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Mathru Bhumi (मातृभूमि) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 1


CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Revision Notes for Chapter 1 मातृभूमि Class 6 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s Class 6 Hindi Revision Notes for Chapter 1, Matru bhumi, are a helpful resource designed to make studying easier for students. These notes cover all key points of the CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus, focusing on what’s essential for exams. Created by experienced teachers, the revision notes highlight the main themes, important lines, and vocabulary in a simple, clear format, making it easier for students to understand and remember.

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The chapter Matrubhumi celebrates India’s natural beauty, cultural richness, and inspires a deep love for the motherland. Vedantu’s notes simplify this poem, explaining the poet’s emotions and key messages about patriotism and pride in one’s country. With these Class 6 Hindi Revision Notes, students get a straightforward way to review the chapter’s ideas and gain confidence in their understanding before exams.

Access Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 1: Mathru Bhumi (मातृभूमि) Notes

लेखक परिचय - सोहनलाल द्विवेदी

सोहनलाल द्विवेदी एक प्रसिद्ध हिंदी कवि थे, जिनकी कविताएँ देशप्रेम और समाजसेवा के भाव से भरी हुई हैं। उनका जन्म 1906 में उत्तर प्रदेश में हुआ था। उनकी कविताएँ सरल भाषा में लिखी गई हैं, लेकिन वे गहरे विचार और प्रेरणा का स्रोत हैं। स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के दौरान उन्होंने कविताओं के माध्यम से लोगों में देशभक्ति की भावना जगाई।


यह कविता "मातृभूमि" भारत की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता और सांस्कृतिक विविधता का गुणगान करती है। कवि भारत के हिमालय, गंगा-यमुना नदियों और विभिन्न पर्वतों की प्रशंसा करते हैं और उनके प्रति गर्व महसूस करते हैं। वे भारत को कर्मभूमि, धर्मभूमि, और युद्धभूमि के रूप में देखते हैं। कविता में भारतीय संस्कृति, वीरता, और आत्मसमर्पण की भावना का वर्णन किया गया है, जो भारत की महिमा और उसके गौरव को दर्शाता है।

मुख्य विषय

कविता का मुख्य विषय भारत के प्रति प्रेम और गर्व है। इसमें मातृभूमि की महिमा का बखान किया गया है और भारत के प्राकृतिक सौंदर्य, धार्मिक स्थलों, और वीरता को दर्शाया गया है। इसके अलावा, यह कविता भारतीय संस्कृति और परंपराओं का भी मान बढ़ाती है।

पात्र चित्रण

इस कविता में प्रत्यक्ष रूप से कोई पात्र नहीं है, लेकिन भारत को मातृभूमि के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है, जिसे कवि अपनी माँ के समान मानते हैं। भारत के अलग-अलग क्षेत्रों को जैसे हिमालय, गंगा-यमुना नदियाँ, और अमराइयाँ को काव्यात्मक रूप से दर्शाया गया है, जो देश के प्रतीक के रूप में सामने आते हैं।


  • प्राकृतिक सुंदरता का वर्णन: कविता में हिमालय की ऊँचाई और गंगा-यमुना नदियों के पवित्र प्रवाह का वर्णन किया गया है, जो भारत की प्राकृतिक सुंदरता को दर्शाता है।

  • धर्म और कर्मभूमि: कवि भारत को धर्मभूमि और कर्मभूमि मानते हैं, जहाँ महान संतों और देवी-देवताओं ने जन्म लिया है। यह भारत के आध्यात्मिक महत्व को बताता है।

  • वीरता और बलिदान: कविता में भारत की भूमि को युद्धभूमि भी कहा गया है, जहाँ महान योद्धाओं ने अपने देश के लिए बलिदान दिया। इससे भारतीय वीरता और साहस का पता चलता है।

  • सांस्कृतिक विविधता: कविता में भारत की विभिन्न संस्कृति और परंपराओं की प्रशंसा की गई है, जैसे कि रघुपति, सीता और गौतम बुद्ध का उल्लेख।

  • राष्ट्रीय गर्व: कवि मातृभूमि के प्रति अपने गर्व और प्रेम को व्यक्त करते हैं, और पाठकों को भी अपने देश के प्रति समर्पित रहने की प्रेरणा देते हैं।

  • प्रेरणादायक भाषा: सरल और प्रेरणादायक भाषा में लिखी गई यह कविता बच्चों में देशभक्ति की भावना जागृत करती है और उन्हें अपने देश की विविधता और गौरव को समझने का अवसर देती है।

Points to remember from Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 1 Mathru Bhumi

  • The poem Matrubhumi expresses deep love and respect for one’s motherland, India.

  • It highlights the beauty and cultural richness of the country, inspiring pride in its heritage.

  • Important themes include patriotism, belonging, and the bond people share with their homeland.

  • Key lines describe nature, people, and the history of India, portraying the poet’s admiration.

  • Difficult words or phrases reflect a traditional style, making it essential to understand their meanings for a clear view of the poem’s message.

  • The poem encourages students to value and respect their country, connecting with India’s roots and traditions.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 1 Mathru Bhumi 

  • The revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 1, Matrubhumi, are helpful for quick and focused study. 

  • They highlight key themes and important lines, making it easier to remember the main points of the poem. 

  • The notes explain difficult words and ideas in simple language, which helps students understand and connect with the poem better. 

  • These notes save time during exam preparation, as they cover all the essential parts. 

  • Having them in a downloadable format also allows students to study anytime, providing flexibility and support for last-minute revision.

Study Tips For Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 1 Mathru Bhumi

  • Draw a map of India and write key points from the poem around it to connect ideas with the country’s image.

  • Imagine the poem as a short story about love for one’s homeland, making it more interesting and memorable.

  • Try reading the poem with a rhythm or tune to make it easier to remember, like a song.

  • Write down important words from each line in different colours, so the main ideas stand out.

  • Draw simple sketches that represent parts of the poem; visuals make learning fun.

  • Act out parts of the poem, showing pride and love for the country to feel the emotions.

  • List difficult words from the poem and try using them in sentences throughout the day.

  • Write lines of the poem on different papers, mix them up, and reorder to learn the flow.


Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 1, Matrubhumi, make studying this poem easier and more effective. They cover all the main themes, important lines, and difficult words in simple language. These notes help students quickly understand the poem's message about love for one’s country. With downloadable access, students can revise anytime, even on the go. This resource is a helpful companion for exam preparation and better understanding.

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FAQs on Mathru Bhumi (मातृभूमि) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 1

1. What is covered in the Vedantu revision notes for Class 6 Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi?

The revision notes for Matrubhumi include the main themes, key lines, and a summary of the poem. They help students understand important parts and remember them easily for exams.

2. How will Vedantu’s notes for Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi help in exam preparation?

These notes provide a clear overview of the poem, focusing on important details. They make revision simple by highlighting main points that students can remember during exams.

3. Are Vedantu’s Class 6 revision notes helpful for understanding the poem’s message in Matrubhumi?

Yes, the notes explain the poem’s message simply, helping students understand the love for one's country. This makes it easier to connect with the poem's feelings.

4. What are the key points included in Vedantu’s notes for Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi?

The notes cover important lines, explanations, themes, and vocabulary from the poem. They focus on what students need to know and remember.

5. Can Vedantu’s notes help with difficult words in the Class 6 Hindi poem Matrubhumi?

Yes, the notes explain difficult words, making the poem’s language easier to understand. This helps students follow the poem's meaning clearly.

6. Do the Vedantu revision notes include a summary of Matrubhumi for Class 6?

Yes, the notes contain a short summary of the poem, capturing its main ideas in simple words. This is helpful for a quick recap before exams.

7. Are Vedantu’s notes for Matrubhumi useful for quick revision in Class 6 Hindi?

Absolutely. The notes are short and to the point, covering the main parts, making them perfect for a quick review before tests.

8. How can Vedantu’s notes for Class 6 Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi improve my answer-writing skills?

The notes guide students on writing answers well by focusing on main points. They help students write clear and complete answers about the poem’s themes.

9. Do the Class 6 Vedantu notes help in understanding the poem’s literary devices in Matrubhumi?

Yes, the notes mention literary devices, like metaphors or similes, used in the poem. This helps students understand how the poet presents ideas.

10. Are Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 6 Chapter 1 available in a downloadable format?

Yes, the revision notes are downloadable, allowing students to study them anytime, even without internet access, making learning flexible.

11. Can Vedantu’s Class 6 notes for Matrubhumi help if I missed the classroom explanation?

Yes, the notes cover all main points, so they’re a good alternative if a student missed the class. They make the poem easy to follow.

12. How do Vedantu’s notes for Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi simplify complex ideas in the poem?

The notes explain complex ideas in simple language, making it easier for students to understand deeper meanings in the poem without confusion.

13. Do Vedantu’s notes for Class 6 Chapter 1 - Matrubhumi include important questions from the poem?

Yes, some important questions related to the poem are included. These help students practice and be well-prepared for exams.