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Suppose your parents constructed a two room house and you want that in the living room there should be a provision of one electric bulb, one electric fan, a refrigerator and a plug point for appliances up to 2 kilowatt. Draw a circuit diagram showing an electric fuse and earthing as safety devices.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: For solving this question, one must know about the symbol system used for different elements of an electric circuit. Earthing (also known as grounding) refers to interaction with the surface electrons of the Earth by walking outside barefoot or sitting, working, or sleeping indoors linked to conductive systems, some of which are proprietary, which move energy from the ground through the body. A fuse is an electrical safety system in electronics and electrical engineering that works to provide an electrical circuit with overcurrent protection. A metal wire or strip that melts when too much current passes through it, thereby blocking or interrupting the current, is the critical part.

Complete step-by-step answer:
 There are 2 stages of household supply. Instead of using breakers now as a protective device, we do not use a fuse in the household. There is a different earthing pit from the other wiring. The earthing wire is attached to the equipment 's body. Both devices are related, such as the bulb, fan and refrigerator socket and other appliances. A series. I showed the refrigerator in this diagram and another socket in the same diagram as the refrigerator would be connected to one of the sockets. Household systems are wired in parallel so there is no division in parallel voltage.
The below figure shows the circuit diagram showing electric fuse and earthing as safety instruments.

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1. It is very obvious from the attached figure that there is a parallel relation between one bulb, one electric fan and a refrigerator.
2. Each appliance will get the same amount of potential difference due to the parallel relation, which results in the appliances being turned on and off independently.
3. And with the plug point, grounding is finished.

Note: A fuse is an electrical safety system in electronics and electrical engineering that works to provide an electrical circuit with overcurrent protection. A metal wire or strip that melts when too much current passes through it, thereby blocking or interrupting the current, is the critical part.