ICSE Syllabus for Class 10 Geography 2024-25 Examinations
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Geography Syllabus For Semester (1 & 2) 2024-25
1. Are the students required to study world geography for the exam?
No, this curriculum deals with only Indian Geography. Hence, students are not required to study world geography. This curriculum exclusively deals with soils, forests, mineral resources, transportation and their distribution all over the country. However, the concepts learnt in the mapping section can be applied to world geography as well. The syllabus contains only, Interpretation of Topographical Maps, Map of India, Location, Extent and Physical features, climate, forest, soil, transportation, agriculture, natural resources, vegetation, water resources, waste management are subtopics. In the map section, questions are asked from important mountains, peaks, plateaus, plains, rivers, water bodies, passes, latitudes, longitudes, the direction of winds, distribution of minerals, soils distribution, cities, population and other concepts
2. How many assignments should a student make for an internal assessment?
Students have to make one assignment on the relevant topic as a part of the internal assessment exam. This is jointly assessed by two examiners and they award marks respectively. One of the examiners is the subject teacher and the other external examiner is selected by the head of the school from the same school but a different class. Students can take the help of their faculty to finish their assignments. Sometimes, an external faculty might assess the assignments. These marks add up to the final marks. Students should make them as interactive as possible. They can use figures, diagrams, pictures, maps and drawings based on their topic. They can refer to their senior’s assignments in school for an idea.
3. Are the students required to learn the map of India?
Yes, students have to learn the map of India for the exam. Outline of the map and internal distribution of various features are dealt with separately in the curriculum. Under Map of India, students are asked to locate important mountains, peaks, plateaus, plains, rivers, water bodies, passes, latitudes, longitudes, the direction of winds, distribution of minerals, soils distribution, cities, population and other concepts related to the above ones are dealt . On the other hand, learning maps also helps in improving your answer writing and helps in gaining more marks. For example, when you write about mountains, mention a few mountains in India. Draw a map in the corner of your answer sheet and mark them on the map. This will make your answer stand out from others.
4. What are the components of different papers in Geography?
Two different components of the curriculum are Map work which is further divided into Interpretation of Topographical Maps and Map of India and geography of India. Under Interpretation of Topographical Maps, locating features with the help of grid, contour and contour intervals, identification of landforms based on contours, interpretation of conventional symbols and colour tints on the contours, identification and definition of types of scales, drainage, man-made features, permanent villages are discussed. Under Map of India, students are asked to locate important mountains, peaks, plateaus, plains, rivers, water bodies, passes, latitudes, longitudes, the direction of winds, distribution of minerals, soils distribution, cities, population and other concepts related to the above ones are dealt . Under the geography of India, climate, forest, soil, transportation, agriculture, natural resources, vegetation, water resources, waste management are subtopics.
5. How to improve scores in geography boards exams?
Students can use diagrams, flow charts and maps wherever necessary to explain the concepts clearly. Geography is a subject which can be better explained with visual representation. Students are advised to practice related figures before the exam as many times as possible to avoid mistakes in the exam and save time. This has a chance of improving the scores on boards. Try to draw maps wherever you answer questions related to the distribution of natural resources. Give current examples in your answers. For example, when you write about mountains, mention a few mountains in India. Draw a map in the corner of your answer sheet and mark them on the map. This will make your answer stand out from others.