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ICSE Literature in English Sample Papers for Class 10


ICSE Class 10 Literature in English Sample Question Paper with Solutions

For the students attending the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education exam (ICSE) of Class 10, there are two written exams conducted. Of which, the literature paper is one of them and the other paper is based on the English language. Vedantu provides access to the ICSE Literature In English Sample Paper For Class 10 that will have the students be ready for the exam. English is an important subject to ace the ICSE examination and all the students will find the necessary preparation in the Sample paper of English Literature Class 10 ICSE. The exam conducted will be of two hours duration and 80 marks in total. One can easily access the sample paper for Class 10 ICSE English Literature that has all the questions from the literature syllabus that includes Drama, Poetry, and Short stories, or Prose.

How to download ICSE Literature English Sample Papers for Class 10 from Vedantu?

The link provided on the website of Vedantu for the ICSE Literature In English sample paper For Class 10, has been specially designed by the experienced faculty at Vedantu. You can download the English sample papers in PDF format by simply clicking on the link available and you can use them as per your convenience from the comfort of your homes. It is printable so the students can benefit from it in the offline format and the hard copy as well. The main aim of the English Literature ICSE Class 10 sample papers is to gain access to the information efficiently and effectively. This will only aid the students in attaining functional knowledge in all aspects that is necessary for the English Literature students.

Benefits of using the English Sample Papers provided by Vedantu

The English Literature Sample Paper Class 10 ICSE, provided at Vedantu is the best for the students as the experts cover the entire syllabus. This helps the students to have a clear understanding and master the subject. The English subject for the high school students of ICSE is very wide and that can be strenuous in managing to be well prepared for the examination. The Sample paper of English Literature Class 10 ICSE, comes in handy at such times and helps the students manage time during their exam preparations.

  1. The complete syllabus is added while preparing the sample paper, students will find questions from The Shakespeare Unabridged play up to act 4 of The Merchant of Venice by A.W. Verity.

  2. The Poetry part of the sample paper questionnaire includes all the poems of the Evergreen Publication. Starting with the Heart of the  Tree by Henry Cuyler Bunner, The Cold Within by James Patrick Kinney, The Bangle Sellers by Sarojini Naidu, After Blenheim by Robert Southey, Television by Roald Dahl, Daffodils by William Wordsworth, The Patriot by Robert Browning and Nine Gold Medals by David Roth.

  3. The sample paper also abiding by the ICSE syllabus for Class 10 English literature contains questions from the prose of Evergreen Publications. The short stories are  Chief Seattle’s Speech, Old Man at the Bridge by  Ernest  MillerHemingway, A Horse and Two Goats by R.K. Narayan, Hearts and Hands by O. Henry, A Face in the Dark by Ruskin Bond, An Angel in Disguise by T.S. Arthur, The  Little  Match  Girl by Hans  Christian Andersen and My Greatest Olympic Prize by Jesse Owens. 

  4. Being aware and learning about the literature truly helps teach the students to become empathetic and a learner for life.

  5. The sample paper for Class 10 ICSE English Literature will not only help you prepare for the exam, the subject is so vast and deep it also allows you to have more perspective and adds value to your life.

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FAQs on ICSE Literature in English Sample Papers for Class 10

1. What is the marks wise weightage of the literature paper of ICSE English Class 10?

As you go through the sample paper, you will have a better understanding of the marks weightage for the subject paper. The English literature paper is for 100 marks, of which 20 is for internal assessment that is evaluated through the assignments and projects submitted by the students. The other 80 marks are for the theoretical paper that includes five questions from short stories or prose, poetry, and drama. Students have to attempt a selected number of questions as per the demand of the question paper.

2. What assignments can be expected for Class 10 ICSE English Literature?

For literature assignments, the records to be written will be based on the chapters. However, it can be out-of-the-box projects that will be different for each student. It can be to write about the possible different endings for the characters in the stories, the theme or character arch and analysis of it, or to jot down what relevance the story told so many years ago holds today. One must always be prepared for any such assignments and be imaginative instead of limiting oneself.

3. How to improve oneself at understanding literature, poems and analysing them accurately?

The best things about the poems are that they can be individualistic. You can be better at understanding the meaning the poet is trying to convey through his/her poems by reading and practising to answer questions for as many poems as possible. Solving sample papers is a great way to have a precise understanding. Students need to have the ability to critically analyse important passages from plays, short stories and poems. Be it the themes, the characterisation or the plot, students have to have clarity and organisation of thoughts while framing such analytical answers.

You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.

4. Do students need to follow guide books to prepare for the Literature Paper of ICSE English Class 10?

Yes, if a student wants they can find a good guidebook to study. But ultimately, they are not substitutes for reading the actual text. Students should first understand the pattern of the Literature Paper of ICSE English Class 10 since it is a subjective paper. The language used in the questions can be very tricky to grasp. So students can revise and practice several such passage-based questions to help strengthen their power of critical analysis which can help them gain some brownie points on the main day of the exam!

5. How important is it to score well in the internal assessment for the Literature Paper of ICSE English Class 10?

As per the latest syllabus of English Literature, the ICSE Class 10 English Literature paper has been divided into the theory paper (80 marks) and the Internal Assessment/project work (20 marks).  The topic for the project work can be chosen from among the ones recommended by the ICSE Board. Since every mark counts, students often do not pay too much attention to the project work. But these marks are very important to get good marks to help increase the total marks of the paper.