Assam Common Combined Entrance Examination is an engineering entrance examination, conducted by the Assam Science and Technology University. Assam CEE Exam 2022 has now been decided to be held on 4th week of June 2022 (Tentative). This engineering entrance exam is going to be conducted in an offline mode. Aspirants can get admission to the various undergraduate engineering programs in government and private colleges of Assam through Assam CEE Exam 2022. The various details related to this exam are discussed elaborately in this article.
Assam CEE Application Form
The Assam CEE application form is available on the official website of Assam Science and Technology University and the last date to fill the application form has been extended to 31st May 2022. Aspiring candidates may hereby note that the application form cannot be filled in an offline mode.
To fill the Assam CEE application form candidates will have to visit the official website of and register themselves by entering their names, contact numbers, and email addresses. They must provide a valid contact number and email address, so as to receive all the further intimations on time. Candidates will have to enter information such as personal, academic, and communication details in the application form. Also, they will have to upload scanned images of their signature and passport-size color photograph in the application form. The last step of applying to the Assam CEE Exam 2022 is to pay the application fee. Candidates are suggested to take a printout of the filled-in application form for future reference.
Assam CEE Exam Date
The exam is now scheduled to be conducted on 3rd July,2022. The dates for all the important events related to Assam CEE 2022 Exams Dates are now being reviewed by the state authorities responsible for conducting the examination. The important events are enlisted below for the reference of aspiring candidates.
The final deadline for submission of application form
Issue of the Assam CEE 2022 admit cards
Assam CEE 2022 examination
Release of Assam CEE 2022 answer key
Release of Assam CEE 2022 results
Assam CEE Admit Card
The Assam CEE admit card will be released by the authorities of Assam Science and Technology University in an online mode. Aspiring candidates will be able to download the admit card for Assam CEE 2022 from 15 days before and upto the date of examination. They can download the admit card by logging in to the above-mentioned website with their application numbers and passwords.
The following information will be provided on the Assam CEE 2022 admit cards.
Name of the candidate
Registration number of the candidate
Roll number of the candidate
Date of the examination
Time-slot of the examination
Examination venue (address of the examination center)
A passport-sized photograph of the candidate
Instructions to be followed during the examination.
All candidates must check if all the information provided on the admit card is correct. In case of any discrepancy, they must contact the authorities concerned and get it rectified before the examination. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination center if they fail to furnish a hard copy of the admit card. Apart from the admit card, candidates will have to furnish a government-issued photo identification document or the admit card of their 12th board examination.
Assam CEE Cut off
The authorities of Assam Science and Technology University will release the Assam CEE cutoff and the merit list of the candidates appearing in the examination. The Assam CEE cut-off marks will vary for the various social categories of candidates appearing in the examination. Also, each participating college is likely to have a different set of cut-off scores and ranks for the courses they offer. Assam CEE cut-off will represent the last rank and minimum marks required to be obtained by a candidate to get admission in any of the participating colleges.
The Assam CEE cut-off will be determined based on the following criteria.
The total number of candidates applying for B. Tech programs in the participating institutes.
Availability of seats in the participating colleges.
The level of difficulty of the examination.
Assam CEE Eligibility Criteria
Aspiring candidates must fulfill the eligibility criteria for Assam CEE 2022, as set by the exam governing body. It is suggested that aspiring candidates should go through the set of Assam CEE eligibility criteria before they start filling the application form for the examination.
The eligibility criteria for Assam CEE 2022 consists of age constraint, nationality, domicile, and academic qualification requirements. Candidates must be an Indian citizen and will have to furnish a domicile certificate for being a permanent resident of Assam. The age constraints set the lower age limit to 17 years and the upper age limit to 20 years, for candidates aspiring to appear in Assam CEE 2022.
Aspiring candidates must have pursued English, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in their 10+2 school years. Also, they need to have secured an aggregate of 55% in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in their 12th board examination and must have passed in each of the above-mentioned subjects.
Assam CEE Exam Pattern
The Assam CEE exam pattern will be published on the official website along with the information brochure for Assam CEE 2022. Candidates are suggested to go through the official exam pattern thoroughly, so as to develop effective study strategies.
Below are the important highlights of the Assam CEE 2022.
The exam will be conducted for a time duration of 3 hours.
The media of the exam are Assamese and English.
The Assam CEE 2022 syllabus consists of topics from the 11th and 12th syllabi of
Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.The questions will be multiple-choice type and there will be 4 answer choices for every question, of which only one will be the correct answer.
There will be three sections in the Assam CEE 2022 question paper and a total of 120 questions; 40 questions from each of the three subjects.
The marks allotted for every correct answer is +4 and marks allotted for every incorrect answer is -1.
The full mark for this examination is 480.
Assam CEE Result
The Assam CEE result will be released by the exam governing body of Assam Science and Technology University on their official website. Candidates will have to log in with their application numbers and birthdates to view their scorecards. Along with the scores obtained in the examination, candidates will also be allotted merit ranks. Based on the scores obtained by the candidates, the university authorities will prepare and publish a merit list. The qualifying candidates will be notified of the counseling session for Assam CEE 2022.
Assam CEE Counseling
Candidates who qualify the examination will be invited to the Assam CEE counseling session. They will be allotted seats in the B. Tech programs offered in the state’s government and private colleges through the counseling rounds. The eligible candidates will have to attend the counseling sessions at the Assam Science and Technology University. They should bring along all the required documents as will be mentioned in the call letter for counseling.
FAQs on Assam CEE 2023-24
1. When is the Assam CEE 2022 going to be conducted?
Assam Science and Technology University has published the revised examination schedule for Assam CEE 2022 on their official website. The new date for Assam CEE 2022 is on 3rd of June,2022.
2. What is the age criteria for appearing in the Assam CEE 2022?
The lower age limit for candidates to appear in the Assam CEE 2022 is 17 years and the upper age limit is 21 years. Candidates should be of this age on August 1, 2022.