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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)


Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Iswaran the Storyteller Question Answers. The story features a thriller horror tale about a brave cook who tries to stay low and under the radar but has seen and done many things. Students can refer to the solutions to kickstart and boost their study process.

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Class 9 English Chapter 3 question-answer Moments are compiled by master teachers and subject matter experts. They are updated according to the latest CBSE Class 9 English syllabus to ensure they are aligned. 

Glance on Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3: Iswaran the Storyteller

  • "Iswaran the Storyteller" by R.K. Narayan narrates the life of Mahendra, a bachelor and junior supervisor with a transferable job, accompanied by his cook, Iswaran, who takes great care of him.

  • Iswaran handled household chores, cooked delicious meals, and entertained Mahendra with thrilling stories, often inspired by Tamil thrillers he read during his free time.

  • Iswaran recounted an incident where he bravely controlled a mad elephant at a school by striking its third toenail, impressing Mahendra with his courage.

  • Iswaran shared tales of ghosts, particularly a gruesome female ghost carrying a fetus, claiming the area they lived in was once a burial ground.

  • Mahendra was initially sceptical but grew uneasy and fearful of the ghost stories, especially after hearing about the female ghost.

  • One night, Mahendra saw a ghostly figure outside his window, which terrified him, confirming Iswaran's stories in his mind.

  • The next morning, Iswaran inquired about the ghostly incident, prompting a frightened Mahendra to decide to leave the haunted place immediately.

Access NCERT Solutions for English Chapter 3 – Iswaran The Storyteller

1. In What Way is Iswaran an Asset to Mahendra?

Ans: Mahendra had a good domestic assistant in Iswaran. He was a fantastic performer for his master, in addition to cooking and completing home chores. He was good at resource management because he could seemingly gather vegetables out of nowhere and never complained while accompanying his master.

2. How Does Iswaran Describe the Uprooted Tree on the Highway? What Effect Does He Want To Create in His Listeners?

Ans: With raised eyebrows and outstretched palms, Iswaran recounts the uprooted tree on the highway in a dramatic manner. He'd start by claiming that the road was desolate and that he was alone. Suddenly, he noticed what appeared to be a large bushy beast sprawled over the road. He was on the verge of turning around and returning. But when he got closer, he realized it was a fallen tree with dried limbs strewn across the ground. Suspense and a surprise finish to every minor incident he tells his readers is the impression he aims to achieve.

3. How Does He Narrate the Story of the Tusker? Does It Appear To Be Plausible?

Ans: He began the elephant story with a prologue in which he described elephants as "large well-fed creatures." After escaping from the wood yard, the elephant began exploring the area, stamping on bushes and tearing up wild creepers, according to him. It then proceeded to the town's main route, destroying all of the fruit, mud pot, and clothing stalls. It then proceeded to a schoolyard where youngsters were having fun. It uprooted the plants, took out the football goalpost, tore down the volleyball net, flattened the water drum, and tore down the volleyball net. 

Teachers and children were so terrified that they ascended to the school's rooftop patio. He was in the junior class at the time, according to Iswaran. He snatched a cane from one of the teachers' hands and dashed into the open. The elephant grunted and stamped its feet again. It appeared to be terrifying. He did, however, approach it slowly. He stepped forward and struck the elephant's third toenail just as it was about to surge towards him. It appeared stunned before collapsing. This story appears to be implausible.

4. Why Does the Author Say That Iswaran Seemed to More Than Makeup for the Absence of a TV in Mahendra’s Living Quarters?

Ans: Iswaran was a fantastic companion for Mahendra, according to the author. When he got home from work at night, he would talk to Mahendra. Iswaran would often tell Mahendra stories to keep him entertained. As a result, Mahendra was never bored when Iswaran was around, and he never felt the need to watch TV for enjoyment.

5. Mahendra Calls Ghosts or Spirits a Figment of the Imagination. What Happens to Him on a Full-Moon Night?

Ans: As Iswaran had been informed by Mahendra that they were living in a burial place and constantly narrating his stories of numerous ghosts he had encountered, Mahendra dismisses ghosts or spirits as a fiction of his imagination.

Mahendra was awoken from his slumber by a quiet moan near his window on a full moon night. He initially assumed it was a cat on the lookout for mice. However, the sound was far too loud and guttural for a cat to handle. He resisted looking outside because he didn't want to see something that would make his heart stop. The crying, on the other hand, became louder and less covert. He was no longer able to resist the urge. He sank to the level of the ledge and gazed out at the moonlit white sheet outside. There was a dark hazy figure clutching a bundle not far away. He burst out in a cold sweat and knelt on his pillow, panting.

6. Can You Think of Some Other Ending for the Story?

Ans: I think the story could have finished on a happier note. Instead of retiring from his job, Mahendra could have been shown as a true hero, demonstrating the ghost notion to be false. Another option for a conclusion is for both Mahendra and Iswaran to leave the location together, thereby continuing their friendship established earlier in the novel. Mahendra has been told that Iswaran is a man for all seasons.

Benefits of Class 9 Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers

  • NCERT Solutions for Iswaran The storyteller are provided by top master teachers and subject matter experts, thus ensuring their accuracy and authenticity.

  • Solutions for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers are available for absolutely FREE to download in PDF format. Students can use this to study anywhere, anytime, on the go.

  • Class 9 Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers are given in simple and easily understood language for students to grasp and retain easily.

  • Class 9 Moments Ch 3 Question Answers are available in one place to save students time from looking through different sources for accurate solutions.

  • Class 9th English Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers are part of the NCERT textbook questions and are sure to appear in the examinations. Students can count on these solutions to ensure maximum marks in their final, term, or intermediate examinations.


The Ch 3 English Class 9 Moments, Iswaran the Storyteller, highlights the story of Iswaran, a cook, and his master Mahendra. Iswaran first comes across as a regular but exceptionally skilled cook who prepares delicious meals and culinary delicacies, but it is later that Mahendran finds out about his gritty past. The story is a rollercoaster of emotions filled with anecdotes and one that readers are sure to enjoy. Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Moments Chapter 3 Question Answers. 

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 English Moments Chapter 3


Study Material Links for Moments Chapter 3 Iswaran the Storyteller


Class 9 Iswaran the Storyteller Revision Notes


Class 9 Iswaran the Storyteller Important Questions

Chapters-wise NCERT Class 9 English Moments

Study Material for NCERT Class 9 English:

Now that you have a thorough understanding of the NCERT Syllabus for Class 9 English, you can take a look at some of the material that will take your preparation to the next level. These can be used as supplementary material to your main study routine:

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Moments - Free Latest PDF (2024-25)

1. According to Mahendra, Ghosts or Spirits are a Figment of the Mind. What Happens to him on the Night of the Full Moon?

Mahendra believed that ghosts or spirits are a figment of the imagination because Iswaran informed him that they lived on a burial site. Iswararn was always excited to portray the ghost stories to Mahendra that he had encountered.

Mahendra woke up by a low sound close to his window on a full moon night. Firstly, he thought it was a cat stalking mice. But the sound was very intense and guttural for a cat. He did not look outside because he did not want to witness any scary things. But the low crying sound became louder, and Mahendra was unable to hold his curiosity in mind.

Lowering down by the window sill, he looked outside. Outside the window, not too far, was a dark, cloudy form clutching a bundle. Mahendra fell on the pillow, covered with sweat and panting at the scene.

2. How does Iswaran Narrate the Tasker Story? Does it Appear to be Plausible?

Iswaran started the story by declaring the elephants “huge well-fed beasts." He said that after the elephant escaped from the timber yard, the elephant began to roam about, stamp wild bushes, and tear up wild creepers. It then reached the main road and destroyed all the fruit stalls, mud pots, and clothes by the roadside. It then forced through the school grounds where children were playing. It broke the football post, toured the volleyball net, smashed the drums kept for water, and deplaned the shrubs. All the terrified teachers and students went up the rooftop for their safety, as Iswaran was studying in junior class at that time. He took the cane from the teacher's hand and ran out in the open. The angry elephant was stamping and was still. Uncontrolled and wild. It was hard to face that furious elephant, but Iswaran slowly stepped ahead. The moment the elephant was about to attack Iswaran, he whacked his third toenail. The elephant appeared stunned, and it collapsed immediately. This incident does not appear to be true.

3. Where can I find NCERT Solutions to Iswaran the Storyteller Question Answers?

You can find comprehensive NCERT Solutions to Iswaran the Storyteller Question Answers on Vedantu. These solutions are compiled by master teachers and subject matter experts who hold years of experience dealing with the CBSE Syllabus.

4. What is the final story Iswaran tells Mahendra in Moments Class 9 Chapter 3?

Iswaran tells Mahendra a story of how the house they live in was built on a burial ground and how he hears and sees different ghosts and spirits wandering about in the night. Mahendra gets frightened hearing this and debunks Iswaran saying ghosts aren't real. He goes to sleep after this.

5. Why is Iswaran not scared of the Ghosts in Class 9 Moments Chapter 3?

Iswaran is a very brave man who read different thriller and horror stories. Thus, he was accustomed to such incidents and feelings and was indifferent to them. It was a trait that he had acquired by reading different stories.

6. What happens the night Mahendra listens to Iswaran’s ghost story?

After hearing Iswaran’s story, Mahendra calls it fake and goes to sleep. However, in the middle of the night, he hears a low-pitched humming, crying sound. He looks out of the window, and to his shock, he finds a wavy silhouette figure, slowly moving in the wind with a fetus in its hand. He becomes extremely frightened and moves out of the house the next morning.

7. Who is the author of the story Iswaran the Storyteller?

R.K Narayan, the renowned Tamil author, wrote the story Iswaran the Storyteller.

8. Do I need reference books to understand the Moments Class 9 Chapter 3, Iswaran the Storyteller?

While the NCERT solutions provided on Vedantu do a pretty good job of helping students grasp the concepts and answers of the chapter, everyone’s learning capacity largely differs. Therefore, if you need additional reference books, do not hesitate to use them. You can also refer to the countless study material, revision notes, and important questions, along with summaries covering a complete overview of the chapter.