Class 11 Biology NCERT Exemplar Chapter wise Solutions - Free PDF Download
NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology Chapter wise Book Solutions
FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions)
1. What is the pattern for Biology NCERT Exemplar class 11?
The sample papers for NCERT Exemplar of Biology Class 11 chapters have been prepared on the following pattern:
Section 1- Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs)
Section 2- Very Short Answer Type Questions
Section 3- Short Answer Type Questions
Section 4- Long Answer Type Questions
This book has questions of a higher level that aim at developing concepts from deep learning. Reading the textbook thoroughly and after that solving NCERT Exemplar prepares a student for any kind of exams ranging from board exams to competitive exams of high level. NCERT exemplar questions are very useful for practice but they are not provided with solutions.
2. Where can one find NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions)?
Solving NCERT exemplar is a must before any competitive exams. Biology NCERT Exemplar Class 11 solving is important for any kind of medical competitive exam like NEET, AIIMS etc. Questions in this book are of a higher level and once students are able to answer them they get confident enough to solve questions of competitive exams at ease. However while practicing the questions they need solutions also but NCERT does not provide the same. Students can get support from Vedantu regarding the exemplar solutions. They can download free PDF versions of the solutions from Vedantu website. Vedantu subject experts have given solutions on their site for the benefit of the students.
3. Is the NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions) needed for Class 11 exams only?
Questions in NCERT Exemplar Class 11 are specially designed for higher-level exams. Students only appearing for the board who aim at scoring good marks will also need them since many times board questions do not become easy by reading textbooks only for that they need to have a clear concept about the subject. Concepts can be developed by practicing questions of all standards. So it’s recommended for students appearing for board exams to solve Exemplar since study without concept is not of much use for the present as well as future higher studies.
4. Why is Vedantu necessary for students?
Vedantu actually aims at developing a strong foundation for students who can aim for higher specialized studies in the future. Vedantu subject experts give more importance in building concepts about the subjects. NCERT textbook while building basic concepts about the subject among the students NCERT exemplar takes them to depth knowledge building deep concepts and confidence enough to face any sort of questions. Experts in Vedantu have prepared the solutions in such a methodical way that the students can gain confidence by revising and practicing each and every chapter. Exemplar solutions have been given by experts who have years’ experience and vast knowledge about the subjects.
5. How much weightage do Class 11 chapters have in competitive exams and board exams?
Class 11 chapters are not needed for board exams as in board exams only Class 12 syllabus is included. However for any competitive exams including NEET, AIIMS and other such tough exams include both Class 11 and Class 12 syllabus. Class 11 topics are as important as those of Class 12 for the competitive exams. Hence for medical aspirants Class 11 should be given much more importance to crack the competitive exams. Infact Class 11 students need extra attention because they often get neglected while students prepare themselves for board exams. The best way is to touch Class 11 chapters for a few minutes regularly when studying for Class 12.