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Lakh Ki Chudiyan Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 1


Hindi Notes for Chapter 1 लाख की चूड़ियां Class 8 Vasant - FREE PDF Download

Lakh Ki Chudiyan from the Class 8 Hindi Syllabus is a touching story that takes readers into the life of Badlu, a rural bangle maker. Badlu crafts lac bangles with care, a skill passed down through generations. The story not only highlights his dedication but also shows how modern changes, like machine-made bangles, threaten traditional jobs. Through this simple tale, readers gain a glimpse of the struggles faced by artisans and the beauty of their age-old skills.

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Vedantu provides the FREE PDF for Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes from the chapter that are created by subject matter experts to help you study anywhere you wish. These are constantly checked and updated to make sure they match the latest syllabus. Download the FREE PDF today and enjoy learning.

Access Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1: लाख की चूड़ियां (Lakh Ki Chudiyan) Notes

लेखक परिचय:

कामतानाथ हिंदी साहित्य के एक प्रमुख लेखक थे, जिनका जन्म 2 जून 1934 को हुआ था। उन्होंने मुख्य रूप से कहानियाँ, उपन्यास और नाटक लिखे, जिनमें सामाजिक और मानवीय संवेदनाओं का गहरा चित्रण मिलता है। उनके लेखन में भारतीय समाज की वास्तविकता और बदलते परिवेश का प्रतिबिंब देखने को मिलता है। उनके प्रसिद्ध कार्यों में कहानी एक, फैसला, और सूरज का इंतजार शामिल हैं। कामतानाथ ने अपने लेखन में आम लोगों की साधारण ज़िंदगी और उनके संघर्षों को सजीवता से प्रस्तुत किया है, जिससे पाठक उनके पात्रों के साथ आसानी से जुड़ाव महसूस कर पाते हैं।


लाख की चूड़ियां कहानी में बदलू काका नामक एक ग्रामीण कारीगर की कहानी है, जो लाख की चूड़ियां बनाता है। लेखक अपने बचपन की यादों में बदलू काका से जुड़ी गर्मियों की छुट्टियों को याद करते हैं, जब वे अपने मामा के गाँव में उनसे मिलते थे। बदलू काका गाँव की महिलाओं के लिए लाख की सुंदर चूड़ियाँ बनाते थे और बदले में अनाज या वस्तुएँ लेते थे। समय के साथ मशीनों से बनी काँच की चूड़ियों का प्रचलन बढ़ा और लाख की चूड़ियों की मांग घट गई। इस बदलाव के कारण बदलू काका का काम लगभग समाप्त हो गया, लेकिन उन्होंने अपनी कला और आत्मसम्मान को नहीं छोड़ा। कहानी ग्रामीण जीवन और पारंपरिक कारीगरों के संघर्षों को सरलता से दर्शाती है।


लाख की चूड़ियां कहानी का मुख्य विषय ग्रामीण जीवन में पारंपरिक कारीगरों का संघर्ष और उनके काम के प्रति उनका सम्मान है। यह कहानी बदलते समय के साथ उनके सामने आने वाली कठिनाइयों को दर्शाती है, जब आधुनिकता और मशीनों के कारण उनकी कला और काम पर संकट आता है। इसके साथ ही, कहानी में आत्म-सम्मान, परंपरा और कला के प्रति समर्पण जैसे विषयों को भी उभारा गया है, जो इन कारीगरों के जीवन का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं।


  • लाख की चूड़ियां कहानी में बदलू काका नामक कारीगर की कहानी है, जो लाख से चूड़ियां बनाते हैं।

  • लेखक अपने बचपन में बदलू काका से गाँव में गर्मियों की छुट्टियों के दौरान मिलते थे।

  • बदलू काका गाँव की महिलाओं के लिए लाख की चूड़ियां बनाते और बदले में अनाज या वस्तुएँ लेते थे।

  • मशीनों से बनी काँच की चूड़ियों का प्रचलन बढ़ने से लाख की चूड़ियों की मांग घट गई।

  • बदलू काका के काम पर संकट आया, लेकिन उन्होंने अपनी कला और आत्म-सम्मान को बनाए रखा।

  • कहानी ग्रामीण जीवन, परंपरा, और कारीगरों के संघर्षों को दर्शाती है।

Points to remember from Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 : Lakh Ki Chudiyan (लाख की चूड़ियां)

  • Lakh Ki Chudiyan is a story about a traditional bangle-maker named Badlu.

  • The story reflects the simplicity of rural life and traditional crafts.

  • Badlu makes lac bangles, exchanging them for grains or goods instead of money.

  • As time progresses, machine-made glass bangles become popular, reducing the demand for lac bangles.

  • Despite the decline in his work, Badlu holds onto his craft and self-respect.

  • The story highlights the impact of modernization on traditional artisans and their livelihoods.

Importance of Vedantu’s Revision Notes for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 Lakh Ki Chudiyan (लाख की चूड़ियां)

  • Vedantu’s notes offer a clear summary of the chapter, helping students understand the main points quickly.

  • These notes are created by experienced teachers, making complex ideas easy to grasp.

  • The revision notes are aligned with the latest syllabus, ensuring relevance for exams.

  • With downloadable PDFs, students can revise anytime, anywhere, giving flexibility to their study routine.

  • The notes highlight key themes and details, making it easier for students to recall information during exams.

Study Tips for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1: Lakh Ki Chudiyan (लाख की चूड़ियां) 

  • Focus on the main theme of traditional craftsmanship by noting Badlu’s dedication to his work and the importance of lac bangles in rural culture.

  • Reflect on how modernization affects Badlu’s livelihood, as this is a key point in the chapter.

  • Use Vedantu’s notes to understand the emotional aspects, such as Badlu’s resilience and pride, which add depth to the story.

  • Make connections between Badlu's experience and the broader issue of how traditional skills face challenges in a changing world.

  • Write short answers summarizing these themes and how they impact Badlu’s life, as this will help in remembering details during exams.

  • Try discussing the story with others to better understand the cultural significance of lac bangles and the respect for traditional art forms, which is a central message of the chapter.


Lakh Ki Chudiyan is a meaningful story that captures the beauty and challenges of traditional craftsmanship in rural India. Through Badlu’s journey, we see how artisans’ lives and livelihoods can be deeply affected by modern changes. Despite these hardships, Badlu’s pride in his craft and his dedication to preserving tradition stand out, showing the importance of cultural heritage. Vedantu’s Revision Notes for this chapter cover everything you need to know from summaries to key characters and topics so that you can quickly get a grasp on the chapter.

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FAQs on Lakh Ki Chudiyan Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 1

1. What is the main theme of Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The main theme of Lakh Ki Chudiyan is the significance of traditional craftsmanship and its struggle against modernisation. It highlights the dedication of artisans like Badlu.

2. Who is the central character in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The central character is Badlu, a rural bangle maker who creates beautiful lac bangles but faces challenges due to changing times.

3. How does modernisation affect Badlu in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Modernisation leads to the rise of machine-made glass bangles, reducing the demand for Badlu's lac bangles and impacting his livelihood.

4. What does Badlu's character represent in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Badlu represents hardworking artisans who take pride in their craft and face difficulties while trying to adapt to new challenges in society.

5. What lesson can we learn from Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The story teaches us to value and respect traditional skills and crafts, as they are an essential part of our cultural heritage.

6. What type of bangles does Badlu make in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Badlu makes lac bangles, which are traditional and handmade, reflecting the artistry of rural craftsmen.

7. Why do women in the village prefer glass bangles over lac bangles in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Women in the village prefer glass bangles because they are more readily available, cheaper, and come in various colours and designs.

8. How does Badlu feel about his craft in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Badlu feels proud of his craft and takes great care in making the lac bangles, showing his dedication to his work.

9. What does the story suggest about the impact of modernisation on traditional jobs in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The story suggests that modernisation can threaten traditional jobs and crafts, leading to a decline in the livelihoods of artisans.

10. How is Badlu's relationship with the village women depicted in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

Badlu has a respectful and friendly relationship with the village women, who appreciate his craftsmanship and rely on him for their bangles.

11. What emotional aspects are highlighted in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The story highlights themes of pride, resilience, and the emotional connection artisans have with their work and community.

12. How does the author convey the cultural significance of lac bangles in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan?

The author conveys the cultural significance of lac bangles by showing how they are an integral part of the women's identity and traditional attire in the village.