IEO English Olympiad Online Mock Test for Class 8
FAQs on IEO English Mock Test for Class 8
1. What are the common mistakes students make while filling the IEO OMR sheet?
Ans: Ever since the beginning of school, students are expected to solve the questions while also providing a detailed step-by-step description of how they got to the answer. So for students who haven't appeared for the IEO before, the objective type questions and also the way in which students answer them can be a new thing to learn.
This fact is only highlighted when we look at some very silly errors that students make while marking their answers on the OMR sheet. Not circling the box fully, circling the wrong answer, a mismatch between the question and the marked answer, are a few of the common mistakes that students make while filling the sheet. To ensure that students do not make any of these mistakes, students need to practice marking answers on the OMR sheet rather than just ticking them off in the question paper itself while preparing.
2. There are so many books to refer to, how do students choose what’s best for them for IEO preparation?
Ans: There are various types of textbooks, reference books, question paper sets, solution sets, revision notes among many other things that are accessible to the students and hence it is no surprise that confusion arises in their minds as to the right book or set of books to follow.
A rule of thumb is that one should look at other reference material only after completely reading and thoroughly revising the textbook. The textbook should be considered as the primary source and reference book before moving on to any other book.
Once this is done, students can then refer to the Vedantu website, for other study materials that can help them with that preparation. Pretty much every book out there is more or less the same and it's up to the students and less on the study material that decides whether they will qualify for the second round or not.
3. What is the registration cost of the Class 8 English Olympiad?
Ans: The organizing body that is the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) has made sure that the exam is affordable for every student by keeping the registration cost limited to ₹125. This price is subject to change over the years but stays nearly the same. Students who are participating from the school can pay this to their teacher in cash while others who are thinking of registering individually from the official website can pay online through either of the payment modes. Parents should make note of the fact that this upfront cost is pretty much all that they will have to pay since the study material is pretty much the textbook which they already have and other stuff can be found online for free on websites like Vedantu.
4. Can students from all state and national boards take part in the exam?
Ans: The eligibility criteria for level 1 of class eight English Olympiad is fairly simple and students who are pursuing their class eight studies can take part in the exam regardless of the board they are studying in, be it the ICSE board CBSE board, or SSC board.
In order to boost participation from students, many schools also provide some study material and also go so far as to take additional classes and doubt sessions to help them in the process. Students shouldn’t worry about having a particular minimum score in their school exams to be eligible for appearing for the exam, any and every student is welcome to register.