INMO 2024-25 Past Question Papers with Answers on Vedantu
FAQs on INMO Previous Year Question Paper
1. Between 'Sample Papers' and 'Previous Years Question Papers, Which is Better for INMO Exam Preparation?
Sample papers and previous years’ question papers both are valuable resources for preparing for the INMO test. Students who want to do well in the INMO Exams can work on both sample papers and previous year question papers at the same time. Previous year question papers provide an indication of the difficulty level of questions that can be asked in the exam, while sample papers provide a summary of the most recent exam trend and question paper type. Thus, it is advisable to solve both to increase the chances of clearing the exam.
2. What are the Steps to Check the INMO Result Online?
The steps to check the INMO result online are described below:
Visit the Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education’s official website.
Find the INMO Result link on the home page.
Candidates will be redirected to another page. Search for the INMO Result link.
Click on the link which mentions the list of Merit Awardee.
Find your INMO Exam roll number in the list of merit awardees.
In case of any discrepancy or problem, contact the HBCSE officials on the email id or phone numbers mentioned on the website.
3. How can INMO Previous Year Question Papers Help You to Prepare for INMO Exams?
INMO previous year question papers are important for exam success. You will get familiar with the question paper format as well as the types of questions that may be asked in the exam and their level of difficulty. You will analyze the weak points more thoroughly and work on them appropriately by solving the previous year question papers. Additionally, when solving previous year question papers, you can obey the proper laws and focus on your approach because it will introduce you to techniques and strategies. Furthermore, working on previous year's papers in a timed setting will help you improve your performance and accuracy.
4. How can Vedantu help me score better in the Olympiad?
We have special batches and courses to help you prepare for the Math Olympiad. Only the best and the experienced faculty teach in these courses. We also have pre-recorded videos to help you with the preparation which you can watch over and over again at your convenience and in the comfort of your homes. You can ask your doubts by participating in the comments section below the video, and if you are on any of the subscription plans on Vedantu, you get access to the Doubts app where you can ask your INMO doubts anytime!
5. What will be the duration of the INMO 2024-25 Exam?
The duration of the INMO Exam 2024-25 will be 3 hours i.e., 180 minutes. You will have to solve 30 questions within that time frame. The answer to each question will either be a single-digit or a double-digit number which you will have to mark on the OMR sheet. Be careful while filling up the OMR sheet as you won’t get another one if you mark the wrong circle. To avoid such an error, it is best to practice sample papers on an OMR sheet.