Access IGKO Online Mock Tests for Class 1 to 10 for Free
FAQs on IGKO Mock Tests for Class 1 to 10
1. What types of questions are asked in the IGKO Exam?
In International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) Exam, MCQs will be asked from different sections of the syllabus. Which includes General Awareness, Current Affairs, Life Skills, and Achievers Section.
2. What are the topics in the IGKO exam that have to be studied?
The topics in the IGKO exam are Science and Technology, India and the World, Language and Literature, Plants and animals, Sports, Life Skills and Current Affairs. Most of them can be studied and prepared from books. But some of the topics like current affairs and sports news have to be updated through the newspapers and magazines. These are the best resources to get updated news and all the happenings around the world. So make a regular habit of reading the newspaper and seeing the news channels regularly.
3. Is it difficult to prepare for the IGKO Exam?
One cannot say that it is easy or difficult. The level of difficulty or can be said as easy depends on the preparation. Any exam for that matter cannot be easy without hard work or the proper preparation. Even the IGKO exam can be easy if you prepare well with the topics and collect the information from different resources and be updated with the latest news and current affairs. Develop your general knowledge. Read the books and understand. Analyse the exam pattern. All these will ultimately make it easy and smooth.
4. Is it possible to appear for the IGKO exam for the second time?
Yes, it is possible to give the IGKO exam a second time. Students with accurate plans and focus can crack the exams without any problems. You can always try the second time if you are in the Class from 1 to 10.
5. Is the IGKO exam conducted in Hindi medium also?
No, IGKO is in the English medium only. If students will start the early preparation they need not worry and can have stress free studies. The thing to remember is to have a conceptual understanding and work with the right approach is what matters. Students having language problems can improve well by reading books and the new paper regularly. Remember that nothing is impossible don't get demotivated instead work hard to overcome the weakness.
6. Is it possible to prepare for the IGKO exam along with the academic study?
Yes, why not anything impossible with the proper planning and the right methods. When you make a plan you can segregate the IGKO and the academic syllabus and regularly complete the portions of the schedule that you have targeted. This way none of the studies will clash and both will be prepared simultaneously well. IGKO exam and many such exams will boost your confidence level. So preparation of both will give you only positive results. Be positive in your mind and thoughts and work hard.
7. How many questions are asked in the IGKO 2024-25 Exam?
For classes 1-4, 35 Questions are asked for 40 Marks and for classes 5-10, 50 Questions are asked for 60 Marks.