A Peek Into RMO Exam
FAQs on Download RMO Previous Year Papers with Solutions PDF Online
1. What is the Full Form of RMO?
Ans: RMO stands for Regional Mathematics Olympiad, which will lead the path towards the International Math Olympiad (IMO).
2. How Many Students will be Selected for this Exam?
Ans: Each region comes up with the top 300 students from Classes 8, 9, 10, and 11, while the top 60 students from each region's Class 12 are chosen for RMO (Regional Mathematics Olympiad).
3. What is the Former Phase of RMO?
Ans: The former phase of the RMO or the Regional Math Olympiad is PRMO Pre-regional Math Olympiad. So, basically, IMO aspiring candidates will have to pass the PRMO exam in order to be eligible for the RMO exam.
4. How can Vedantu help in my RMO preparation?
Ans: Vedantu provides great programmes to help students prepare for Regional Mathematical Olympiads. These contain the Regional Mathematical Olympiad previous papers with answers and test papers with the proper and authentic Regional Mathematical Olympiad answer key. Vedantu’s comprehensive RMO study material covers all areas included in the RMO syllabus. You can avail more information regarding this on the Vedantu site. Multiple modules can also be availed by aspirants regarding the same. The experts at Vedantu are highly qualified, and hence students can expect top quality materials with error-free solutions.
5. What is the RMO exam structure?
Ans: RMO consists of six or seven problems that students must answer in three hours. The RMO course consists mostly of pre-degree college mathematics. Algebra, geometry, number theory, and combinatorics are the key topics taught in the curriculum. Calculus and statistics are not included in the test; however, students may apply methodologies based on them to answer problems. The complexity and intricacy of the questions often grow from RMO to INMO to IMO. To properly grasp what to anticipate in the test, one needs to look over Regional Mathematical Olympiad past year papers as well as Regional Mathematical Olympiad practise papers.