Know About Assam CEE Exam Pattern 2022
The Assam CEE Exam Pattern will be published by the authorities of Assam Science and Technology University on their official website. Candidates can find the official exam pattern along with the information brochure available on the website. The exam pattern will help the candidates to understand the expected types of questions, mode of examination, the time duration of the examination, marking scheme, etc. Knowing the Assam CEE Exam Pattern thoroughly will help the candidates to implement effective study strategies for the examination.
Highlights of Assam CEE Exam Pattern 2022
The Assam CEE 2022 will be an examination of three hours and there will be two language choices for the mode of this examination, namely, Assamese and English. Aspiring candidates must note, that there will be no computer-based test for Assam CEE 2022; it will be a pen and paper-based test, and candidates will be required to write the exam with a black ball-point pen.The marking scheme implemented in the examination is one of the most important points stated in the Assam CEE Exam Pattern.
Aspiring candidates are suggested to download the updated syllabus for the examination from the official website of Assam Science and Technology University for better exam preparation. The syllabus covers topics from 10+2 level Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. It is important that every aspiring candidate must practice as many objective-type questions from the syllabus as possible, for effective preparation. They can take mock tests for improving their time management skills as well.
For The Reference of Aspiring Candidates, The Highlights of the Assam CEE Exam Pattern are Tabulated Below.
Assam CEE Exam Pattern - OMR Sheet
As stated above, the Assam CEE 2022 will be conducted in an offline mode, and candidates will be provided with OMR sheets to record their answers. There will be four answer choices for every question and for each answer choice there will be a circle on the OMR sheet. Aspiring candidates are suggested to practice filling the circles in OMR sheets. If they miss to fill in the circles in the OMR sheets properly, the answer will be disqualified and no mark will be awarded for it. It is mandatory for all candidates to fill in the circles in their OMR sheets with a black ballpoint pen.
FAQs on Assam CEE Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. How many questions are there in the Assam CEE 2022?
There will be 120 questions in the question paper of Assam CEE 2022. There are three sections in the question paper, and there will be 40 questions in each section.
2. What is the marking scheme for Assam CEE 2022?
Candidates will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer and the total marks for Assam CEE 2022 is 480. For every wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted from the total score obtained by a candidate.
3. What is the question pattern of Assam CEE 2022?
The questions will be from the 10+2 level syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. There will be only multiple-choice questions in the question paper of Assam CEE 2022. Each question will have four answer choices, of which only one answer choice will be correct.
4. What is the mode of Assam CEE 2022?
Assam CEE 2022 will be conducted in a pen and paper-based mode. The question paper will be available in the Assamese as well as the English language. Candidates will get a time duration of 180 minutes to answer all the questions of Assam CEE 2022.