NCERT Exemplar for Biological Classification - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Exemplar for Class 11 Biology Chapter-2 Biological Classification (Book Solutions)
1. What is Biological Classification?
Biological classification is the procedure of arranging organisms in a series of groups and sub-groups based on their similarities and dissimilarities. Many biologists have contributed to this method of classification. The basis for the biological classification is the similarity of morphology, i.e. shape and phylogeny, which means evolutionary history. Chapter 2 of the NCERT Exemplar helps you gain knowledge of the similarities between the organisms.
2. How to download Class 11 Chapter 2 Biology NCERT Exemplar solutions?
Vedantu provides you with a free PDF of chapter 2 Biological classification NCERT Exemplar solutions. Download our app or go to our website, and sign up to download the solutions of Class 11 NCERT Biology Exemplar. Exemplar questions explain the importance of particular topics and simultaneously keep you on the right track in your preparation. Make sure you register for online biology class 11 tuition classes to clear your doubts from the best teachers available only on Vedantu.
3. Are the questions present in NCERT Exemplar of class 11 enough for competitive exams?
No, questions from the exemplar only increase your chances to score well in your CBSE exams. The NCERT exemplar of class 11 helps you strengthen your base. To prepare well for your competitive exam, you can download resources like previous year papers, sample papers, notes, and mock tests from our study material section. For competitive exams, students need to go in deep with all the topics present in the syllabus.
4. How to get good marks in Class 11 Biology?
To get good marks in the exam, you need to study hard but smartly. NCERT textbook of Class 11 is enough to score well in the exam, and if you have a little more time, you can solve the NCERT Exemplar questions. Experts recommend exemplary questions to achieve a good score in final exams. Vedantu online class has helped many students to score excellent marks in biology. Proper guidance and the right strategy helps, find a course that leads you to your goals. Join Vedantu today.
5. Which type of questions is most important in NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology?
Nothing is important for not so serious students, and everything is important for a hardworking and sincere student. NCERT exemplar contains questions that help you in learning and revising a particular topic more accurately. These questions enhance your performance capabilities, and you can analyse your level of preparation. Short answer type and long answer type questions from the Class 11 biology exam were considered the most important from the exam point of view.