Introduction to Assam PAT Cut off
Assam PAT 2022 - Cut off
The cut off is defined as the last rank at which a candidate had been admitted to a particular course is a particular college. The cutoff for each institute and the courses it offers will be different. Due to the pandemic outbreak, along with the exam dates, the cutoff and the exam result dates have been postponed until further notice by the exam authorities.
Seat allotment is done exclusively based on the Assam PAT 2022 merit list. The list is prepared by the DTE Assam and takes only the marks obtained by the students into consideration. In case of any tie, the student with more index number will be given priority. Apart from the scores obtained by the students, the following are the factors that affect the cut-off and the merit list of Assam PAT 2022.
The number of students who will take up the examination.
Marks obtained by the candidates.
The Difficulty level of the examination
Cutoff trends in previous years of the examination
The total number of students Intake in every course in the university.
Seat Reservation as per the university reservation policy.
Any increase or decrease in the number of seats
Recent changes in admission policy
FAQs on Assam PAT Cut off 2023-24
1. What is the Assam PAT Cut off 2022?
The cut off is the last rank at which a candidate had been admitted to a particular course is a particular college. It is important that the students know the various college cut off in order to be able to understand the marks they need to secure to obtain a seat in their preferred college.
2. When will the PAT Assam 2022 Cut off be Released?
The Assam PAT 2022 cut off will be released as soon as the results for the Assam PAT exam are declared. Owing to the recent pandemic outbreak all the exam-related activities like the release of the admit card, the exam, the results declaration, release of the cutoff etc are postponed until further notice by the exam authorities.