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NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions)


Class 11 Biology NCERT Exemplar Chapter wise Solutions - Free PDF Download

For the students of Biology, the curriculum of class 11 Biology forms the foundation for specialized studies later. It is important for students to understand the concepts thoroughly so that they can understand the more difficult chapters in higher classes. NCERT Examplar class 11 Biology solutions have been prepared in a methodical way by experts of Vedantu to help the students in revising the chapters and practicing for their exams. 

Examplar Biology class 11 has 22 chapters and solutions have been given for each chapter. Students can access the pdf file for Biology Examplar class 11 solutions anytime easily from Vedantu’s official website. Solutions to multiple-choice questions have been provided with an appropriate explanation so that students understand the reasoning behind the answer too. 

NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology Chapter wise Book Solutions

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NCERT Examplar Solutions Class 11 Biology

Chapter 1 - The Living World

NCERT Examplar Biology class 11 solutions for chapter 1 covers topics like taxonomic hierarchy, category and living organisms. This chapter requires the students to know terms like monograph, metabolism, botanical gardens, growth in living organisms and biodiversity. Flowcharts on plant and animal categories, taxonomical hierarchy, and aids, are also important.

Chapter 2 - Biological Classification

Topics covered under the NCERT Examplar class 11th Biology chapter 2 include important concepts like Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, and Kingdom Fungi of the Whittaker system of classification. Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia are mentioned briefly but covered in detail in chapters 3 and 4. 

Chapter 3 - Plant Kingdom

Students will learn in detail the further classification within the Kingdom Plantae. Solutions of NCERT Examplar Biology class 11 include questions based on concepts such as algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, angiosperms, gymnosperms, plant life cycles and alternation of generations.

Chapter 4 - Animal Kingdom

Classification of the animal kingdom and topics such as basis of classification have been included in the sample papers. 

Chapter 5 - Morphology of Flowering Plants

Along with the standard technical terms and standard definitions, the sample papers for this chapter include questions based on adaptations of flowering plants to various habitats, for storage, protection, and climbing. Topics such as the root, flower, fruit, seed stem, leaf, inflorescence have been covered. Students will learn about semi-technical description of a typical flowering plant.

Chapter 6 - Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Topics covered are internal structure and functional organisation of higher plants, tissues, the tissue system, anatomy of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous plants, and secondary growth.

Chapter 7 - Structural Organisation in Animals

The structural organization of unicellular and multicellular organisms, the basic functions carried out by the different cells, tissues and their organisation to form different organs are part of this chapter. 

Chapter 8 - Cell the Unit of Life

The cell is the unit of life in all living organisms. These organisms could be unicellular organisms or multicellular organisms and students will learn in detail about these two in this chapter.

Chapter 9 - Biomolecules

Questions are based on all important concepts like primary and secondary metabolites, biomacromolecules, nucleic acids, proteins and their structure, polysaccharides, nature of bond linking monomers in a polymer, dynamic state of body constituents, and concept of metabolism.

Chapter 10 - Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Topics that are covered under this chapter include the growth and reproduction of cells. Other topics included are cell cycle, significance of mitosis and meiosis.

Chapter 11 - Transport in Plants

This chapter talks about means of transport and long distance transport, plant-water relations, transpiration, uptake and transport of mineral nutrients, and phloem.

Chapter 12 - Mineral Nutrition

Inorganic plant nutrition, elements essential to the growth and development of plants and identifying them, their role, major deficiency symptoms and the mechanism of absorption of these essential elements are the important concepts of this chapter. 

Chapter 13 - Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

This chapter focuses on the structure of the photosynthetic machinery and the various processes that transform light energy into chemical energy.

Chapter 14 - Respiration in Plants

Students will understand in detail topics like cellular respiration or the mechanism of breakdown of food materials within the cell that release energy which is trapped for the synthesis of ATP.

Chapter 15 - Plant Growth and Development

Factors which govern and control these developmental processes in plants form the crux of this chapter.

Chapter 16 - Digestion and Absorption

This chapter discusses the process of digestion which is the conversion of complex food substances to simple absorbable forms. It is carried out by our digestive system by mechanical and biochemical methods. 

Chapter 17 - Breathing and Exchange of Gases

The process of exchange of oxygen from the atmosphere with carbon dioxide produced by the cells in living organisms is breathing or respiration. Students will learn in detail about this through the chapter and NCERT Examplar Biology class 11 solutions.

Chapter 18 - Body Fluids and Circulation

This chapter explores the composition and properties of blood and lymph (tissue fluid). Questions based on the mechanism of circulation of blood will help the students revise their concepts well.

Chapter 19 - Excretory Products and Their Elimination

Topics covered under this topic are human excretory system, function of the tubules, urine formation, mechanism of concentration of the filtrate, regulation of kidney function, role of other organs in excretion, and disorders of the excretory system.

Chapter 20 - Locomotion and Movement

Animals and plants exhibit a wide range of voluntary movements called locomotion. The methods of locomotion of animals vary with their habitats. Locomotion is important for finding food, mate, shelter, favourable climatic conditions, suitable breeding grounds, and to escape from predators.

Chapter 21 - Neural Control and Coordination

Questions based on the neural system of human, impulse conduction across a synapse, mechanisms of neural coordination like transmission of nerve impulse, and the physiology of reflex action form a part of the class 11 Biology NCERT Examplar solutions.

Chapter 22 - Chemical Coordination and Integration

The neural system that provides point-to-point rapid coordination among organs and its coordination with the endocrine system to regulate the physiological functions in the body are the important concepts in this chapter. 

Benefits of Class 11 Biology NCERT Examplar Solutions

  • The solutions are provided in an easy to understand language and concise format.

  • The content has been prepared by experts in accordance with the updated curriculum and exam pattern

  • The answers provided to questions can be easily retained by the students

  • The NCERT Examplar solutions class 11 Biology provide maximum information to students while reducing their anxiety and stress

Students can do a thorough preparation for their exam with the help of these detailed and  systematic solutions.

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FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions)

1. What is the pattern for Biology NCERT Exemplar class 11?

The sample papers for NCERT Exemplar of Biology Class 11 chapters have been prepared on the following pattern:

  • Section 1- Multiple-choice Questions (MCQs) 

  • Section 2- Very Short Answer Type Questions

  • Section 3- Short Answer Type Questions

  • Section 4- Long Answer Type Questions

This book has questions of a higher level that aim at developing concepts from deep learning. Reading the  textbook thoroughly and after that solving NCERT Exemplar prepares a student for any kind  of exams ranging from board exams to competitive exams of high level. NCERT exemplar questions are very useful for practice but they are not provided with solutions.

2. Where can one find NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions)?

Solving NCERT exemplar is a must before any competitive exams. Biology NCERT Exemplar Class 11 solving is important for any kind of medical competitive exam like NEET, AIIMS etc. Questions in this book are of a higher level and once students are able to answer them they get confident enough to solve questions of competitive exams at ease. However while practicing the questions they need solutions also but NCERT does not provide the same. Students can get support from Vedantu regarding the exemplar solutions. They can download free PDF versions of the solutions from Vedantu website. Vedantu subject experts have given solutions on their site for the benefit of the students.

3. Is the NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology (Book solutions) needed for Class 11 exams only?

Questions in NCERT Exemplar Class 11 are specially designed for higher-level exams. Students only appearing for the board who aim at scoring good marks will also need them since many times board questions do not become easy by reading textbooks only for that they need to have a clear concept about the subject. Concepts can be developed by practicing questions of all standards. So it’s recommended for students appearing for board exams to solve Exemplar since study without concept is not of much use for the present as well as future higher studies.

4. Why is Vedantu necessary for students?

Vedantu actually aims at developing a strong foundation for students who can aim for higher specialized studies in the future. Vedantu subject experts give more importance in building concepts about the subjects. NCERT textbook while building basic concepts about the subject among the students NCERT exemplar takes them to depth knowledge building deep concepts and confidence enough to face any sort of questions. Experts in Vedantu have prepared the solutions in such a methodical way that the students can gain confidence by revising and practicing each and every chapter. Exemplar solutions have been given by experts who have years’ experience and vast knowledge about the subjects.

5. How much weightage do Class 11 chapters have in competitive exams and board exams?

Class 11 chapters are not needed for board exams as in board exams only Class 12 syllabus is included. However for any competitive exams including NEET, AIIMS and other such tough exams include both Class 11 and Class 12 syllabus. Class 11 topics are as important as those of Class 12 for the competitive exams. Hence for medical aspirants Class 11 should be given much more importance to crack the competitive exams. Infact Class 11 students need extra attention because they often get neglected while students prepare themselves for board exams. The best way is to touch Class 11 chapters for a few minutes regularly when studying for Class 12.