Detailed NEET 2021 Paper Analysis
The NTA (National Testing Agency) successfully conducted NEET-UG 2021 in offline mode on September 12, 2021, across India and abroad. The NEET exam lasted three hours, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. In the midst of the pandemic, it is estimated that nearly 16 lakh students took the medical entrance exam that year, with all COVID-19 precautions in place. The Physics, Chemistry, and Biology sections of NEET 2021 were given a total of 720 marks.
Read the following article to know the NEET 2021 Paper Analysis or how was NEET 2021 paper. A detailed subject-wise analysis is provided here to give a clear idea of the question paper students.
Overview of NEET 2021
Before discussing the NEET 2021 Question Paper analysis, read the overview of NEET 2021.
The NTA conducted NEET 2021 on September 12th, 2021 in 202 cities across the country.
In the year 2021, 16.14 lakh people registered for NEET.
According to reports, nearly 95% of registered students took the NEET 2021 exam in approximately 3800 exam centres.
Students could choose from 13 different languages this time, including English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Odia, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, and Punjabi.
In the paper, each subject was divided into two sections: Section A (35 questions) and section B (10+5 questions). Students could choose any 10 questions from section B to answer.
Negative marking was applicable in NEET 2021, with one mark deducted for each incorrect response.
Examination Pattern of NEET 2021
The pattern of the NEET 2021 Exam is given below.
Overall NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis
The overall difficulty level of the Question Paper for NEET 2021 is given below.
According to the students, the NEET 2021 paper difficulty level of the question paper was moderate.
The NEET 2021 question paper was more NCERT based.
The Physics section was tricky to solve that year.
The question paper was more difficult than the previous year's question paper.
The subjectwise difficulty level is given in the following table.
NEET 2021 Physics Paper Analysis
The Physics Paper Analysis 2021 for NEET is given below.
The level of difficulty of the NEET Physics section in 2021 was considered difficult by the students.
The majority of physics questions were numerical-based questions.
Tricky questions were asked on topics such as Optics, Semi-Conductors, and Photoelectric Effect.
Overall the Physics section was lengthy.
The question breakup of NEET 2021 Physics is given in the following table.
NEET 2021 Chemistry Paper Analysis
The Chemistry NEET 2021 Paper Analysis is given below.
The level of difficulty in the Chemistry section ranged from easy to moderate.
The questions were asked from the facts, tables and figures of NCERT. So it was an NCERT-based paper in Chemistry.
The majority of questions in this section were based on NCERT basics, so any student who was familiar with NCERT could easily score excellent marks in chemistry. There were a lot of statement-based questions in the Chemistry section.
The Chemistry section was not time taking.
The following is a detailed breakdown of the number of questions for each chapter of Chemistry:
The question breakup of Physical Chemistry NEET 2021 is given in the following table.
The question breakup of Inorganic Chemistry NEET 2021 is given in the following table.
The question breakup of Organic Chemistry NEET 2021 is given in the following table.
NEET 2021 Biology Paper Analysis
The analysis of the Biology NEET 2021 Paper is given below.
Botany Section of NEET 2021
The analysis of the Botany NEET 2021 is as follows.
The level of difficulty of the Botany section of Biology NEET 2021 was between easy to moderate.
Majority of the questions were asked from NCERT.
There were a few tricky and difficult questions, but a good understanding of the fundamentals could be helpful to students in answering them.
A number of questions were factual and some of the questions were based on concepts.
Zoology Section of NEET 2021
The analysis of the Zoology NEET 2021 is as follows.
The level of difficulty of the Zoology section of NEET was moderate.
Again majority of the questions were asked from NCERT.
Around 11-12 questions came from biotechnology in NEET 2021.
Four questions were asked on the topic of locomotion and movement from human Physiology.
The question breakup of Biology NEET 2021 is given in the following table.
NEET 2021 Cut off
Cutoff is the minimum marks that a student needs to score to be able to clear the exam. However, that is never possible since scores keep changing every year and there is no fixed formula to calculate a specific year’s cutoff marks. The factors determining the cut-off are given below.
The total number of candidates who appear for the examination.
The level of difficulty of the examination.
Performance of the candidates.
Number of available seats.
Previous years’ cut-off of NEET.
The category-wise NEET 2021 cut-off released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) is given in the following table.
The detailed analysis of the Question Paper of NEET 2021 is provided above in the article. The NEET 2021 overview, how was neet 2021 paper, subjectwise analysis and break up of questions, etc. It is an important practice to analyse the previous year's question papers of NEET before appearing for the examination. It will help students to get familiar with the difficulty level of the examination and its patterns which will further help them in making adjustments to their preparation strategy where needed
FAQs on NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis Subject-Wise
1. How was the NEET 2021 paper?
The level of difficulty of the NEET 2021 question paper was moderate as per the review of students. It was of a total of 720 marks. The 2021 NEET paper included a greater number of questions in the match and column format, as well as more assertion and reasoning questions. Overall, the paper can be categorised as an easy to moderate level paper. The NEET 2021 Question paper was NCERT based.
2. Was the NEET 2021 tough?
NEET 2021 paper was overall moderate in toughness level. The questions were not hard to solve, but at the same time, not very easy either. The question paper was NCERT based so students who have studied from NCERT books during their preparation have scored higher marks compared to those students who have scored lesser marks. The Physics section was tricky and difficult, while Biology and Chemistry were NCERT based. The level of difficulty in Biology and Chemistry was easy.
3. Is Biology NCERT enough for NEET?
Biology NCERT is essential but not enough for NEET examinations. You need to perform well in other sections (Physics and Chemistry) also in order to get an overall good score in the NEET examination. It has been observed that every year the NEET question paper in the Biology section is based on NCERT. It is good practice to study from Biology NCERT for NEET. Students are advised to make notes from the NCERT Biology. Questions are asked in NEET from tabes, facts and concepts of NCERT. Hence NCERT Biology books are highly recommended for NEET aspirants.
4. How NEET 2021 Question Paper Analysis is helpful for the aspirants?
Analysis of the Question Paper of the NEET 2021 will be helpful for the aspirants as they will get an idea of what sort of questions are asked in the examination. They will get familiar with the syllabus and marking scheme of NEET. Students will get to know the section of the paper where they need to work hard. It will help them in improving these areas and increasing their exam scores.
5. How many sets were there in the NEET 2021 question paper?
In General, there are four sets of NEET question papers. These sets were further divided into subsets with names like E1, E2, E3, E4, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6 etc. The difference between these subsets is merely the sequence of the questions. All the questions are the same but their order of occurrence in the paper is shuffled in each set with respect to another.
6. What was the number of questions in NEET Paper 2021?
The total number of questions in the NEET 2021 paper was 200. The questions were Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) where only one option was correct. Each question carried 4 marks, along with negative marking. Thus, the maximum mark of the paper becomes 720.