Introduction to Electric Generator
As the name itself suggests, an electric generator generates electricity. The electric generator or an AC electric generator is a device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of current or alternating emf. In other words, the electric generator converts its kinetic energy into potential difference without violating the law of conservation of energy. Electric generators work on the principle of Electromagnetic induction.
Depending upon the type of electricity produced the electric generator is classified into AC generator and the DC generator. The electric generators are mainly used to provide power supply to domestic lines, industrial purposes, and commercial factories.
Physics as a subject is very interesting and mesmerizing at the same time. The subject correlates with other subjects like mathematics and chemistry. Your learnings should not only be confined to examination purposes and thus we aim at making it more interesting and fun. In this particular article, we shall discuss one such important concept of Physics and try to make the most out of the topic.
We shall be learning the following from the particular article -
Electric generator - An introduction
Working of an electric generator
Components of an electric generator
Important facts
Frequently asked questions
Explain the Working of Electric Generator
Before getting started with the working of an electric generator, let us first study the components of an electric generator.
Components of an Electric Generator
The schematic representation of an electric generator is as shown below. The construction of a generator is identical to the electric motor only difference being instead of a battery a galvanometer is used. The galvanometer is a device used for detecting the presence of electricity.
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The Electric Generator Consists of the Following Components
A rectangular wireframe or a rectangular coil, which is connected to the brushes.
Two strong magnets can be any kind like horseshoe magnets, a bar magnet, etc.
The ends of the coils are connected to the rings as shown in the diagram. The edges of the rings are further connected to brushes.
To detect the electricity a galvanometer is used.
As technology improves, an electric generator has its advancement and is widely used. An actual generator used for domestic purposes or industrial lanes it will consist of the following components:
An engine is used as a source of mechanical energy.
A lubrication system
A Fuel System
A Voltage Regulator
An Exhaust system
A charger
Main Control
Working of An Electric Generator
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Now let us understand what is the working of the generator. A rectangular coil is placed between the two magnets. Let us assume that we are rotating the coil in a clockwise direction with the help of axles connected to the rings.
On rotating the coil in a clockwise direction AB arm will move upwards and the CD arm will move downwards. We can apply Fleming’s Right-hand rule to the AB arm and the current flows from A to B. Similarly, we use Fleming’s Left-hand rule to the CD arm and we note that current flows from C to D. Hence the current will flow from B2 to B1.
Now after half rotation we see that CD will be on the left side and AB arm on the right side. Now, applying Fleming’s right-hand rule to the CD arm, results in the current flowing from C to D, and using Fleming’s left-hand rule for the AB arm, the resulting current flows from A to B. Hence the current will enter B1 and flow through B2.
Thus the direction of current changes after every rotation resulting in producing the altering current. Hence the electric generator generally is also known as the AC generator. If we want to produce DC, we will place a commutator between the rings.
This is the explanation for the construction and working of an electric generator. The above concept explains the electric generator in detail. If the question demands the construction of an AC electric generator we can give the same explanation.
Did You Know?
The first electric generator developed was back in 1660. Back in time, Otto invented a device that generated electricity due to friction. It was termed static electricity.
The credit for the invention of electric generators goes to Micheal Faraday.
He invented an electric generator as an application of his electromagnetic induction theory. He gave a simple experimental demonstration using a large horseshoe magnet and coil.
Due to generators even during power cuts, we can do our daily routines without interruption.
FAQs on Electric Generator
1.What is the principle on which the electric generator works?
The mechanism of an electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The principle explains that when a straight conductor moves in a magnetic field, then the current is induced in the conductor. According to the principle, the conductor coil is rotated rapidly between the poles of a magnet which is known as an armature. As the armature is connected to a shaft of a mechanical energy source like a motor. The mechanical energy required can be provided by engines operating on fuels such as diesel, petrol, natural gas, and renewable energy sources. When the coil rotates, it cuts the magnetic field which lies between the two poles of the magnet, the magnetic field would have interfered with the electrons in the conductor to prompt a flow of electric current inside it.
2.What is the significance of an electric generator?
An electric generator has the following significances -
It can ensure a continuous supply of power even when there is a power cut
Electricity can be provided where the power grids are unreachable
It keeps the machines and business working which might get disrupted due to power cut
Activities can be conducted in the remote areas where earlier has no power accessibility
These are some of the applications we have mentioned, but the technology is widely used in a wide range of areas, and it has made the functioning of business and the living process simpler than before.
3.What is the different type of electric generator?
Based on the electric energy used the electric generator can be divided into two broad types which are - AC generators and DC generators
The AC generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy in form of alternative emf or alternating current. They are also known as single-phase generators and have an energy limit of 25 kW.
The DC generators on either hand are divided into three categories : shunt, series, and compound-wound. The shunt generators are used in battery chargers and the Series generators are used in street lights, whereas most of the DC generators are compound-wound.
You can learn more about the topic by reading the article related to AC and DC electricity or you can also watch the videos related to the topic
4.What are the disadvantages of an electric generator?
Every technology and invention comes with its own set of challenges. Citing some the limitations or challenges of electric generators are as follows -
The flow of electricity through generator and transformer coils produces resistance to heat and if the heat becomes extreme can cause an accidental power surge and start a fire.
The electric generators using diesel as fuel causes severe air pollution and other air-related diseases
The electric generator based on renewable sources of energy is costlier to design for example the generator based on nuclear power.
The generator also causes noise pollution
The DC generators cannot be used to transport energy to a longer distance.
Thus, these are a few of the disadvantages. Read the full article by visiting Vedantu’s website or mobile app to learn more about the topic.
5.Why is a magnet used in the electric generator?
Basically, the generator is made based on the interrelationship between magnetism, motion, and electricity. The electric generator generates magnetic fields with electric current through a coil or a wire. So, by moving a magnet around a coil of wire, or moving a coil of wire around a magnet, the process pushes the electrons in the wire and creates an electrical current. Electricity generators convert the kinetic energy i.e the energy in motion into electrical energy.
For this fundamental reason, the magnet is considered to be an essential part of an electric generator.