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Bus Ki Yatra Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 2


Hindi Notes for Chapter 2 बस की यात्रा Class 8 Vasant - FREE PDF Download

Bus Ki Yatra, from the Class 8 Hindi Syllabus, is a funny story about a trip the author takes with his friends on an old bus. The journey is full of surprises and problems, making it quite an adventure. As they travel, they meet different people and face some silly situations that make them laugh. The author describes how the bus is very old and not in great shape, which adds to the fun of the trip. This chapter shows how travelling can bring friends together and how a little humour can help during tough times. 

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Vedantu’s FREE PDF for Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes from this chapter provided by subject matter experts is available to download from the Vedantu website. You can use the Revision Notes FREE PDF to study anywhere, anytime, even before the exam to quickly grasp the outline of the chapter.

Access Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2: बस की यात्रा (Bus Ki Yatra) Notes

लेखक परिचय:

हरिशंकर परसाई एक प्रसिद्ध भारतीय लेखक थे, जिन्होंने हिंदी में लेखन किया। वे आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य के प्रसिद्ध व्यंग्यकार और हास्यकार माने जाते हैं, और उनकी लेखन शैली सरल और सीधे शब्दों में होती है। उन्होंने व्यंग्य लेखन किया, जिसमें मानव मूल्यों और स्वभाव का चित्रण किया गया है।


बस की यात्रा कहानी में लेखक अपने चार दोस्तों के साथ एक पुरानी बस में यात्रा का अनुभव साझा करते हैं। जब वे जबलपुर जाने के लिए बस पकड़ने का निर्णय लेते हैं, तो कुछ लोग उन्हें सलाह देते हैं कि वे इस बस से यात्रा न करें। लेखक और उनके मित्र सलाह को नजरअंदाज करके उसी बस से यात्रा करते हैं। बस की खराब हालत देखकर लेखक मजाक में कहते हैं कि यह पूजा के योग्य है। यात्रा के दौरान कई परेशानियाँ आती हैं, जैसे पेट्रोल की टंकी में छेद होना और टायर का पंचर होना, लेकिन यात्री इन कठिनाइयों का सामना हंसते-खिलखिलाते करते हैं। अंत में, लेखक अपने डर को छोड़कर बस के साथ एक हो जाने की कोशिश करते हैं और यात्रा के अनुभव का आनंद लेते हैं। यह कहानी हास्य, मानव संबंधों और यात्रा के मजेदार अनुभवों को दर्शाती है।


बस की यात्रा कहानी का मुख्य विषय यात्रा के दौरान होने वाले हास्य और चुनौतीपूर्ण अनुभवों को दर्शाना है। इस कहानी में लेखक ने एक पुरानी बस की यात्रा के माध्यम से न केवल यात्रा की कठिनाइयों को उजागर किया है, बल्कि साथ ही दोस्तों के बीच की मित्रता और सहयोग की भावना को भी प्रस्तुत किया है। लेखक ने विभिन्न पात्रों और उनकी प्रतिक्रियाओं के माध्यम से यह दिखाया है कि कैसे कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी हास्य की भावना बनाए रखना संभव है। कहानी यह भी दर्शाती है कि यात्रा सिर्फ एक जगह से दूसरी जगह जाने का माध्यम नहीं, बल्कि यह जीवन के अनुभवों को साझा करने और रिश्तों को मजबूत बनाने का एक अवसर भी है।


  • बस की यात्रा कहानी में लेखक अपने चार दोस्तों के साथ एक पुरानी बस की यात्रा का अनुभव साझा करते हैं।

  • वे जबलपुर जाने के लिए बस पकड़ने का फैसला करते हैं, लेकिन कुछ लोग उन्हें इस बस से यात्रा न करने की सलाह देते हैं।

  • लेखक और उनके मित्र सलाह को नजरअंदाज करके उसी बस में सफर करते हैं, जो खराब हालत में है।

  • बस की स्थिति देखकर लेखक मजाक में कहते हैं कि यह पूजा के योग्य है।

  • यात्रा के दौरान कई समस्याएं आती हैं, जैसे पेट्रोल की टंकी में छेद होना और टायर का पंचर होना।

  • यात्री इन कठिनाइयों का सामना हंसते-खिलखिलाते करते हैं, जिससे माहौल हल्का-फुल्का बना रहता है।

  • अंत में, लेखक अपने डर को छोड़कर बस के साथ एक हो जाने की कोशिश करते हैं और यात्रा का आनंद लेते हैं।

  • कहानी में हास्य, मित्रता और यात्रा के मजेदार अनुभवों को उजागर किया गया है।

Points to Remember from Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 : बस की यात्रा (Bus Ki Yatra)

  • The story is about the author's funny journey with friends on an old and shaky bus to Jabalpur.

  • Even though people warn them about the bus's bad condition, they decide to go for the trip anyway.

  • During the journey, they face problems like a petrol leak and a flat tire, but they handle it all with laughter and jokes.

  • The author compares the bus's condition to the non-cooperation movement, showing how its parts don’t work well together.

  • The story highlights friendship, staying strong during tough times, and finding joy in funny situations.

Importance of Vedantu’s Revision Notes for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 बस की यात्रा (Bus Ki Yatra)

  • Vedantu's Revision Notes provide a clear summary of the chapter, making it easier to understand the main ideas and themes.

  • They highlight important characters and events, helping students remember key details from the story.

  • Vedantu's Revision Notes are created by experienced teachers, ensuring that the information is accurate and easy to follow.

  • With downloadable PDFs, Vedantu's Revision Notes allow students to revise anytime and anywhere, making study sessions more flexible.

  • These notes focus on important lessons and themes, helping students prepare better for exams and discussions.

Study Tips for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2: बस की यात्रा (Bus Ki Yatra)

  • Start by reading the chapter carefully to understand the story and its themes, then use Vedantu's Revision Notes to review the main points.

  • Make a list of key events and characters in the story, and refer to Vedantu's Revision Notes to ensure you haven't missed anything important.

  • Discuss the chapter with friends or family, using Vedantu's Revision Notes to help explain the story and its humour.

  • Try summarising the chapter in your own words after using Vedantu's Revision Notes to reinforce your understanding.

  • Use Vedantu's Revision Notes to focus on the important lessons and themes, which will help you prepare for exams and improve your writing skills.


In बस की यात्रा, the author, Harishankar Parsai, takes us on a humorous adventure through the ups and downs of a bus journey. Despite the challenges faced by the author and his friends, such as the old bus breaking down and various mishaps, they manage to find joy and laughter in their experience. The story highlights the importance of friendship and a positive attitude, even in tough situations. Through witty observations and relatable characters, the chapter teaches us to appreciate the journey, not just the destination. Vedantu’s FREE PDF of Revision Notes from this chapter provide everything you need to know anywhere, anytime you wish.

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FAQs on Bus Ki Yatra Class 8 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Vasant) Chapter 2

1. What is the main theme of Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The main theme of Bus Ki Yatra is the humorous experiences during a bus journey, highlighting how friendships can grow and how laughter can help overcome difficult situations. The story captures the ups and downs of travel while showing that a positive attitude can make any journey enjoyable.

2. Who is the author of Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The author of Bus Ki Yatra is Harishankar Parsai, a well-known writer in Hindi literature known for his satirical and humorous writing style. His unique approach to storytelling makes everyday experiences relatable and entertaining.

3. What problems do the characters face in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The characters face several problems during their journey, including the old bus breaking down unexpectedly, a petrol leak that causes worry, and a flat tire that delays their travel. These challenges add to the chaos of the trip but also create opportunities for humour and camaraderie among the passengers.

4. How do the passengers react to the bus's condition in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The passengers react with laughter and jokes about the bus's poor condition, showing a light-hearted attitude despite the serious problems they encounter. Their ability to find humour in a tough situation helps to lighten the mood and fosters a sense of togetherness among them.

5. What does the author compare the bus’s condition to in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The author compares the bus’s condition to the non-cooperation movement led by Gandhi, suggesting that the various parts of the bus do not work well together, much like a group of people refusing to cooperate. This clever comparison adds a layer of irony to the narrative, highlighting the dysfunctionality of the bus in a humorous way.

6. What lesson can we learn from Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The story teaches us the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and enjoying the journey, regardless of the challenges faced along the way. It shows that laughter and friendship can make even the most difficult situations more bearable and enjoyable.

7. How does the journey strengthen friendships in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The shared experiences and humorous moments during the journey help to strengthen the bond between the author and his friends, as they support each other through the ups and downs. Their collective laughter and teamwork in facing challenges deepen their friendship and create lasting memories.

8. What emotions does the author express during the journey in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The author expresses a mix of fear and amusement as he navigates the challenges of the journey while also enjoying the company of his friends. This emotional contrast reflects the unpredictable nature of travel, where fear can coexist with fun and excitement.

9. How does the author describe the bus in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

The author describes the bus as very old and rickety, using humorous language to convey its decrepit state. He suggests that the bus is almost worthy of worship due to its long service, as it has carried many passengers over the years, despite its current poor condition.

10. What is the significance of laughter in Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 2 - बस की यात्रा?

Laughter plays a significant role in helping the passengers cope with the difficulties of the journey, making their experience more enjoyable and less stressful. It highlights how humour can bring people together and create a sense of community, even in challenging situations.