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NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10


NCO Olympiad Class 1 to 10 Syllabus 2024-25

NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10 is given here in this article in good detail. Students attempting for NCO Olympiad must go through this and gain advantage likewise. 

A syllabus is something you must have to crack any exam. And if it is a competitive exam, it is a must to know the syllabus. So, Vedantu presents to you the Science Olympiad Foundation’s National Cyber Olympiad’s syllabus for grades 1 to 10. Find the syllabus here and enjoy your learning. This syllabus has been given as per the SFO and prepared after thorough research by the experts at Vedantu.

NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10

NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10

The syllabus is divided into three sections. The questions are mainly based on Windows 7 and MS office 2010.

  • Section 1 comprises patterns, classifications, analogies up to grade 5 and from 6th onwards, the questions are from verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

  • Section 2 comprises the topics that are Fundamentals of Computers, Hardware, Evolution of Computers etc.

  • Section 3 comprises the same topics that are in section 2, but the level of the questions are slightly tougher. This section can be started when students have completed the previous actions.


NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10 2024-25 - Detailed Overview

SOF has released a detailed structure of the NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10 on its website. Find below an overview of the syllabus for your benefit. 



Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Spatial Understanding

  6. Grouping

  7. Analogy

  8. Ranking Test

  9. Problems based on Figures.

  1. Introduction to Computers

  2. Parts of Computer

  3. Uses of Computer

  4. Keys and Keyboard

  5. Computer Mouse

  6. Starting and Shutting down the Computer

  7. Introduction to MS-Paint

  8. Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Odd One Out

  3. Measuring Units

  4. Geometrical Shapes

  5. Analogy

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Grouping of Figures

  8. Embedded Figures

  9. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Computer-a Smart Machine

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Parts of Computer

  4. Uses of Computer

  5. Learning to use Keyboard and Mouse

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Alphabet Test

  4. Coding-Decoding

  5. Ranking Test

  6. Grouping of Figures and Figure Matrix

  7. Mirror Images

  8. Geometrical Shapes

  9. Embedded Figures

  10. Days and Dates & Possible Combinations.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. General Information about Computers

  3. Storage Devices

  4. Parts of Computer

  5. Uses of Computer

  6. Input and Output Devices

  7. Introduction to Internet

  8. MS-Paint

  9. Introduction to MS-Word 

  10. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns, Alphabet Test

  2. Coding-Decoding

  3. Ranking Test

  4. Mirror Images

  5. Geometrical Shapes and Solids

  6. Embedded Figures

  7. Direction Sense Test

  8. Days and Dates & Possible Combination

  9. Analogy and Classification.

  1. About Computers (General Information

  2. Evolution of Computers, Parts of Computer

  3. Input and Output Devices

  4. Hardware

  5. Software

  6. MS-Word

  7. Using Windows 10

  8. Introduction to Internet and Its Uses

  9. Computer Networks

  10. MS-Paint

  11. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Patterns

  2. Analogy and Classification

  3. Geometrical Shapes

  4. Mirror and Water Images

  5. Direction Sense Test

  6. Ranking Test

  7. Alphabet Test

  8. Logical Sequence of Words

  9. Puzzle Test

  10. Coding-Decoding.

  1. Input and Output Devices

  2. Hardware

  3. Software

  4. Storage Devices

  5. Memory –Primary & Secondary Memory

  6. MS-Paint

  7. Introduction to Multimedia

  8. MS-Word

  9. Introduction to MS-PowerPoint

  10. Internet

  11. Computer Networks

  12. Using Windows 10

  13. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non  Verbal Reasoning

  1. History and Generation of Computers

  2. Types of Computers

  3. MS-Windows 10

  4. MS-Word

  5. MS-PowerPoint

  6. Internet & E-mail

  7. Introduction to QBasic

  8. Hardware

  9. Software 

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Device

  12. Latest developments in the field of IT 

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Evolution of Computers

  3. Memory & Storage Devices

  4. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Introduction and Basic Symbols)

  5. Using Windows 10, MS-Word

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. Programming in QBasic

  9. Internet & Viruses

  10. Networking, Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computers

  2. Algorithms & Flowcharts (Advanced symbols)

  3. Internet & Viruses

  4. HTML & CSS [Html, Head, Title

  5. Body (Attributes: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink)

  6. Font (Attributes: Color, Size, Face)

  7. Center

  8. BR

  9. HR (Attributes: Size, Width, Align, Noshade, Color)

  10. Comment tag(<!-- -->),  <H1>..<H6>, <P>, <B>, <I>, <U>, <IMG>

  11. Html Elements: A, Ul and Ol (Attributes: Type, Start), Li]

  12. Flash CS6

  13. MS-Access

  14. Networking

  15. MS-Word

  16. MS-PowerPoint

  17. MS-Excel

  18. Memory & Storage Devices

  19. Number System

  20. Basics of Cyber Crimes

  21. Cyber Laws

  22. Operating Systems

  23. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Algorithms and Flowcharts in Programming

  2. Number System (Binary to decimal and decimal to binary conversion)

  3. Visual Basic

  4. Animations, HTML & CSS (Links, Anchors and Table tags)

  5. MS-Word

  6. MS-Excel

  7. MS-PowerPoint

  8. Hardware

  9. Software

  10. Input & Output Devices

  11. Memory & Storage Devices

  12. Flash CS6

  13. Communication Technology (Networking, Internet and Multimedia

  14. Operating Systems(Types-Interactive (GUI based) Real Time and Distributed, Commonly used OS)

  15. Using Windows 10

  16. Introduction to Scratch

  17. Introduction to Python (2.7.0)

  18. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016


Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


  1. Verbal Reasoning

  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning.

  1. Fundamentals of Computer

  2. Number System

  3. Operating System

  4. MS-Word

  5. Networking

  6. MS-PowerPoint

  7. MS-Excel

  8. HTML & CSS

  9. Internet

  10. Database Management System(Functions, Types, MS-Access)

  11. Using Windows 10

  12. Programming in Scratch

  13. Programming in Python (2.7.0)

  14. Latest Developments in the Field of IT.

Higher Order Thinking Questions based on syllabus of section 2 - mainly Windows 10 and MS Office 2016

NCO 2024-25 - Structure and Pattern

Before you sit for the NCO Exam 2024-25, it is essential that you are aware of the structure, pattern and the marking scheme of the Exam. For a detailed explanation, look through the table below.



No of Questions

Marks for Each Question

Total Marks


Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total




Logical Reasoning




Computers & IT




Achievers Section




Grand Total



NCO Important Dates - Exam and Result

The NCO 2024-25 important dates have been announced by the SOF. Students can go through the table below for an overview of the same.



  • There are 2 dates schools can choose for the conduction of NCO Exam.

  • The school can select either of these  2 dates - 28th November 2024 & 19th December 2024.

  • NCO Results are expected to be  declared within 8 weeks of each Exam. 

  • The results are sent to schools as well as uploaded on the official website.


NCO 2024-25 Exam Eligibility

The students should fulfil the following eligibility criteria to appear for the National Cyber Olympiad:

  • The school in which the student is studying should be registered with the Science Olympiad Foundation. If the school is not registered, they can register themselves by sending an email to the SOF.

  • Only the students of grades 1 to 10 are eligible.

  • The students should fill the application form and submit it through school only. No individual application is accepted by the Science Olympiad Foundation.

  • Computer & IT is the compulsory subject that the student has to attempt.

  • Only a recognised board such as CBSE, ICSE and state boards are allowed to participate in the exam.

  • The students can attempt the olympiad only once in an academic year.


NCO 2024-25 Exam Registration Process

The NCO 2024-25 Registration Process is currently offline. The students can go through the table below for a better understanding.



Step 1

SOF registered schools receive the prospectus and application forms for students

Step 2

Schools distribute the application forms to students to fill

Step 3

Students fill the application forms and submit the same with a fee of INR 125

Step 4

Schools return the  duly filled application forms and the fees to SOF within the due date

Step 5

Students are assigned a roll number by the coordinating teacher

Step 6

Students can download the NCO admit card from the official website, a week before the exam. Hall tickets will also be sent to students’ registered Email ID and mobile number.

Points to be Focussed on to Score Well in NCO 2024-25

To score well in NCO exams, students should focus more on Mathematics and computers. They should practice NCO mock tests, previous year question paper and NCO sample papers available on the Vedantu website.  This will help in knowing the exact NCO exam pattern. Vedantu’s NCERT solutions have been the best study material for the preparation of the NCO exams. The solutions are prepared by experts and with the best content, which will be beneficial for the students.

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FAQs on NCO Olympiad Syllabus for Class 1 to 10

1. What is the method of preparing for NCO 2024-25?

The key to success in any exam is through practice and focus. If students follow a regular practice of the syllabus with focus then they can score well in the exam and also be confident. Let it be any topics like fundamentals of computers, Verbal and non-verbal reasoning, anything and everything that needs focus and practice to have a better conceptual understanding. Students should devote sufficient time according to the topics and study. Revision should be a regular practice. Following the simple methods will help to score well and prepare the students with regularity and discipline in the other exams.

2. What is the NCO olympiad all about?

The National Cyber Olympiad is a competitive exam conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation to test the cyber concepts and knowledge of the students from grade 1 to grade 12. This is a very good exposure to the students having a hidden talent and a hidden scientist within them. Unless there is a kind of test or exam certain talents can never be known neither to parents nor the students themselves. No matter what the results are, students should be encouraged to participate in such exams. It will boost their confidence from a young age.

3. How can I get full marks in the NCO exam?

In order to get full marks in the NCO exam, one needs regular practice, rigorous study and preparation with full conceptual understanding. Nothing is impossible, but at the same time, nothing is easy unless you really work hard with the right approach. Making a proper study plan knowing the syllabus and the topics is the first step. Analyse the topics which have to be given more time. Specify the topics that need to be studied every day. Revise regularly and prepare organised notes with key points. Be updated with the latest rules and regulations about the exam and the syllabus. Work hard and be positive.

4. What is the importance of solving NCO previous year question papers?

After completion of the syllabus, students should practice solving the previous year question paper. This will help them to be familiar with the exam pattern and the different types of questions that would come in the exam. Students should keep track of time while solving the paper so that they will be learning to manage time well during the exam. Solving the papers will also help students in the enhancement of speed and accuracy.

5. What are the subjects in NCO Olympiad?

The NCO Olympiad mainly focuses on Computer Science and reasoning skills for students. This is why the question paper is divided into 3 sections - Computer Science, Logical Reasoning and the Achiever’s Section.