What Is the International Maths Olympiad 2024-25?
FAQs on All About International Maths Olympiad (IMO) 2024-25
1. What is SOF?
Established in 1996, The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is a founding nonprofit and educational organization based in New Delhi, India which conducts six Olympiads each year, namely IMO, IEO, ICO, IGKO, NCO, and NSO. The objective of various Olympiad examinations is to boost the knowledge of mathematics, science, English, general knowledge, reasoning and elementary computer skills among school children.
2. What Do We Understand About the Student Performance Report (SPR) in the IMO Exam?
Every participating student who appears in the SOF-conducted IMO exam is given a Student Performance Report (SPR) which is a detailed assessment of how the student performed in the level 1 Olympiad exam. However, the main motive of SPR is to make familiar the student and his/her guardian/parents with proficiency of the student’s mathematics knowledge and analysis answers. This is generated to enable the student to understand their areas of strengths and weakness in absolute terms and more so on a competitive scale comprising millions of students of their respective class who appeared for the Olympiad.
3. Does participation in the International Maths Olympiad (IMO) require any capability?
No. The International Olympiads are available to all willing school understudies, the tests are isolated dependent on their schooling level. One requires no pre-necessities or capabilities for support. These tests just expect to assist understudies with more deeply studying their subject of interest and planning great while getting ready for cutthroat tests, other than giving them much openness. The Olympiads help the understudies thrive and foster their abilities from various angles.
4. What are the awards for exemplary performance in IMO?
There are several awards offered for the achievers of the International Mathematics Olympiad. The awards are offered separately for the Level 1 and 2 exams and are also categorized on the basis of Class. Details of the SOF IMO Awards can be accessed from Vedantu’s website.
Note - For two or more students achieving the same rank, the cash prize distribution is done in the following manner: If up to 5 students get the same rank, the award amount will be distributed equally.
For 6 or more students obtaining the same rank, winners are awarded gifts worth Rs INR 1000 each in lieu of the cash award.
5. Where can I find the IMO 2024-25 ample Paper and IMO Previous Year Papers?
You can find the IMO 2024-25 Sample Paper and Previous Year Question Papers on the official website. You can also download the PDF of these question papers on the official website of Vedantu for free. Even access to the website and the collection of study material is free. All you need to do is sign up with us! It's a simple process that is rewarding.
6. What are the topics that must be covered to excel in the IMO exam?
Ans: Class 1- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Class 2- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Class 3- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Class 4- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Class 5-10- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Class 11-12- Logical reasoning, Mathematical reasoning, Applied mathematics, Everyday Mathematics and Achievers section
Other than this, students must go through additional study material available on the Vedantu website.
7. What is the exam pattern for the IMO Exam?
Ans: The IMO exam 2024-25 level 1 and 2 is a multiple-choice test. The level 1 test takes 60 minutes to complete. There will be a total of 35 objective-type questions (MCQs) for classes 1 to 4 and 50 for classes 5 to 12. The SOF IMO exam 2024-25 will be conducted in English. Each class has its own set of SOF IMO 2024-25 question papers. The IMO test 2024-25 is divided into four sections:
Reasoning logically
Everyday Mathematics
Achievers Section
Mathematical Reasoning
For more information about IMO, you can visit Vedantu.
8. What Do We Know About the IMO Exam's Student Performance Report (SPR)
Ans: After taking the SOF-conducted IMO exam, students are issued a student performance report (SPR), which is a detailed evaluation of how they performed in the level 1 Olympiad exam. The major goal of SPR, on the other hand, is to familiarise children and their parents with the sufficiency of their mathematics knowledge and analysis responses. This is created to help students understand their areas of strength and weakness in absolute terms, especially for a competitive talent involving millions of students from their own class who competed in the Olympiad.
9. What is SFO?
Ans: The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is a non-profit and educational organisation situated in New Delhi, India, that was founded in 1996. Every year, it holds six Olympiads: IMO- International Mathematics Olympiad, IEO- International English Olympiad, ICO- International Commerce Olympiad, IGKO- International General Knowledge Olympiad, NCO- National Cyber Olympiad, and NSO- National Science Olympiad. The goal of various Olympiad examinations is to improve school children's knowledge of mathematics, science, English, general knowledge, thinking, and basic computer abilities. This is held every year and all schools take part in the Olympiad.