep.

5. What pulled the Princess out of her gloom?

Ans: The Princess was extremely depressed and was lying on her bed crying, she noticed a little bird jumping into her room. The beautiful song of the little bird gave a smile to her face. She wiped her tears and listened to the song. So that the Princess came out of her sadness.

6. How did the Maids of Honour come to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends?

Ans: When the Maids of Honour brought in the princess' breakfast the following morning, they noticed the Princess in a happy mindset. They noticed bird-eating rice out of her hand and taking its bath in her saucer. This revealed to them that the princess and the bird had been turned into close friends.

7. The new bird was full of new songs but the old parrots always repeated themselves. What did they say?

Ans: All of the old parrots knew what they had been taught, such as 'God save the king,' and a few of them could even say 'Pretty Polly' in seven languages. But the new bird sang the songs of its own.

8. What is the King's opinion about his Councillors? Why did he form that opinion?

Ans: The King said that the parrots repeating 'Pretty Polly' in seven different languages reminded him of his Councillors saying the same thing in seven different ways and meant nothing depending on which way they said it. 

This was similar to the way the parrots keep on repeating what they had learned, without understanding the meaning of what they said.

9. (i) The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. What was it?

Ans: The eight princesses were envious of Princess September. They suggested buying a beautiful yellow and green parrot for Princess September by spending all their expenses.

(ii) Why, in your view, did they do it?

Ans: They did so since they have been disturbed by the reality that everyone was honouring Princess September's bird, which could sing. Their parrots looked sad and repeated similar things. They wanted her to have a similar pet as they had.

10. What did the sisters advise the Princess to do about her bird?

Ans: The jealous sisters with the evil intention to harm the bird, advised the Princess to keep her bird in a cage so that she could be sure of where it was.

Comprehension Check

1. In the following sentence elaborate on the parts given in bold. Under the circumstances, it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.

Ans: Under the circumstances, following what the princess’s sisters instructed her to do, she was concerned about the bird. She was afraid that the bird might forget her or begin liking someone else. She thought that in such a circumstance, she would miss her little pet. A very regrettable remark on returning, the bird told that it very nearly did not return that night as its father-in-law was giving a party and had liked it to stay. This was the last thing that the princess would like to hear as it only confirmed her fears.

2. (i) What did Princess September do to ensure the safety of her pet?

Ans: To ensure the safety of her pet, Princess September placed it in the cage.

(ii) How did the bird react to it?

Ans: Bird reacted to it dramatically. He didn’t need to be in a cage. He needed full freedom. He did not like it. It stopped singing and eating.

3. Why did the bird refuse to be taken out in her cage?

Ans: When the princess agreed to take the bird out of its cage daily, it rejected her sincere offer. To the bird, it was not the same as flying into nature freely. The rice fields, the lake, and the willow trees would look different when viewed through the bars of a cage which may not be enjoyable in this little illusion of the freedom the princess was providing.

4. (i) What persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again?

Ans: The Princess noticed the bird almost dead the following morning. He had stopped eating anything. He had stopped singing at all. It didn't open up its eyes yet. This persuaded the Princess to offer the bird freedom again.

(ii) How did the bird react to it?

Ans: The bird was filled with joy. He flew away to the far lands with the promise that he would return and sing for her every time she needed.

5. Princess September kept her window open day and night.

(i) How did it help the bird?

Ans: Princess September kept her window open day and night. This helped the bird as it can come into her room and go away when it feels like it.

(ii) How did it help the Princess herself?

Ans: Sleeping with the window open turned out to be extremely nice for the princess as she swelled extremely beautifully due to this reason. The open window took her nearer to nature which has helped her to grow up naturally.

6. The eight sisters kept their windows shut. How did it affect them?

Ans: The eight sisters grew tremendously horrible and disagreeable. This was because they kept their windows closed and stayed away from the gains of Nature.


1. Are the sisters unkind and cruel? Find evidence in the text to support your idea.

Ans: Yes, the sisters were cruel and harsh. When The sisters noticed that a bird of Princess September could sing and their parrots could just repeat two lines, they became disturbed. They even offered to buy green and yellow parrots for her. When she refused their offer, they persuaded her to put it in the cage knowing the reality that it would hurt the bird. After she had placed the bird into the cage, it stopped singing and eating. When she consulted her sisters, they said they would soon get used to the cage. They even told them that she should be strong, and if it died, then it would be very ungrateful of it. If it was stubborn and died, then it would serve it right. When she left the bird free, they mocked her and said that the bird would never come back. All these occurrences reveal that they were very cruel and heartless.

2. Which, to you, is the most important idea in this story, and why?

  1. Importance of music

  2. value of  freedom

  3. beauty of nature

Ans: The most significant idea in the story is the value of freedom. Nobody should be refused his freedom. A lack of freedom suffocates someone and precludes him from experiencing the beauty of life in its richness. The bird in the story was flying happily. It sang wonderfully and ate well. Though, when it was caged, it turned out to be sad and did not sing or eat. It said that to sing, it needed its freedom, and if it could not sing, it would die. This reveals that the beauty of life is in freedom, and not in confinement. It is true for every person. One can work and grow well when one achieves open space to work. Restrictions stop the flow of inventiveness.

Benefits of Referring to Vedantu’s Class 8 English Chapter 5 Princess September Question Answer

  • Princess September Class 8 Question Answer provides detailed explanations and analyses of the story's essential themes, characters, and plot developments, enhancing students' comprehension and appreciation of the text.

  • Each section of the story is dissected with thorough, step-by-step analyses, helping students grasp the nuances of the narrative, character motivations, and plot intricacies effectively.

  • These solutions are aligned with the NCERT textbook, ensuring that all topics and questions from the syllabus are covered comprehensively.

  • Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 5 Question Answer helps students gain insights into the literary devices and techniques employed by the author, such as symbolism, characterization, and narrative structure, enhancing their understanding of storytelling elements.

  • These Question Answer are designed to help students in exam preparation, the solutions include practice questions and model answers that help build confidence and prepare students to excel in their assessments.

  • By utilizing Princess September Question Answers, students can deepen their understanding of the story, hone their analytical skills, and approach their exams with confidence and readiness.

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Vedantu’s NCERT Class 8 English Chapter Princess September Solutions offers crucial support for students. Class 8 Supplementary Chapter 5 solutions focus on understanding the story’s themes of kindness and love, along with important character insights. Princess September Class 8 Question Answer includes explanations and summaries to help in comprehension and revision. Students should pay attention to character motivations and the story's moral lessons. Princess September Class 8 Question Answer not only clarifies doubts but also helps students prepare effectively for exams, ensuring a thorough grasp of the chapter's content.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Chapter 5 Princess September

1. Why were the princesses named after month names?

The king had 9 daughters, so the queen found it difficult to remember each one’s name. Hence, all the princesses were named after the months they were born in.

2. Why did Princess September put the little bird in a cage?

The little bird used to sing songs very beautifully. She was admired by the complete royal family. Out of jealousy, Princess September’s sister told her to keep the bird in a cage, as it could fly away anytime. Hence, to keep her pet with herself, she put the bird in a cage.

3. Who was Princess September in the royal family?

The youngest member of the royal family born in September was Princess September. She was very sensitive and kind-hearted. She loved and respected animals. Likewise, she was beautiful and kind among all the 9 princesses.

4. What was strange about the King?

Usually, people receive gifts on their birthdays. But, the king used to give gifts to his subjects on his birthday. This was the peculiar thing about King.

5. What are the advantages of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 5 - Princess September?

Vedantu presents excellent online live lectures for every subject of every class. The study material will help you to achieve the highest marks and learn deep concepts. Visit the Vedantu Website now and enjoy free online classes.

6. Why was the Princess so sad?

Following the death of her parrot, the princess felt quite depressed. She sobbed uncontrollably because she was so heartbroken. Her mother was enraged by her actions. She said that she was kept in that position because she believed that starvation and solitude would help her mental health. To protect the safety of her pet, Princess September had placed the bird in a golden cage. For more elaboration on the NCERT Solutions of this chapter, visit the Vedantu website.

7. Why was Princess September worried about the bird?

Since the bird had been missing for such a long period, the Princess was concerned that the hawks and snares might have injured the bird. She also believed the bird may have forgotten about her or had been enamoured with someone else. All these thoughts made her worried and restless. She really loved the bird and had also placed it in a golden cell in order to protect it. For similar questions, do visit the Vedantu site or the Vedantu mobile app.

8. What pulled Princess September from her gloom?

A tiny bird hopped into the Princess's chamber as she was sobbing on her bed. She brushed her tears away and listened to the bird's lovely singing. This helped the Princess to get out of her gloomy state. The tiny bird was a nightingale, and it sang a lovely song to Princess September, lifting her spirits. She had also freed the bird from the cage as the bird would have died if it did not continue singing and the only way to do so was if it was free.

9. Why did the bird refuse to be taken out of her cage?

The bird declined to accept the child's numerous comforts since soaring in the wide air brought her more joy and freedom than any other pleasure in her life had ever brought her. She didn't want to accept the cage in exchange for the child's materialistic gifts. All these were the reasons as to why the bird had refused to be taken out of her case as it saw no point in this pseudo-freedom feeling.

10. How can I download the Solutions of Class 8 English Chapter 5?

The class 8 princess september question answers are available free of cost on the Vedantu site. 

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