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Pehli Boond (पहली बूँद) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 3


CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Revision Notes for Chapter 3 पहली बूँद Class 6 - FREE PDF Download

Vedantu’s free revision notes for Class 6 Hindi are crafted to help students study with ease and focus. Prepared by experienced teachers, these notes align with the CBSE Class 6 Hindi Syllabus, covering each essential topic in an easy-to-understand manner. Available as a free PDF download, these notes let students study anywhere, promoting clear understanding and organised learning.

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Chapter 3, Pehli Boond, invites students to appreciate the beauty of the first raindrop, symbolising freshness and the wonders of nature. The revision notes for this poem simplify its themes and imagery, helping students connect with the poet’s vision. Each Class 6 Hindi Revision Notes offers clear guidance and structured information, ensuring students have a reliable resource to refer to during their preparation.

Access Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 3: Pehli Boond (पहली बूँद) Notes

लेखक परिचय — गोपालकृष्ण कौल

गोपालकृष्ण कौल हिंदी साहित्य के एक प्रतिष्ठित कवि हैं, जो अपनी गहन भावनाओं और प्रकृति प्रेम को कविताओं में प्रस्तुत करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं। उनके लेखन में करुणा और संवेदना का पुट होता है, जो पाठकों को उनके शब्दों से जोड़ता है। प्रकृति की सुंदरता और मानवीय संवेदनाओं का अद्भुत मिश्रण उनकी कविताओं में देखने को मिलता है।


इस कविता में, कवि ने वर्षा की पहली बूँद के धरती पर गिरने का अद्भुत वर्णन किया है। पहली बूँद धरती पर गिरते ही उसे नया जीवन मिल जाता है, सूखी धरती हरी-भरी हो उठती है और प्रकृति मुस्कराने लगती है। इस कविता में बूँद को जीवन और उर्वरता का प्रतीक बताया गया है। कवि ने बादलों, बिजली और अमृत के माध्यम से वर्षा का सौंदर्य और महत्व व्यक्त किया है।

मुख्य विषय

कविता का मुख्य विषय प्रकृति के प्रति प्रेम और वर्षा की पहली बूँद का महत्व है। यह बूँद धरती की प्यास को बुझाती है और नई स्फूर्ति का संचार करती है। इस कविता के माध्यम से कवि ने प्रकृति के साथ इंसान के गहरे संबंध को उजागर किया है और दिखाया है कि वर्षा का आगमन जीवन में नवीनीकरण का प्रतीक है।

पात्र चित्रण

कविता में किसी विशेष पात्र का चित्रण नहीं है, बल्कि यहाँ प्रकृति और धरती को एक जीवंत रूप में प्रस्तुत किया गया है। वर्षा की पहली बूँद धरती पर गिरकर उसे पुनर्जीवित करती है, जैसे कोई प्यासी आत्मा को तृप्त कर रही हो। यहाँ प्रकृति को एक प्रेमपूर्ण और संवेदनशील रूप में चित्रित किया गया है।


  • प्रथम वर्षा: कविता का आरंभ उस समय से होता है जब वर्षा की पहली बूँद धरती पर गिरती है।

  • नव जीवन का संचार: बूँद के धरती पर गिरते ही अंकुर फूटने लगते हैं, और प्रकृति में नव जीवन की शुरुआत होती है।

  • सूखी धरती का पुनर्जीवन: अमृत जैसी पहली बूँद धरती की प्यास को बुझाकर उसे पुनः हरा-भरा बनाती है।

  • प्रकृति का उत्सव: बादल और बिजली के गगन में गूंजने से ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि प्रकृति एक उत्सव मना रही है।

  • दृश्य चित्रण: कवि ने वर्षा, बादल, बिजली और धरती के सूक्ष्म विवरण के माध्यम से एक सुंदर दृश्य चित्रित किया है।

  • प्रेमपूर्ण संबंध: कविता में प्रकृति और धरती के बीच एक प्रेमपूर्ण संबंध का भाव है, जहाँ बूँद धरती की प्यास को तृप्त करती है।

  • सौंदर्य और कोमलता: कवि ने वर्षा के माध्यम से सौंदर्य, करुणा और कोमलता को अभिव्यक्त किया है, जिससे पाठक प्रकृति के प्रति आदर और प्रेम महसूस करता है।

Points to remember from Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 3 Pehli Boond

  • The poem describes the impact of the first raindrop on the dry earth, symbolising renewal and rejuvenation.

  • The arrival of the first drop makes the barren earth come alive, sprouting new life, symbolising nature's cycle.

  • The poem highlights the close bond between nature and humans, portraying how rain is essential for life.

  • Rich imagery is used to show the rain as a nurturing force, likened to 'nectar' for the thirsty earth.

  • The poem uses descriptive language to create visuals of clouds, lightning, and raindrops falling on Earth.

  • The poet adds an emotional layer, depicting the earth as eagerly awaiting the rain to quench its thirst.

  • Through the arrival of rain, the poet conveys hope, renewal, and the beauty of nature’s harmony.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 3 Pehli Boond

  • Revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 3 Pehli Boond are essential for simplifying and reinforcing the poem's key themes and ideas. 

  • They provide a clear summary of each stanza, making it easier for students to understand the poet's message about nature's renewal. 

  • With concise explanations of difficult words and phrases, the notes help students remember important points effectively. 

  • Additionally, revision notes save time during exam preparation by highlighting critical concepts, allowing students to review the chapter quickly and thoroughly. 

  • The notes also help improve answer-writing skills by guiding students on how to focus on essential aspects of exams.

Study Tips For Class 6 Hindi Malhar Chapter 3 Pehli Boond

  • Read the Poem Carefully: Go through the poem line by line to understand the emotions and imagery used by the poet.

  • Understand the Meanings: Make a list of difficult words and their meanings. This will help you grasp the essence of each line better.

  • Summarise Each Stanza: After reading each stanza, write a short summary in your own words. This will help you remember the flow of the poem.

  • Focus on Key Themes: Pay attention to the main themes like nature’s renewal, the bond between earth and rain, and the symbolism of the first raindrop.

  • Practice Writing Answers: Practice answering questions related to the poem's themes, imagery, and significance to improve your answer-writing skills.

  • Use Revision Notes: Refer to your revision notes to get a quick overview of the chapter, especially during exams.

  • Discuss with Peers or Teachers: If possible, discuss the poem with classmates or teachers to gain a deeper understanding and new perspectives.


The revision notes for Class 6 Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 3 Pehli Boond make it easier to understand the poem’s message about nature’s beauty and renewal. By focusing on key themes and summarising each stanza, these notes help students remember important points and improve their grasp of the poem. With simple explanations of difficult words, the notes also save time during revisions. Accessible anytime as a free PDF, they provide a reliable resource for thorough exam preparation.

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FAQs on Pehli Boond (पहली बूँद) Class 6 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Malhar) Chapter 3

1. What are the benefits of using revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3 Pehli Boond?

Revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3 Pehli Boond simplify complex ideas and highlight important points, making it easier for students to understand and remember the poem. These notes are helpful for quick revision before exams.

2. How can revision notes help in understanding Pehli Boond better?

The revision notes break down each stanza of Pehli Boond, providing clear explanations of difficult words and themes. This helps students understand the poem's message about nature and the significance of the first raindrop.

3. Why should students refer to Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3?

Vedantu’s revision notes are prepared by experts and follow the CBSE syllabus, making them reliable for students. They summarise the poem in simple language, making it easy to learn and remember key points.

4. How do the revision notes for Chapter 3 Pehli Boond help with exam preparation?

These notes highlight important aspects of the poem, helping students focus on key points during revision. By using them, students can save time and quickly refresh their knowledge before exams.

5. Can revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Pehli Boond improve answer-writing skills?

Yes, the notes guide students on how to structure answers by focusing on the poem's main themes and points. This helps students write clear and effective answers in exams.

6. What makes Vedantu’s Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3 revision notes easy to use?

Vedantu’s notes are written in simple language and summarise each stanza and theme, making them easy to read and understand. They are designed to suit the learning level of Class 6 students.

7. How can I access Vedantu’s free PDF for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3 Pehli Boond?

Students can download the free PDF of Vedantu’s revision notes for Pehli Boond directly from the Vedantu website. This allows them to study anytime, anywhere.

8. Do Vedantu’s revision notes cover all important points in Pehli Boond?

Yes, Vedantu’s revision notes cover all major themes, key phrases, and important imagery used in the poem, making it a comprehensive resource for students.

9. How do the revision notes simplify difficult words in Class 6 Hindi Pehli Boond?

The notes provide simple explanations for tough words and phrases in Pehli Boond, making it easier for students to understand the poem without confusion.

10. Are the revision notes for Chapter 3 Pehli Boond suitable for last-minute revisions?

Yes, the notes are organised and summarised, making them ideal for last-minute revisions. They help students quickly go over essential points before exams.

11. Can Vedantu’s Class 6 revision notes for Pehli Boond help in understanding nature’s themes?

Absolutely, the notes highlight the theme of nature’s renewal and beauty as presented in Pehli Boond, making it easy for students to connect with the poet's message.

12. Why are revision notes helpful for understanding the poet's perspective in Pehli Boond?

Revision notes explain the poet's perspective on rain and nature, helping students gain a deeper understanding of the emotions and imagery used in Pehli Boond.

13. Do Vedantu’s revision notes for Class 6 Hindi Chapter 3 provide stanza-wise explanations?

Yes, the notes give a stanza-wise breakdown of Pehli Boond, helping students understand each part of the poem and its meaning in a structured way.