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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1: Aarambhik Jeevan (Sanshipt Budhcharit)


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1- FREE PDF Download

Vedantu offers NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi for Chapter 1, "Arambik Jeevan," from the Sanshipt Budhcharit textbook. This chapter talks about the early life of Lord Buddha and the events that led him on the path to enlightenment. The solutions provide easy-to-understand answers, helping students with their exam preparation. These notes make it simple to grasp the key points and learn. Students can also check the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus to stay on track with their studies. Download the free PDF for easy access to the solutions.

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Glance on Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1 Aarambhik Jeevan

  • King Shuddhodana was very determined to provide Prince Siddhartha with a life filled with comfort and luxury to keep him away from the sorrows of the world, in line with Sage Asita’s prophecy.

  • Prince Siddhartha's life was spent in indulgence and luxury.

  • During his first journey outside the palace, Siddhartha saw the sufferings of life, such as old age, illness, and death.

  • Seeing the elderly and sick individuals made Siddhartha realise that pain and suffering are unavoidable in life.

  • These experiences stirred deep feelings of sensitivity and compassion within Siddhartha, changing his outlook on life.

  • These events inspired Siddhartha to seek the reasons behind the world’s sorrows and to pursue the path to liberation.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 1 - Aarambhik Jeevan

Q1. सिद्धार्थ के बारे में महर्षि असित की क्या भविष्यवाणी थी? संक्षेप में बताइए?

उत्तर: महर्षि असित ने सिद्धार्थ के बारे में यह भविष्यवाणी की थी कि यह बालक अत्यंत बुद्धिमान होगा और शाक्य कुल का महान संत बनेगा। यह बालक अपनी ज्ञान की ज्योति से संसार को दुःख और अज्ञान से मुक्ति का मार्ग दिखाएगा। उन्होंने यह भी कहा था कि इस बालक की शिक्षा से लोग शांति प्राप्त करेंगे और मुक्ति का रास्ता पाएंगे। साथ ही, यदि यह बालक बड़ा होकर मोक्ष प्राप्त करता है, तो लोग अपने प्रश्नों के उत्तर पाने के लिए इसकी शरण में आएंगे।

Q2. आप कैसे कह सकते हैं कि बालक सिद्धार्थ विशेष मेधावी थे?

उत्तर: जिन विद्यार्दियों को किसी विषय को सीखने में लंबा समय लगता था, सिद्धार्थ उस ज्ञान को बहुत जल्दी और सरलता से सीख लेते थे। इससे स्पष्ट होता है कि सिद्धार्थ अत्यंत मेधावी थे। उनके जन्म के समय भी ऐसा प्रतीत हुआ जैसे चारों दिशाएं उजाले से भर गई हों, और उनके चेहरे पर सूर्य जैसा तेज और शरीर पर चंद्रमा जैसी आभा थी, जो यह दर्शाती थी कि यह बालक असाधारण बुद्धिमत्ता का धनी था।

Q3. महाराज शुद्धोधन सिद्धार्थ की सुख-सुविधाओं की व्यवस्था के लिए क्यों विशेष प्रयत्नशील रहते थे?

उत्तर: महाराज शुद्धोधन सिद्धार्थ की सुख-सुविधाओं की व्यवस्था के लिए विशेष रूप से प्रयत्नशील इसलिए रहते थे क्योंकि महर्षि असित ने सिद्धार्थ के जन्म के समय यह भविष्यवाणी की थी कि यह बालक संसार के दुःखों से मुक्त होकर मोक्ष प्राप्त करेगा और सांसारिक माया को त्याग सकता है। इसी कारण महाराज शुद्धोधन चाहते थे कि सिद्धार्थ का जीवन पूरी तरह से सुखों और भोग-विलास में व्यतीत हो, ताकि वह संसार के दुःख, पीड़ा और कष्टों से दूर रहे और मोक्ष की ओर न बढ़े।

Q4. राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ के मन में संवेदनाओं की उत्पत्ति के क्या कारण थे?

उत्तर: राजकुमार सिद्धार्थ के मन में संवेदनाओं की उत्पत्ति के कई कारण थे। जब वह पहली बार नगर भ्रमण पर निकले, तब उन्होंने एक वृद्ध व्यक्ति को देखा, जिसका शरीर कमजोर और झुका हुआ था। यह देखकर सिद्धार्थ को समझ में आया कि इंसान बुढ़ापे से नहीं बच सकता। इसके बाद, उन्होंने एक बीमार व्यक्ति को देखा, जो कष्ट में था। यह देखकर उनके मन में और अधिक संवेदनाएँ जागृत हुईं। उन्होंने यह महसूस किया कि जीवन में दुख और पीड़ा का होना अवश्यंभावी है।

Learnings of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 1 - Aarambhik Jeevan

  • Students learn about Siddhartha’s early life, where he grew up in luxury, protected from the sorrows of the world by his father.

  • The chapter explains how Siddhartha’s first experiences of seeing old age, sickness, and death made him realize that suffering is a part of life.

  • These events changed Siddhartha's way of thinking, making him more sensitive and compassionate towards the suffering of others.

  • Students learn about Siddhartha's decision to leave his comfortable life and seek the truth of life, which eventually led to his enlightenment.

  • The chapter teaches the values of kindness, understanding, and caring for others, which were important parts of Siddhartha’s life.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Sanshipt Budhcharit) Chapter 1 - Aarambhik Jeevan

  • These solutions provide clear, simple answers, helping students understand Siddhartha’s journey from a life of luxury to a path of self-discovery and enlightenment.

  • Covering important questions, these solutions make it easy for students to focus on key topics, aiding in effective exam preparation.

  • Through Siddhartha’s story, students learn the values of kindness, sensitivity, and caring for others, which are relevant in daily life.

  • The solutions are available as a free PDF, which students can download and study anytime, making it easy to review whenever they need.

  • Crafted by experts, these solutions match the CBSE syllabus, covering all main points needed for exams and classroom discussions.

  • With examples of well-structured answers, students can learn how to write effectively and express their understanding clearly in exams.

Important Study Material Links for Hindi Chapter 1 Class 8

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Important Study Material Links for Hindi Sanshipt Budhcharit Chapter 1 


Class 8 Aarambhik Jeevan Important Questions


Class 8 Aarambhik Jeevan Revision Notes


Aarambhik Jeevan offers valuable insights into Siddhartha's early life and how his experiences shaped him into the Buddha. Through this chapter, students learn important lessons about compassion, empathy, and the realities of life’s struggles. Siddhartha's journey from luxury to seeking truth teaches students the value of understanding the deeper meaning of life and striving for inner peace. These lessons remain relevant, encouraging students to reflect on their own lives with kindness and awareness of the world around them.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi - Sanshipt Budhcharit 

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NCERT Solutions Chapter-wise for Class 8 Hindi - Sanshipt Budhcharit


Chapter 2: Abhinishkraman Solutions


Chapter 3: Gyaan-Praapti Solutions


Chapter 4: Dharmachakra Pravartan Solutions


Chapter 5 : Mahaparinirvaan Solutions

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

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Important Links for Class 8 Hindi


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Book


Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes


Class 8 Hindi Important Questions


Class 8 Hindi Sample Papers


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1: Aarambhik Jeevan (Sanshipt Budhcharit)

1. What is the chapter "Aarambhik Jeevan" about?

"Aarambhik Jeevan" is about the early life of Gautam Buddha, also known as Siddhartha. It tells how he grew up in luxury, but later saw the hardships of life, such as old age, sickness, and death, which changed his thinking and led him on the path to seeking truth and enlightenment.

2. Why is this chapter "Aarambhik Jeevan" important for students?

This chapter is important because it teaches students about Siddhartha’s life and the values of compassion, kindness, and understanding. It also shows how he became aware of the realities of life and how that influenced his journey towards enlightenment.

3. How can students use these NCERT solutions class 8 Hindi Chapter 1?

Students can use the NCERT solutions to better understand the chapter. The solutions provide easy-to-understand answers to the questions in the textbook. They help in exam preparation by covering key points and giving a clearer understanding of the chapter.

4. What lessons do students learn from Siddhartha's life?

Students learn important lessons about life from Siddhartha's experiences, such as the importance of compassion, the inevitability of suffering, and the value of seeking deeper meaning in life. These lessons encourage students to be thoughtful and caring toward others.

5. Where can students download the NCERT solutions for "Aarambhik Jeevan"?

Students can download the free PDF of NCERT solutions for "Aarambhik Jeevan" from Vedantu. These solutions are available to help students with their studies and exam preparation.

6. What did Maharsi Asit predict about Siddhartha?

Maharsi Asit predicted that Siddhartha would become a great saint. He said that Siddhartha would bring light to the world by showing people the way to overcome suffering and ignorance. His teachings would help people find peace and the path to liberation.

7. Why was King Shuddhodhan focused on providing Siddhartha with all comforts?

King Shuddhodhan wanted to keep Siddhartha away from the suffering of the world. He made sure Siddhartha lived a life full of luxury so that he wouldn’t be influenced by the hardships of life and wouldn’t seek a spiritual path.

8. How did Siddhartha’s experiences during his city tours affect him?

During his city tours, Siddhartha saw an old man, a sick person, and a dead body for the first time. These sights made him realise that suffering is a natural part of life, and it deeply affected him, awakening feelings of compassion and a desire to understand the causes of suffering.

9. What qualities of Siddhartha show that he was exceptionally intelligent?

Siddhartha learned things quickly and with ease, unlike others who took a long time to understand. His extraordinary brightness and intelligence were visible from a young age, making it clear that he was very special.

10. How did the chapter "Aarambhik Jeevan" describe Siddhartha's change in outlook?

The chapter explains that after witnessing the realities of life such as old age, sickness, and death, Siddhartha’s outlook on life changed. He became more sensitive and compassionate and started questioning the purpose of life and how to end suffering.

11. What are some key takeaways from this chapter?

Students learn about the early life of Gautam Buddha, his realisation about life’s suffering, and his compassionate approach to others’ pain. The chapter teaches students the importance of understanding life beyond material comforts and striving for inner peace.

12. Why did Siddhartha feel the need to leave his luxurious life?

Siddhartha felt that the comforts of his luxurious life couldn’t provide answers to the bigger questions about suffering and the meaning of life. His experiences made him realise that he needed to leave his comfortable life and search for the truth to help others.

13. How does studying this chapter help students in real life?

By studying this chapter, students can learn the value of empathy and understanding. It encourages them to be more thoughtful about life’s deeper meanings and to be kind and compassionate towards others. The lessons from Siddhartha’s life can help students reflect on their own actions and the impact they have on the world.