Know about NCO Exam Date on Vedantu
FAQs on NCO 2024-25 Exam Date
1. When Will the Results of the National Cyber Olympiad be Declared?
The results of the National Cyber Olympiad conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation will be declared within the 6-8 weeks of the exam. The tentative results announcement date has been set for some time in January 2025, however, it is possible that the result may be delayed. Typically the Science Olympiad Foundation announces the results in 6-8 weeks at most.
2. How do I Check My NCO Results?
The National Cyber Olympiad results are expected to be announced on January 2025. The Steps to check the Science Olympiad Foundation’s National Cyber Olympiad result are as follows:
Step 1 - Visit the official website of the Science Olympiad Foundation.
Step 2 - On the homepage of SOF, select the olympiad NCO.
Step 3 - Enter your Roll No. using the format: school code - class - section - roll number.
Step 4 - Enter the captcha.
Step 5 - Your NCO result will be displayed on the screen.
3. How many students appear for NCO?
Every year about 5 million students participate in the NCO Exam.
4. How should I practise for NCO?
Ans: The best way to practise for any competitive exam is to download past papers and sample papers and solve them. Vedantu has all of the sample papers for the NCO available for free. Make sure you have thoroughly studied your textbook and keep double-checking the syllabus to make sure you haven’t forgotten to study anything. Create a study schedule for yourself at least a few weeks before the exam so that you aren’t rushing to learn everything at the last minute. This will help to keep you calm and relaxed on the day of the exam since you know you have studied well in advance. When you are solving the past papers, don’t forget to time yourself according to the exam parameters!
5. What is NCO?
Ans: The National Cyber Olympiad, shortened to NCO, is a national competitive exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. This exam is meant to teach students how to use computers based on their age. It is available for all students from Class 1 to Class 10, and the syllabus gets progressively tougher as the class gets higher. So, Class 1 students have a relatively simple curriculum where they learn how to switch a computer on and off, how to use the keyboard and mouse, the basic parts of a computer, etc. Meanwhile, Class 10 students have a more difficult curriculum such as Fundamentals of Computer, Operating System, MS-Word, Networking, MS-PowerPoint, MS-Excel, HTML, Internet, Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access), Using Windows 7, Scratch, Python (2.7.0), Latest Developments in the field of IT.