Download IEO Online Mock Test for Class 5
FAQs on IEO English Olympiad Online Mock Test for Class 5
1. Mention five things to avoid while solving IEO mock test papers for class 5.
Ans: How you attempt the mock tests, your behaviour and your approach are almost just as important as if you attempt any mock tests or not. If one is taking too many breaks or referring to the answers in the middle of solving the paper, then there is little to no point in appearing for the exam since it is not any different from simply attending a class. Students must avoid making these mistakes at all costs and honestly appear for all the mock tests with as much sincerity as possible. Asking either parents or teachers to act as supervisors during the exam is highly recommended.
2. Mention a few unconventional tips that help in the preparation for the IEO for class.
Ans: While it is always recommended that students stay away from their phones and not watch movies on the Internet, for any sort of test preparation, we are quite confident that watching English films or listening to English songs can actually have a positive impact on the preparation for the English Olympiad.
When a student watches a film with subtitles on or tries to learn the lyrics of a song, he subconsciously starts understanding the language better along with developing his vocabulary, understanding different pronunciations, the appropriate places to use some phrases, among other things. This will help them become better English speakers and eventually better at solving the English Olympiad paper.
3. What are some common mistakes that one shouldn’t make while appearing for the IEO?
No matter how much one prepares for the exam, it has been observed that students tend to make a lot of silly errors that end up costing them the qualification for the second level. Below are the mistakes an IEO candidate makes while preparing for an exam:
Many students have the potential to score exceedingly well, and in fact, they also put in the necessary efforts, but can't make it simply because they committed a few silly errors on the day of the exam which could have clearly been avoided.
Spending too long on a particular question you don't know the answer to, reading the question incorrectly, marking an incorrect option despite knowing the correct one, solving the paper in a hasty manner, are just a few examples that have better chances of lowering your score than you imagine.
4. How to work upon your speed to finish the paper on time?
Ans: The English Olympiad is all about how quickly you are able to solve sums since there are about 50 questions to be solved within an hour. This makes it about one minute per question, assuming you will spend the last 10 minutes attempting previously unsolved questions or just going through your answers one more time. Depending upon how much you have prepared one minute can either be too much or too little to solve a particular question.
Hence to ensure that you are not one of those who do not finish their paper you can follow a few things mentioned below.
Reading the newspaper daily
Writing a short article of your own
Solving grammar questions
Making note of certain exceptions that occur frequently
Believe it or not, doing all this makes you a better English speaker and eventually increases your speed of solving the questions.