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Does Geoff believe what Sophie says about her meeting with Danny Casey?

Last updated date: 26th Jun 2024
Total views: 369.3k
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i) Geoff is the only one who listens to the visions and long held desires of Sophie is Geoff.
ii) Sophie’s father is too violent and bossy. He hates amazing stories about Sophie. It makes fun of her becoming wealthy, including little Derek.
iii) Her classmate Janise is 'nosey' and a secret is not to be trusted. Just Geoff can be expected to keep Sophie's secrets all to himself.

Complete answer:
No, Geoff does not trust what Sophie says about Danny Casey's encounter with her. First, in shock, he looks round and says, "It cannot be true." He says again, "I don't believe it." Then Sophie narrates how Danny Casey came and stood next to her. "What does he look like?" Geoff asks her. "So, he doesn't seem to be persuaded that Danny Casey met Sophie. Danny Casey was a young Irish football player. He played for the United States. The Irish prodigy could quickly dodge and score goals for the defenders. Sophie's dad was a lover of rugby. Old legends like Tom Finney and young wonder boy Casey were loved by him. Geoff had a big United First Team Squad poster on the wall of his apartment. In the row below, there were three colored images of Casey.

Note: Geoff symbolizes, from her viewpoint, an older brother who has grown up and seen places unfamiliar to her. She hoped her brother could drive her to those places someday. By reminding her that Casey could have strings of girls, he is compassionate and cautions her. He warns her that he's never going to turn up again. He talks gently in order not to hurt the young dreamer's spirit.