RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper With Solution
FAQs on RMO Exam 2024-25 Sample Paper PDF
1. How many stages are there in the olympiad selection process?
Ans: There are four stages involved in the Olympiad selection process. These include:
Pre-regional Maths Olympiad: It is the first stage in the Olympiad selection procedure and is conducted at the school level. However, to be eligible for PRMO, students need to be born on or after August 1, 2005.
Regional Maths Olympiad: Students who qualify for PRMO are eligible to appear for the second stage of the selection procedure. A regional coordinator oversees each area, and they will set the RMO 2024-25 question paper or avail the one set by the National Board of Higher Mathematics.
Indian National Mathematical Olympiad: The test paper for INMO is set centrally by the NBHM. The top 30 students from classes 8, 9, 10 and 11 and the first 6 from standard 6 are considered the INMO awardees and the rest of the participants receive an INMO Certificate of Merit.
International Mathematical Olympiad: Candidates who are chosen as the INMO awardees are offered a chance to participate in the international maths training camp which is held at the Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education. A series of tests are held at this camp through which candidates are picked who will represent India at the International Olympiad.
2. What is the question paper pattern in the Pre-Regional Mathematics Olympiad?
Ans: The pre-regional mathematics Olympiad is the very first step in the overall Olympiad selection procedure. Hence, aside from RMO question papers with solutions, candidates should also have an idea of the PRMO question pattern. The exam is conducted for three hours and there are 30 objective type questions, where numbers 1 to 6 are of 2 marks; numbers 7 to 21 carry three marks and 22-30 have five marks. Furthermore, all questions should be attempted, and there is no negative marking for the wrong answer. You can see the mock paper on Vedantu for free to get an idea of the pattern.
Students will need to mark the correct answer on an OMR sheet. Participants should remember to darken the whole answer bubble with a blue or black dot as a machine will check the OMR sheet.
3. How many students do qualify from each region?
Ans: There are a total of 15 regions where the RMO exam is conducted from November to December. From each region, 15 candidates/ students will be qualified for the next stage of the exam.
4. Is Pre RMO difficult to clear?
Ans: RMO is considered to be one of the toughest Math Olympiads in the country. It is obvious that the preliminary round will be difficult enough to filter out the best minds who can represent India at the international level in Mathematics competitions. However, this does not mean that one should refrain from such competitions. Students who are genuinely interested in the subject must take Pre RMO.
5. Where will the Pre RMO exam centres be located?
Ans: Pre Regional Mathematics Olympiad or PRMO exam happens once a year, to identify the best young minds with an aptitude for Mathematics.
Each year, all of the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) and Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) are used as the exam centres for the Pre RMO test. Students from all across the country have to visit any of the KVs or JNU schools to give their examinations.
Hence, you have to go to the nearest KVs or JNU schools to take the Pre RMO test. There is no provision to attempt the test online.