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Write a few differences between a shadow and an image.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: We know that an image is a picture of an object while shadow is formed an object comes in between the surface and light. These two have many differences. Here are some differences compared in the following table.

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Lets know about image and shadows and here a few difference between a shadow and an image are as follows;

Image Shadow
1. The formation of image takes place when the light rays are reflected by an object.The formation of shadow takes place when the light falls on an opaque object.
2. We are able to see images when light refraction enters our eyes.In the case of shadow no light enters our eyes.
3. Image contains colour, structure etc. of the object.Shadow does not give any information about the object as it is colourless.
4.The size of the image is the same as the size of the object.Shadow is not an optical representation of any object as it is cast by an object intercepting light .
5.Image is the optical representation of any object.It is mandatory to have a screen to form a shadow.

Note: When light is obstructed by an opaque object then shadow is formed while the image is the reflection of light rays by any object. Image contains colour while shadow is always colourless.