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Reedh Ki Haddi (रीढ़ की हड्डी ) Class 9 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Kritika) Chapter 3


Hindi Notes for Chapter 3 रीढ़ की हड्डी (जगदीश चंद्र माथुर) Class 9 Kritika - FREE PDF Download

In Chapter 3 of the Class 9 Hindi syllabus, "रीढ़ की हड्डी" (The Backbone), written by Jagdish Chandra Mathur, the play addresses societal discrimination based on gender and education. The story centres around Uma, whose father, Ram Swaroop, conceals her educational qualifications in order to marry her off to a man whose family prefers a less-educated bride. However, Uma challenges this outdated mindset and exposes the hypocrisy of the groom's family by revealing their son's inappropriate behaviour. Through this, the play underscores the importance of standing up for one’s values and self-respect, symbolised by the metaphorical "backbone" representing courage and integrity in the face of societal pressures.

These revision notes from Vedantu cover the main ideas of the poem in a way that’s easy to understand. You can download the FREE PDF for Class 9 Hindi Revision Notes from this chapter to go over the poem anytime and get a good grasp of its meaning. The FREE PDF is constantly checked and updated to align with the latest syllabus. Download the FREE PDF for Revision Notes from चिड़िया और चुरुंगुन and access summaries, synopsis, theme and more to fully understand the chapter.

Access Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 3 : Reedh Ki Haddi (रीढ़ की हड्डी ) Notes

लेखक परिचय: जगदीश चंद्र माथुर

जगदीश चंद्र माथुर (1894-1960) हिन्दी के प्रसिद्ध कहानीकार और नाटककार थे। वे अपनी लेखनी के माध्यम से समाजिक समस्याओं और मानवीय संवेदनाओं को गहरे तरीके से व्यक्त करते थे। उनका लेखन सामाजिक परिवर्तनों और उन्नति के प्रति प्रतिबद्ध था। उन्होंने अपने नाटकों और कहानियों में भारतीय समाज की कमजोरियों और रूढ़िवादी परंपराओं पर तीव्र आलोचना की।

उनकी रचनाएँ आमतौर पर व्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता, समानता, और सामाजिक न्याय के मुद्दों पर आधारित होती थीं। "रीढ़ की हड्डी" जैसे नाटकों के माध्यम से उन्होंने यह संदेश दिया कि व्यक्ति को अपनी इज्जत और आत्म-सम्मान के लिए समाज की रूढ़िवादी सोच के खिलाफ खड़ा होना चाहिए। उनकी लेखनी सरल और प्रभावशाली थी, जो पाठकों को गहरे विचार करने के लिए प्रेरित करती थी।

1. सारांश:

"रीढ़ की हड्डी" एकांकी में लेखक जगदीश चंद्र माथुर ने सामाजिक रूढ़िवादी सोच और लिंगभेद पर प्रहार किया है। कहानी में उमा के पिता, रामस्वरूप, अपनी बेटी की उच्च शिक्षा को छुपाकर उसका विवाह करना चाहते हैं, क्योंकि लड़के वाले कम पढ़ी-लिखी बहू चाहते हैं। उमा इस सामाजिक असमानता को चुनौती देती है और अपने शिक्षित होने का खुलासा करती है। वह लड़के के पिता को यह बताती है कि उनका बेटा महिलाओं के छात्रावास के पास गंदे इरादों से घूमता था। इसके बाद, उमा उन पर तंज कसते हुए कहती है कि पहले यह जानें कि उनके बेटे में "रीढ़ की हड्डी" है या नहीं। इस प्रकार, यह एकांकी समाज की बेवकूफीपूर्ण सोच और महिलाओं के आत्म-सम्मान की रक्षा के महत्व को उजागर करता है।

2. विषय:

"रीढ़ की हड्डी" का मुख्य विषय सामाजिक रूढ़िवादी सोच और लिंगभेद है। इस नाटक में लेखक ने उन सामाजिक प्रथाओं और विचारों की आलोचना की है जो महिलाओं को कमतर और पुरुषों को सर्वोत्तम मानते हैं। नाटक के माध्यम से यह दिखाया गया है कि महिला को उसके आत्म-सम्मान और शिक्षा की वजह से तिरस्कार का सामना करना पड़ता है। इसके साथ ही, यह नाटक आत्म-सम्मान, साहस, और समानता जैसे महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को भी उजागर करता है, जिसमें उमा अपनी शिक्षा और आत्म-गौरव की रक्षा करती है और समाज की गलत धारणाओं को चुनौती देती है।

3. सार:

  • रामस्वरूप अपनी बेटी उमा की शिक्षा छुपाकर उसका विवाह करना चाहते हैं।

  • लड़के वाले कम पढ़ी-लिखी बहू चाहते हैं, इसलिए उमा की शिक्षा को छुपाने का निर्णय लिया जाता है।

  • उमा अपनी शिक्षा और आत्म-सम्मान को लेकर विरोध करती है।

  • उमा लड़के के पिता को बताती है कि उनका बेटा लड़कियों के छात्रावास के पास गलत इरादों से देखा गया था।

  • उमा कहती है कि पहले यह जानें कि उनके बेटे में "रीढ़ की हड्डी" है या नहीं, और समाज की सोच को चुनौती देती है।

Points to remember from Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 3 Reedh Ki Haddi

  1. Theme of Social Norms: The play criticises social prejudices, especially gender discrimination, where girls are expected to be less educated and inferior to men.

  2. Character of Uma: Uma, the main character, represents courage, self-respect, and resistance against social rules that limit women’s opportunities.

  3. Hypocrisy of the Groom’s Family: The groom’s family, represented by Gopal Prasad and his son Shankar, holds outdated views, wanting a less-educated bride while revealing Shankar’s inappropriate behaviour.

  4. Uma’s Bold Stand: Uma exposes the hypocrisy of the groom’s family by revealing Shankar’s actions and challenging their narrow-mindedness, symbolising the “backbone” of moral strength.

  5. Message of the Play: The play highlights the importance of standing up for one’s education and self-respect, teaching the value of having moral strength to fight against societal norms.

Importance of Revision Notes Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 3 Reedh Ki Haddi

  • Main Idea of the Chapter: Vedantu’s notes explain the central idea of the play, which addresses societal discrimination based on gender and education. The story centres around Uma, whose father hides her educational qualifications to marry her off to a man whose family prefers a less-educated bride.

  • Key Themes Explained: The notes focus on how Uma challenges this outdated mindset and exposes the hypocrisy of the groom’s family by revealing their son's inappropriate behaviour, helping you understand the themes of courage and self-respect.

  • Important Dialogues and Lines: Vedantu’s notes highlight important dialogues, particularly where Uma stands up for her values, allowing you to quickly review significant lines that showcase her defiance and strength.

  • Focus on Character Development: The notes point out the development of Uma’s character, from being passive to actively questioning societal norms, helping you understand her transformation and the overall message of the play.

  • Exam Preparation Focus: These notes, created by experts at Vedantu, cover the essential points of the chapter, simplifying complex ideas, highlighting likely exam questions, and ensuring you are well-prepared for your exams.

Study Tips for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 3 Reedh Ki Haddi

  • Focus on understanding key themes like gender discrimination and self-respect.

  • Highlight and memorise important dialogues, especially those spoken by Uma.

  • Analyse the development of Uma’s character and her defiance against societal norms.

  • Keep track of the setting and plot to explain the story clearly.

  • Use revision notes, like those from Vedantu, for quick and effective revision.

  • Practice writing short summaries to reinforce understanding and improve exam answers.

Study Tips for Class 9 Hindi Kritika Chapter 3 Reedh Ki Haddi

  • Understand the Central Theme: Focus on the main idea of the play, which addresses societal discrimination based on gender and education, and think about how Uma challenges outdated norms, similar to how the spine supports the body. Vedantu’s notes can help clarify this central message.

  • Character Analysis: Pay attention to Uma's development as a character. From being passive, she grows into a strong figure who confronts societal expectations, symbolising the importance of self-respect and integrity. Vedantu’s notes can offer detailed insights into this transformation.

  • Review Important Dialogues: Use Vedantu’s notes to highlight key dialogues where Uma exposes the hypocrisy of the groom’s family. These lines reflect the play’s central theme of standing firm in one’s beliefs.

  • Focus on Symbolism: Reflect on the metaphor of the "backbone" used in the play, representing strength and integrity against societal pressures. Vedantu’s notes explain this symbolism in detail, making it easier to understand.

  • Use Revision Notes: Revise using Vedantu’s expert-made notes, which summarise the chapter’s important themes, character traits, and key dialogues, ensuring quick and effective revision before exams.


In conclusion, Chapter 3 of the Class 9 Hindi syllabus, "Reedh Ki Haddi," presents a powerful narrative that challenges societal norms regarding gender and education. Through the character of Uma, the play highlights the importance of self-respect, courage, and standing up for one's beliefs, much like the backbone supports and strengthens the body. By using Vedantu’s notes, students can gain a deeper understanding of the chapter’s key themes, character analysis, and important dialogues. This allows for better revision and ensures thorough preparation for exams, enabling students to confidently engage with the material. The play’s message remains relevant, encouraging individuals to question outdated practices and uphold their integrity in the face of societal pressures.

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FAQs on Reedh Ki Haddi (रीढ़ की हड्डी ) Class 9 Notes: CBSE Hindi (Kritika) Chapter 3

1. What is the main theme of the play "Reedh Ki Haddi"?

The main theme of the play is societal discrimination based on gender and education. It highlights the importance of standing up for one’s values and self-respect.

2. Who is the central character in "Reedh Ki Haddi"?

The central character is Uma, a young woman who challenges outdated societal norms about education and marriage.

3. What role does the spine symbolise in the play Reedh Ki Haddi?

The spine symbolises strength, courage, and integrity, representing the backbone of a person who stands firm in their beliefs despite societal pressures.

4. Why does Uma's father hide her educational qualifications in Class 9 Hindi play Reedh Ki Haddi?

Uma’s father hides her educational qualifications because he wants to marry her off to a man whose family prefers a less-educated bride.

5. How does Uma challenge the groom's family in the play Reedh Ki Haddi?

Uma challenges the groom’s family by revealing their son's inappropriate behaviour and exposing the hypocrisy of their expectations for a less-educated bride.

6. What is the significance of the metaphor "Reedh Ki Haddi"?

"Reedh Ki Haddi" (the backbone) symbolises a person's strength and integrity, urging individuals to stand up for their self-respect and values in the face of societal pressures.

7. What does the play Reedh Ki Haddi suggest about the role of women in society?

The play suggests that women should be respected for their education and values, rather than being judged based on outdated norms or expectations.

8. Who wrote the play "Reedh Ki Haddi"?

The play was written by Jagdish Chandra Mathur.

9. How does the play "Reedh Ki Haddi" end?

The play ends with the groom’s family leaving after Uma exposes their son’s misconduct, reinforcing the theme of standing up for one’s principles.

10. How can Vedantu's notes help in understanding this chapter 3 Reedh Ki Haddi?

Vedantu’s notes provide clear explanations of the play’s themes, character analysis, important dialogues, and symbolism, making it easier for students to understand and revise the chapter effectively.