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How can an iron rod be converted into a magnet by using current carrying solenoid? Describe it by giving a suitable diagram.

Last updated date: 28th Jun 2024
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Hint:Hint: We will use the right hand thumb rule concept, which gives the relation between current flowing, direction of magnetic field, and magnetic force. Also, the concept of ferromagnetic materials will be utilized to convert the rod into a magnet permanently.

Complete step by step answer:
From the concept of right-hand thumb rule, we can say that the magnetic force’s direction is given by the right hand thumb, which in the direction of velocity, the magnetic field’s path is given by the direction of fingers and the direction of magnetic force is in the perpendicular direction to the palm.Let us consider that an iron rod is acting as a core of the long solenoid carrying current, and represented in the figure below.
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 Due to the flow of current, a magnetic field is generated in the rod. The magnetic field lines of the solenoid are uniform, parallel in direction, and have high strength. The magnetic field lines around the solenoid carrying current are similar as in case of a bar magnet that is termed as north pole and south pole. The iron molecules will act like small magnets, which covert rod into a magnet as a combined effect. We also know that iron is a ferromagnetic material as a result of its molecules will align in the direction of magnetic force.

Note:A proper understanding of the right-hand thumb rule will be an added advantage to answer this question; we should not confuse which part of the hand represent which quantity. Also, do not confuse the ferromagnetic material with other types like paramagnetic.