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NCO 2024-25 Exam Date


Know about NCO Exam Date on Vedantu

The National Cyber Olympiad is a national level exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. The main motive of this exam is to test the knowledge of IT and computers and nurture the little scientists in the students. This test analyses their analytical and logical thinking, computer and IT skills and their mental ability.

This article will make the students aware about the NCO 2024-25 exam date, NCO important questions, NCO syllabus, NCO pattern, question structure and marking scheme. Students are encouraged to read the full article to get acquainted with all things related to NCO. 

NCO 2024-25 Exam Date



  • There are 2 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  2 dates - 28th November 2024 & 19th December 2024.

  • NCO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.


What is the National Cyber Olympiad?

The National Cyber Olympiad is a competitive exam conducted every year by the Science Olympiad Foundation. This competitive exam is held across the nation and aims to teach young students of school age about Computers and IT.

NCO 2024-25 Exam - Eligibility

The National Cyber Olympiad is organised every year by the Science Olympiad Foundation. As such, it is the Science Olympiad Foundation that decides the eligibility criteria. Here are some of the basic criteria that are outlined by the Science Olympiad Foundation:

  • You can take part in the national Cyber Olympiad if you are studying in any class from Class 1 to Class 10.

  • Your school should ideally be registered with the Science Olympiad Foundation. If your school is not registered, they can still take part by sending the SOF an email.

  • Computers and IT are compulsory subjects for the National Cyber Olympiad

  • You can only participate if you fill out the registration form that is sent to your school. The school must send back the filled registration form. No individual applications are allowed.

  • Only recognised boards like ICSE, CBSE and the different state boards are allowed to participate.

  • The exam is only available in English, so you must be comfortable enough with the English language to take the exam.

NCO 2024-25 Exam - Structure

The National Cyber Olympiad is divided into 3 sections. Each section tests a different aspect of the syllabus. The breakdown of the sections for different classes are as follows:

For Classes 1- 4, the exam is slightly smaller. The first section of the exam is the Logical Reasoning part of the exam, which asks common sense and logic-based questions to the students. This section carries a total of 5 questions worth 1 mark each, so 5 marks in total. The second section is the Computers and IT section, which tests the student’s knowledge of the Computers and IT syllabus. This section has 25 questions worth 1 mark each, so 25 marks total. The last section is the Achievers section, which contains 5 questions worth 2 marks each for a total of 10 marks. The table below explains exactly how the exam is broken into sections.


No. of Questions

Marks Per Question

Total Marks
















For Classes 5 - 10, the exam structure is similar but the exam itself is longer. The first section has 10 questions worth 1 mark each, bringing the total to 10 marks. The second section has 35 questions worth 1 mark, for a total of 35 marks. And the third section has 5 questions worth 3 marks each, for a total of 15 marks. This brings the overall total marks of the exam to 60 marks.


No. of Questions

Marks Per Question

Total Marks















NCO 2024-25 Exam - Syllabus

Before you look through the important questions, you must have a clear idea of the syllabus. Find below a concise view of the syllabus for your class.


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Spatial Understanding

  6. Grouping

  7. Analogy

  8. Ranking Test

  9. Problems based on Figures.

  1. Introduction to Computers

  2. Parts of Computer

  3. Uses of Computer

  4. Keys and Keyboard

  5. Computer Mouse

  6. Starting and Shutting down the Computer

  7. Introduction to MS-Paint

  8. Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Analogy

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Grouping of Figures

  8. Embedded Figures

  9. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Computer-a Smart Machine

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Parts of Computer

  4. Uses of Computer

  5. Learning to use Keyboard and Mouse

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Alphabet Test

  4. Coding-Decoding

  5. Ranking Test

  6. Grouping of Figures and Figure Matrix

  7. Mirror Images

  8. Geometrical Shapes

  9. Embedded Figures

  10. Days and Dates & Possible Combinations.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Storage Devices

  4. Parts of Computer

  5. Uses of Computer

  6. Input and Output Devices

  7. Introduction to Internet

  8. MS-Paint

  9. Introduction to MS-Word 

  10. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns, Alphabet Test

  2. Coding-Decoding

  3. Ranking Test

  4. Mirror Images

  5. Geometrical Shapes and Solids

  6. Embedded Figures

  7. Direction Sense Test

  8. Days and Dates & Possible Combination

  9. Analogy and Classification.

  1. About Computers (General Information

  2. Evolution of Computers, Parts of Computer

  3. Input and Output Devices

  4. Hardware

  5. Software

  6. MS-Word

  7. Using Windows 10

  8. Introduction to Internet and Its Uses

  9. Computer Networks

  10. MS-Paint

  11. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Geometrical Shapes

  4. Mirror and Water Images

  5. Direction Sense Test

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Alphabet Test

  8. Logical Sequence of Words

  9. Puzzle Test

  10. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Input and Output Devices

  2. Hardware

  3. Software

  4. Storage Devices

  5. Memory –Primary & Secondary Memory

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Introduction to Multimedia

  8. MS-Word

  9. Introduction to MS-PowerPoint

  10. Internet

  11. Computer Networks

  12. Using Windows 10

  13. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non  Verbal Reasoning

  1. History and Generation of Computers

  2. Types of Computers

  3. MS-Windows 10

  4. MS-Word

  5. MS-PowerPoint

  6. Internet & E-mail

  7. Introduction to QBasic

  8. Hardware

  9. Software 

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Device

  12. Latest developments in the field of IT 

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Evolution of Computers

  3. Memory & Storage Devices

  4. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Introduction and Basic Symbols)

  5. Using Windows 10, MS-Word

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. Programming in QBasic

  9. Internet & Viruses

  10. Networking, Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computers

  2. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Advanced symbols)

  3. Internet & Viruses

  4. HTML & CSS [Html, Head, Title

  5. Body (Attributes: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink)

  6. Font (Attributes: Color, Size, Face)

  7. Center

  8. BR

  9. HR (Attributes: Size, Width, Align, Noshade, Color)

  10. Comment tag(<!-- -->),  <H1>..<H6>, <P>, <B>, <I>, <U>, <IMG>

  11. Html Elements: A, Ul and Ol (Attributes: Type, Start), Li]

  12. Flash CS6

  13. MS-Access

  14. Networking

  15. MS-Word

  16. MS-PowerPoint

  17. MS-Excel

  18. Memory & Storage Devices

  19. Number System

  20. Basics of Cyber Crimes

  21. Cyber Laws

  22. Operating Systems

  23. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Algorithms and Flowcharts in Programming

  2. Number System (Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion)

  3. Visual Basic

  4. Animations, HTML & CSS (Links, Anchors and Table tags)

  5. MS-Word

  6. MS-Excel

  7. MS-PowerPoint

  8. Hardware

  9. Software

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Devices

  12. Flash CS6

  13. Communication Technology (Networking, Internet and Multimedia

  14. Operating Systems(Types-Interactive (GUI based) Real Time and Distributed, Commonly used OS)

  15. Using Windows 10

  16. Introduction to Scratch

  17. Introduction to Python (2.7.0)

  18. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Number System

  3. Operating System

  4. MS-Word

  5. Networking

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. HTML & CSS

  9. Internet

  10. Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access)

  11. Using Windows 10

  12. Programming in Scratch

  13. Programming in Python (2.7.0)

  14. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


The National Cyber Olympiad is extremely beneficial. The NCO, which is  held for children in grades 1 through 10, assess a student's aptitude as well as their understanding of cyber sciences. And, there are no disadvantages to taking the NCO exam. It is nothing more than a stepping stone to success and another challenge in a student's academic life.

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FAQs on NCO 2024-25 Exam Date

1. When Will the Results of the National Cyber Olympiad be Declared?

The results of the National Cyber Olympiad conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation will be declared within the 6-8 weeks of the exam. The tentative results announcement date has been set for some time in January 2025, however, it is possible that the result may be delayed. Typically the Science Olympiad Foundation announces the results in 6-8 weeks at most.

2. How do I Check My NCO Results?

The National Cyber Olympiad results are expected to be announced on January 2025. The Steps to check the Science Olympiad Foundation’s National Cyber Olympiad result are as follows:

Step 1 - Visit the official website of the Science Olympiad Foundation.

Step 2 - On the homepage of SOF, select the olympiad NCO.

Step 3 - Enter your Roll No. using the format: school code - class - section - roll number.

Step 4 - Enter the captcha.

Step 5 - Your NCO result will be displayed on the screen.

3. How many students appear for NCO?

Every year about 5 million students participate in the NCO Exam.

4. How should I practise for NCO?

Ans: The best way to practise for any competitive exam is to download past papers and sample papers and solve them. Vedantu has all of the sample papers for the NCO available for free. Make sure you have thoroughly studied your textbook and keep double-checking the syllabus to make sure you haven’t forgotten to study anything. Create a study schedule for yourself at least a few weeks before the exam so that you aren’t rushing to learn everything at the last minute. This will help to keep you calm and relaxed on the day of the exam since you know you have studied well in advance. When you are solving the past papers, don’t forget to time yourself according to the exam parameters!

5. What is NCO?

Ans: The National Cyber Olympiad, shortened to NCO, is a national competitive exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation. This exam is meant to teach students how to use computers based on their age. It is available for all students from Class 1 to Class 10, and the syllabus gets progressively tougher as the class gets higher. So, Class 1 students have a relatively simple curriculum where they learn how to switch a computer on and off, how to use the keyboard and mouse, the basic parts of a computer, etc. Meanwhile, Class 10 students have a more difficult curriculum such as Fundamentals of Computer, Operating System, MS-Word, Networking, MS-PowerPoint, MS-Excel, HTML, Internet, Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access), Using Windows 7, Scratch, Python (2.7.0), Latest Developments in the field of IT.