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Uttar Pradesh Board (UPMSP) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 10 Science


Uttar Pradesh Board (UPMSP) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 10 Science with Solutions - Free PDF Download

UP board is considered a very important exam for those who are preparing for board exams and every student wishes to get the highest score in their board exams. During the board exams preparation, students work hard to give their best exams. They make their perfect exam preparation strategy which enhances their motivation and enthusiasm towards studying. Along with this some students also feel stress and pressure of scoring the highest marks and all this happens just because of the importance of board exams in our life. In school we appear in board exams twice, first time when we are in 10th standard and second time when we are in 12th standard. The only difference between both board exams is that in class it is not there to choose a stream of your own interest but in class 12th you all get the opportunity of choosing the stream of your own choice. As soon as the 10th board result is declared you have to choose a stream to pursue your higher education and they are guided in that way only.

Apart from CBSE Board each state government conducts its board exam at state level and students competitions are among the students of that state only. Uttar Pradesh state also conducts its state board exam for both class 10th and 12th in different months i.e in between the month of february and april. 

Uttar Pradesh Board (UPMSP) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 10 Science

About 10th Board Question Paper of Science:

Class 10th board paper of science is of 100 marks in which 80 marks is for theory and 20 marks is for internal assessment. Class 10th science subject is divided into three sections: biology, physics, chemistry. In each subject CBSE students should score 33% marks including theory and internal assessment. As this much marks is must for passing the examination. Out of 80 marks of theory portion 20 marks is covered by multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, correct statements, etc and due to this it's easy to score more marks. The pattern of paper reduces the lenthiness of paper

Preparation U.P Board exam paper is done by U.P state authority only. Question papers for both class 10th and 12th board are set up by UPMSP authorities as the exam is conducted under surveillance. Educational department of U.P decides the pattern of question papers and marking scheme so students can score best marks along with best quality of education. Their only motto is to enhance their educational standard to make learning easy and demanding. As Class 10 UP Board refers to the NCERT textbooks so you should be a keen learner from NCERT textbooks as NCERT is a base for all educational boards.

Preparation Strategy:

Students who dream to score highest in U.P board of class 10th should be regular in their studies. As constant hard work and dedication always gives you fruitful output. Apart from studies you also need to prepare a perfect preparation strategy as each subject is equally important if you want to be the highest scorers of the U.P Board and this needs guidance and support. Talking about main subjects which are there in 10th U.P board are: Science, Social Science, Maths, English, Hindi/Sanskrit, Computer and all these subjects are equally important from exam and knowledge point of view. But science as a subject individually has three sub subjects like Biology, chemistry, Physics and none of these subjects are relatable with each other. Each has its own concept and theories. So, while preparing for this subject you need guidance, notes, and solved papers of previous years. Vedantu provides you guidance along with the best material which you all needed while your preparation. We as a vedantu family provide you with the best chapter wise and subject notes in a very descriptive and easy way so that you can get each concept easily. These notes are prepared by our top educators as each of them are specialised in their subjects and they give you promising content so that you can score best in class 10th U.P board exam. 

Role of Solved Question Paper in Preparation:

Along with best notes and study material you all should practice previous year solved question papers of each subject. By practising these question papers you get an idea of the pattern of question which appears every year in board exams and also get to know about time management i.e how much marks should be devoted to that particular question as each question has its own demand in terms of timing and get confidence while solving paper. 

You can learn all such things with Vedantu as vedantu provides you with solved last five year question papers of science and other subjects also. Answers which are prepared by us for any question are very creative and knowledgeable and this is exactly what an examiners need while checking your answer keys. We teach you how to frame answers to any question in a creative and illustrative way as all these small things are very important from a board exam point of view. Along with solutions to each question which are there in the board paper we all give some important points just below the answer to make you learn more things in an easy way. 

If you are following all these small things while preparation then no one can stop you from getting the highest marks. This can be only possible if you are practicing and revising the topics again and again. We as a Vedantu family, want our children to be at the top of their success. 

Below is the link of last five year solved question papers of Science of U.P board. So, keep practicing and keep learning from Vedantu, we are there to provide you all short of guidance which you all need during this journey.

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FAQs on Uttar Pradesh Board (UPMSP) Last 5 Previous Year Question Papers for Class 10 Science

1. Why are Previous Year Solved Papers Mandatory While Preparation?

Along with best notes and study material you all should practice previous year solved question papers of each subject. By practising these question papers you will get an idea of the pattern of question which appears every year in board exams and also get to know about time management i.e how much marks should be devoted to that particular question as each question has its own demand in terms of timing and get confidence while solving paper. And you can learn all such things with Vedantu as Vedantu provides you with solved last five year question papers of science and other subjects well.

2. Discuss U.P Board Class 10th Science Syllabus?

U.P board science subject has a total of sixteen chapters combined of physics, chemistry and biology. 

List of Chapters:

Chapter 1 – Chemical Reactions and equations

Chapter 2 – Acids, Bases, and Salts

Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds

Chapter 5 – Periodic Classification of Elements

Chapter 6 – Life Processes

Chapter 7 – Control and Coordination

Chapter 8 – How do Organisms Reproduce

Chapter 9 – Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 10 – Light Reflection and Refraction

Chapter 11 – The Human Eye and Colorful World

Chapter 12 – Electricity

Chapter 13 – Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 14 – Sources of Energy

Chapter 15 – Our Environment

Chapter 16 – Sustainable Management of Natural Resource