Pre RMO Past Papers
FAQs on Pre RMO Previous Year Paper 2017 (20th August)
1. How many students from each region are chosen for the next stage of the examination?
Ans: Each area selects the top 300 students in grades VIII through XI, as well as the top 60 students in grades XII. From Class VIII through Class XI, approximately 5% of pupils are chosen from the KV and JNV, and 1% from Class XII. Further selection procedures will depend upon the guideline of RMO and so on, i.e. the later stages of the event. For additional queries, you can visit the PRMO official site. For PRMO materials, feel free to browse through the Vedantu site.
2. What is the cost of PRMO?
Ans: The application cost for Kendriya Vidyalaya’s pupils would be Rs. 125 and for Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya’s students it will be Rs. 100. For pupils from other schools, however, the price is Rs.230. To take advantage of the discounted cost, KV and JNV students must register through their respective schools. Students are expected and advised to keep checking for updates in case any change in the fee is made. Any modification would be timely updated on the official PRMO site.
3. What is the exam strategy for PRMO?
Ans: The most significant element is that once you begin practising, you will be able to determine your strong and weak regions more specifically. Some students prefer to do lengthy response questions at the start of the test, while others prefer to do short answer questions because they believe they will become weary by the time they reach the long answer questions. You will be able to detect this throughout your practice sessions and will use the approach appropriately during the tests.
4. What are the important points for solving past papers?
Ans: After you've finished the curriculum, give it a shot: Practice papers should ideally be undertaken following the completion of the curriculum, in a complete exam-like situation with time constraints.
In a real-world environment, accuracy, time, and speed are the most important criteria in determining final results. Previous articles should be approached in the same way.
Summary of Formulae and Concepts: While tackling previous year papers, aspirants should keep a large notebook with all of the formulas and update it with each sectional test they take, revising it once every few days. Keep a Performance Record: Aspirants might keep a performance record to gauge their preparedness.
5. What is the IMOTC?
Ans: The top 35 students from the INMO are invited to the fourth stage, the International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC), which takes place at HBCSE in April and May. Students get orientation for the International Mathematical Olympiad during this camp (IMO). The development of intellectual underpinnings and problem-solving abilities is prioritised. During the camp, there will be several selection exams. Six students are chosen to represent India at the IMO based on their achievement in these examinations. The training sessions are attended by resource individuals from various institutions around the nation.