Purpose of a Computer
There are four main purposes for which a computer is used:
Storage: The computer keeps the information in its memory and processes it as needed.
Input: The computer takes data as input and processes it.
Processing: After taking the input, the computer transforms data into a computer-readable format.
Output: The computer then produces the output after processing the input.
Uses of a Computer
1. A Computer with an internet connection can be used to search for information and learn anywhere and anytime.

Internet on Computer
2. E-mails can be sent using a Computer.

Email on Computer
3. A Computer can be used by children to learn arts like drawing and painting.

Drawing on a Computer
4. You can use a computer to play games.
Playing Games on a Computer.
5. It is useful to type your documents.
Creating Documents on a Computer
6. Music may be played on a computer.
Music on a Computer
7. One can watch movies on a computer.
Movies on a Computer
8. Computers can be used for safety and security.
Security on a Computer.
9. It can help in making an online payment.
Payment on a Computer
10. Computers help in communication.
Communication on a Computer
Where are Computers Used Today?
A computer does not get tired and can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, so it can be used in various places to help Human beings perform their duties easily.
In Schools and Colleges
Teachers and professors use computers for educational purposes. It helps students to learn new technologies, tools, and methods.
Teaching on Computer
In Offices
A computer is very essential for various office tasks like sending emails, making documents, and data processing.

Work on Computer
In Banks
They are useful for different financial calculation-related works, data storage, money calculation, customer interaction, deposit, and withdrawal of money.

Payments on Computer
Computers are very useful for different personal tasks like using the internet, sending emails, making online payments, watching movies, and playing music.

Use of a Computer at Home
At Laboratories
Computers are used for various science-related works like designing robots and weather forecasts.

Computer at Laboratories
In Military
Computers are very useful for different security-related tasks like surveillance, security, early warning systems, missile targeting, etc.
Computer in the Military.
In a Studio
They are useful for different creative purposes like drawing, design and pattern making, and photo editing.

Computer at Studio
Police station
Computers are used for data storage (keeping the crime records), maintaining attendance, etc.

Computer at the Police Station
In a Hospital
To perform different maintenance-related tasks, monitor patients, and maintain patient data.

Computer at Hospital
At a Post office
It is useful for different courier service-related works, keeping records, photocopy of documents, etc.

Computer at the Post Office
Computers are very useful in Shops and Malls to keep records of inventory, aid payments, and timekeeping.

Computer at Shops
At Airports, Railway Stations, and Bus Stand
Computers can be used to book online tickets, keep track of seat availability and maintain real-time Flight, Train, and Bus status.

Computer at Airport
A computer is an electrical device that can do several tasks, such as calculating numbers, finding, organizing, and storing data, and simplifying labor for people. It may be used for many other things, like browsing the internet, sending emails, and playing games and music. It is utilized in a variety of settings, including schools, hospitals, banks, and police stations.
Solved Questions
1. Which machine is used for booking online tickets?
Ans: A Computer ( with the help of the Internet ) is used for booking online tickets for Trains, Flights, Buses, etc.
2. Give three uses of the Computer?
Ans: A computer has multiple uses, it can be used to access the Internet, make online payments, and play music and games.
3. Name three places where Computers are used?
Ans: A Computer can be used in several places like Banks (for making payments), Schools/colleges (for Teaching and Training ), and police stations (to maintain records and surveillance).
4. Give three uses of a computer in a Bank?
Ans: In banks, a computer can be used to maintain money records, customer service, and send/receive money online.
Fun Facts
The first modern computer was mostly a huge calculator.
A computer's memory is called RAM.
You can spell the word typewriter with the top line of letters on a computer’s keyboard.
Computers work through particular instructions known as Algorithms.
Learning by Doing
Choose the Correct Option for the Following Questions:
1. Where are computers used for preparing results for the exam?
2. What is the use of a Computer at an Airport?
Deposit money
Booking tickets
3. At home, what are the computers used for?
Watching movies
Deposit money
4. In the post office computers are used for?
Send money.
Listen to music.
Write True or False:
We cannot send e-mail on a Computer. (T/F)
A computer is used only in Office. (T/F)
A computer can be used to store information. (T/F)
A computer can solve sums. (T/F)
FAQs on What Can a Computer Do?
1. What is a Computer?
A computer is an electronic device that can be used and programmed to accept data (as input), process it, and generate required results (as output). A Computer contains various input and output devices like a Desktop, CPU, Speakers, Keyboard, and Mouse.
2. What are the uses of a Computer?
A computer can be used to search for information, E-mails can be sent using a Computer, drawing, and painting, playing games, typing documents, playing music, watching movies, safety and security, making online payments, communication, etc.
3. Where do we use Computers?
A computer performs multiple tasks simultaneously, so it has various applications in different areas. Computers can be used in Schools, Colleges, Shops, hospitals, Post offices, Police stations, Banks, and households, to book online tickets, security, etc.
4. What are the uses of a Computer in a Hospital?
In a hospital, a Computer is used for different maintenance-related tasks, monitoring patients, helping in maintaining, and securing medical and patient data, research, and studies in the field of science.