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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 5 - Hammid Khan


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5 - Hammid Khan PDF Download

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NCERT Solutions For Class 9


Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan

Chapter Name:

Chapter 5 - Hammid Khan

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi (Sanchayan) Chapter 5 – हामिद खाँ

1. लेखक का परिचय हामिद खाँ से किन परिस्तितियों में हुआ?

उत्तर: लेखक भारत के रहने वाले थे। एक रोज़ वह गर्मियों में तक्षिला के खंडहर देखने गए थे। तेज़ गर्मी में भूख और प्यास के मारे लेखक का बुरा हाल था। खाने की खोज में वह पास के एक गाँव की ओर चल दिए। वहाँ की तंग और गंदी गलियों में लेखक खाने के लिए होटल ढूंढने लगे। कुछ दूर जाने पर पास ही एक दुकान पर रोटियाँ सेंकी जा रही थीं,जिसकी खुशबू से लेखक उस दुकान की ओर खींचे चले गए। वहीं लेखक का परिचय हामिद खाँ से हुआ,जो वहाँ रोटियाँ बना रहा था और वह उसके अब्बा जान की दुकान थी। हामिद खाँ पाकिस्तान का रहने वाला मुस्लिम था और लेखक भारत के एक हिंदू ,पर दोनों ही एक-दूसरे से बहुत प्रभावित हुए। लेखक ने हामिद खाँ को बताया कि भारत में जहाँ वह रहते हैं,वहाँ हिंदू-मुस्लिम कितने प्रेम से रहते हैं। हामिद खाँ ने लेखक की मेहमान नवाज़ी में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी और न ही उनसे खाने के पैसे लिए। 

2. 'काश मैं आपके मुल्क में आकर यह सब अपनी आँखों से देख सकता। '-हामिद ने ऐसा क्यों कहा?

उत्तर: जब लेखक ने हामिद खाँ को बताया कि वह भारत से हैं और हिंदू हैं तो हामिद खाँ को यकीन नहीं हुआ और उसने लेखक से पूछा कि क्या वह हिंदू होकर भी एक मुस्लमान होटल में खाना खाएँगे। लेखक ने उसे बताया कि हिंदुस्तान में जब भी किसी को बढ़िया चाय पीनी हो या अच्छा पुलाव खाना हो तो लोग मुसलमानी होटल में ही जाते हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि भारत में मुसलमानों ने जिस पहली मस्जिद का निर्माण किया था वह लेखक के ही राज्य में है। लेखक ने उन्हें यह भी बताया कि भारत में जहाँ वह रहते हैं वहाँ हिंदू-मुसलमान मिल-जुलकर रहते हैं और दंगे न के बराबर होते हैं। यह सब सुनकर हामिद खाँ को यकीन नहीं हुआ पर वह यह सब खुद अपनी आँखों से देखना चाहता था। 

3. हामिद खाँ को लेखक की किन बातों पर विश्वास नहीं हो रहा था?

उत्तर: लेखक ने हामिद खाँ को बताया कि भारत में हिंदू-मुसलमान मिलकर रहते हैं और दंगे भी न के बराबर होते हैं। वहाँ अच्छी चाय पीने और पुलाव खाने के लिए लोग मुसलमानी होटल में जाते हैं। पाकिस्तान में हिंदू-मुसलमान रिश्तों में भिन्नता थी और उनमें बहुत दूरियाँ भी। इसी कारण हामिद खाँ को लेखक की बातों पर विश्वास नहीं हुआ। 

4. हामिद खाँ ने खाने का पैसा लेने से इंकार क्यों किया?

उत्तर: हामिद खाँ लेखक और उनकी बातों से बहुत प्रभावित था कि भारत में हिंदू-मुसलमान कितने प्रेमपूर्वक रहते हैं। उसे इस बात की भी बहुत प्रसन्नता थी कि लेखक हिंदू होते हुए भी उसकी दुकान पर खाना खाने आए। लेखक हामिद खाँ  के मेहमान थे और वह चाहता था कि लेखक अपने भाई हामिद खाँ को भारत जाकर भी याद करें,इसी कारण हामिद खाँ  ने लेखक से खाने का पैसा लेने से इंकार कर दिया। 

5. मालाबार में हिंदू-मुसलमानों के परस्पर संबंधों को अपने शब्दों में लिखिए। 

उत्तर: मालाबार में मुसलमानों द्वारा भारत में बनाई गई पहली मस्जिद स्थित है। वहाँ हिंदू-मुसलमान आपस में प्रेमपूर्वक रहते हैं और धर्म के नाम पर दंगे न के बराबर होते हैं। वहाँ बढ़िया खाना खाने के लिए हिंदू मुसलमानी होटल में जाते हैं और हिंदू-मुसलमान में आपसी भाईचारे के और मिलनसार संबंध हैं। 

6. तक्षिला में आगजनी की खबर पढ़कर लेखक के मन में कौन-सा विचार कौंधा? इससे लेखक के स्वाभाव की किस विशेषता का परिचय मिलता है?

उत्तर: जब लेखक ने तक्षिला में आगजनी की खबर पढ़ी तो लेखक को तुरंत हामिद खाँ का ध्यान आया। लेखक एक बार गर्मियों में तक्षिला के खंडहर घूमने गए थे और वहीं उन्होंने हामिद खाँ की दुकान पर खाना खाया था। हामिद खाँ ने लेखक की मेहमान नवाज़ी में कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ी थी और उनसे खाने के पैसे भी नहीं लिए थे। लेखक को वहाँ बहुत अपनेपन से खाना खिलाया गया था। तक्षिला में आगजनी की खबर पढ़ते ही लेखक को अपने भाई हामिद खाँ की चिंता होने लगी और उन्होंने हामिद खाँ के लिए प्रार्थना भी की। इससे लेखक के धर्म-निरपेक्ष और धार्मिक-एकता के स्वाभाव का परिचय मिलता है। लेखक में हिंदू-मुसलमान के प्रति कोई भेद-भाव नहीं था और वह बराबरी में विश्वास करते थे। 

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5 - Hamid Khan PDF Download

This story begins when the author went on a tour to see the ruins of Taxila. Feeling hungry in the afternoon, he was looking for someplace where he could get food. While there he met Hamid Khan, he fed the writer, there was no harmony between Hindus and Muslims in Hamid's country. But Hindus and Muslims lived with great love in the writer's country. Hamid could not believe the author's words. The author told him that there is no difference between Hindus and Muslims here, they all live with love.

Hamid kept listening to these things carefully and said that if he could see all this, Hamid welcomed the author and fed him. When the writer started giving money, Hamid refused to take the money and said that when you go to India, then eat pulao in a Muslim hotel there and remember Taxila's brother Hamid. This story indicates that whether Hindu or Muslim, no one wants disturbance or riots, they all want to live together with love.

From this story we get the message that there is nothing different among people in the name of religion, because of some selfish elements we fight amongst ourselves. This story is a heart touching story of an intimate relationship between people of two different religions. This story inspires us that instead of fighting in the name of religion, we should live with each other with love.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5 Hammid Khan

On this page, we are presenting NCERT Solutions Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5. Hindi Class 9 Chapter 5 NCERT solutions available on this page can help you to clear the concepts of the chapter with much ease and simplicity. You can get these resources in PDF format for free to download. 

Glimpses of Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5

Hammid Khan Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5 is written by S. K. Pottekkatt. When the author was reading a newspaper, he saw a heading talking about a fire in Takshashila, Pakistan. The heading reminded him of a guy he knew once, Hammid Khan who used to run a hotel at the location where the fire happened. Pottekkatt prayed for Hammid Khan’s hotel to be safe from fire. He also recalled the moment he met Hammid. Pottekkatt went to visit Thakshashila a short while ago, but he got riddled with hunger and thirst there. Pottekkatt needed water and food directly so he was searching for a hotel.

Pottekkatt finds that a padaan was making Rotis in a hotel. He walked into the hotel without hesitation because he was hungry. The padaan kept making rotis for Pottekkatt and they spoke about how Pottekkatt is a Hindu from Malabar of South India. The padaan was surprised that Hindus and muslins live together and Hindus eat from Muslim hotels. 

The padaan was very impressed by Pottekkatt’s good behavior and serviced him with good food. Pottekkatt enjoyed the rice and roti that was served to him with pleasure. He then reached out for his wallet to pay for the food, but Hammid Khan rejected the payment. Hammid just took 1 rupee and returned the rest to the author. Pottekkatt asked about the reason behind the rejection. Hammid said that he considers Pottekkatt as a guest to him and he felt humbled to serve the author. Hammid also asked the author to remember him whenever Pottekkatt visits another Muslim restaurant. 

Other Contents in NCERT Hindi Sanchayan for Class 9

Hindi Sanchayan is the supplementary book for 9th Standard in many schools and from this book, a number of questions come in the final examination. We have provided the content list of Class 9 NCERT Solutions Hindi pdf so that you know which topic you have to read. The questions in this pdf are as per the guidelines provided by CBSE and the marking system also follows that rule.

NCERT Solutions With the Latest Syllabus For Class 9 Hindi (Core and Elective)

CBSE offers up to 30 languages for their students to take their shot at. These 30 languages are only available as a choice in the second language section. The syllabus has two parts, Part A and Part B. Part A is literature focused and consists of poetry and prose. Part B consists of grammar and textbook questions. You can find Hammid Khan Class 9 NCERT solutions and resources regarding all of the parts in PDF format on the Vedantu. 

6 chapters are included in Sanchayan with a few questions related to each chapter. There are a few more questions not mentioned in books but found in the stories. Links to all the chapters have been provided below for ease of understanding. The NCERT solutions Class 9 Hindi Hammid khan is designed in a way that is easy to understand and memorize for examination preparation. 

  • Chapter 1 -Gillu

  • Chapter 2- Smriti

  • Chapter 3 - Kallu Kumhar ki Unakoti 

  • Chapter 4 - Mera Chota-Sa Niji Pustakalay

  • Chapter 5 -Hammid Khan

  • Chapter 6 - Diye Jal Uthe

All the exercises from the NCERT solution of Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 5 are very well designed as it consists of questions on levels of difficulty. It is easy, moderate, and challenging. Practicing these questions and being familiar with the chapters is important as well. If a student is very familiar with the chapters and knows what happens in every aspect of the story, they will be able to solve and memorize the answers with much ease. You can try finding the answers by yourself from the chapters and then check the ready-made solutions provided for self-assessment purposes. This will help you grade your preparation for the main examination.

The syllabus is revised regularly and Vedantu is at the top of the revision for CBSE Class 9 Hindi Chapter 5 Hammid Khan solutions. The pattern might change every year but we have prepared courses according to the 2024-25 pattern. Due to covid-19, the board has reduced the course load by 30%.

NCERT Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan Chapter-wise Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Chapter 5 - Hammid Khan

1. Are NCERT solutions for Class 9 Sanchayan Chapter 5 enough for board exam preparation?

Yes, the information available regarding NCERT solutions in Vedantu for Chapter 5 of Sanchayan, Hammid Khan is enough for preparation to secure a high percentage in NCERT. There is complete study material and guidance available to help students.

2. Which website gives the latest CBSE prescribed syllabus and books for first-class preparation resources for Class 9 Hindi board examinations?

Vedantu Platform offers many comprehensive study materials that are well crafted and easy to understand. The courses are easy to download in PDF format for the Hindi board examination 2024-25 with no cost backing them up.

3. Suggest a multi-service platform for downloading NCERT books, NCERT solutions, chapter summaries, sample papers in PDF format for Class 12 Hindi board exams?  

The most reliable resource and multi-service provider for the Class 9 board examinations have been undoubtedly found to be Vedantu. You can download books from Vedantu, including NCERT solutions Class 9 Hindi Chapter 5 for free. The files are available in PDF format for ease of usage. 

4. Why did Hamid not believe in the author's words?

Hamid did not believe the non-discriminatory words of the author. The author told Hamid that Hindus and Muslims live with great love in his country, India. The Hindus there also go to the Muslim hotels to taste the mouthwatering tea or pulao. But, this was not possible in Pakistan. The Hindus there used to hate Muslims as tyrants. So Hamid could not believe the words of the author. All the important questions and the NCERT Solutions of this chapter are available on Vedantu website and the app.

5. Why did Hamid Khan refuse to take the food money?

Hamid Khan refused to take food money because he considered the writer as his guest, who had come from India to Pakistan. Despite being a Hindu, the author had gone to eat food at a Muslim Dhaba. The author did not consider Muslims as the children of terrorists. Hamid Khan was greatly impressed by the cordial words of the author. Hamid wanted to carry on the tradition of 'Atithi Devo Bhava' by being hospitable to the author. 

6. 'I wish I could come to your country and see all this with my own eyes.' Why did Hamid say that?

Hamid said, 'I wish I could come to your country and see all this with my own eyes.' He spoke this because in his country, Pakistan, Hindus consider Muslims as the children of the perpetrators. Due to the lack of communal harmony, there had been instances of riots between Hindus and Muslims. In contrast, Hindus and Muslims live in harmony in India. Such things were like a dream for Hamid. 

7. What thought came to the mind of the author after reading the news of the arson in Taxila? Which feature of the author's nature does this highlight?

Hearing the news of the arson in Taxila, the writer was worried about the well being and safety of Hamid and his shop. He was wondering if Hamid's shop had been burnt down because of this arson. He started praying for the well being of Hamid. This shows the empathetic and considerate nature of the author. He was a kind, grateful person who treated both the Muslims and Hindus equally. 

8. Where can I get the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan, Chapter 5?

To get the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Hindi Sanchayan, Chapter- 5, refer to Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for this chapter. These solutions can be downloaded free of cost. These solutions are prepared by an experienced faculty of the best Hindi teachers in India. They are written in an easy to understand language covering all the major points from an examination point of view. These solutions will help you to understand the chapter well and help you to improve your answer writing for the Hindi exam.