Introduction to Assam PAT
The Assam PAT 2022 is conducted to provide admission to students who are looking out for admission into various colleges that offer Polytechnic Diploma courses. The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Assam is responsible for conducting the Assam Polytechnic PAT 2022 Examination once every year. Students who are looking out to get admission to various polytechnic colleges or institutions situated in the state of Assam take up this exam every year. There is a list of minimum qualifying marks and criteria that are listed by the respective authorities. Students must obtain the minimum marks and meet all the eligibility criteria in order to be able to make it to further processes. This article will explain to you in detail about the various eligibility criteria that need to be fulfilled by a student in order to gain admission to one of the polytechnic colleges in the state of Assam.
Assam PAT Eligibility Criteria 2022
The sheer number of people who take up the exam makes the whole process of shortlisting the candidates a competitive and challenging affair. To make the process more reliable and productive, the exam authorities have set aside a list of eligibility criteria for students who are going to take up the Assam PAT 2022. Students who have qualified in the Assam PAT 200 exam need to fulfil all the stated eligibility criteria in order to obtain a seat in one of the many institutes in the state of Assam. If any of the candidates do not fulfil the provided eligibility criteria, then his candidature might be deemed cancelled at any stage of the process of admission.
Assam PAT 2022 Eligibility Criteria
There are several eligibility criteria that need to be fully filled by the students in order to be called for the further process along with qualifying in the written examination. The various eligibility criteria are as follows:
The student must compulsorily be a citizen of India.
The student must and should be a permanent resident of the state of Assam.
Applicants should have attained the age of 20 years 6 months on or before December 31, 2022.
For the reserved category, the candidates (SC/ST), should have attained an age of 23 years 6 months on or before December 31, 2022.
For Institutions outside Assam (against Govt. of India allotted seats), students the Upper age limit is 20 years 6 months on December 31, 2022.
Academic Qualification
Candidates should have passed the class 10th (HSLC) examination. He or she must have obtained a minimum of 40% aggregate marks (Average) in Mathematics and Science for General Candidates.
Candidates must obtain a minimum of 35% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Science for SC candidates and
Also, candidates belonging to the ST category must obtain 33% aggregate marks in Mathematics and Science.
For the Diploma Course in Modern Office Management
Students must qualify in the Modern Office Management Admission Test (PAT-2022) for admission into the Diploma Courses offered by State Council for Technical Education, Assam, as notified by the DTE, Assam.
The candidate must pass the H.S.S.L.C.(12+) or its equivalent examination in Humanities, Science or Commerce.
Physical Fitness
Candidates should be mentally and physically fit. A fitness certificate from a registered medical practitioner has to be produced.
FAQs on Assam PAT Eligibility Criteria 2023-24
1. Can I take up the Assam PAT 2022 if I am not a Permanent Resident of Assam?
No. being a permanent resident of the state of Assam is one of the most basic eligibility criteria for taking up the Assm PAT 2022. You cannot take up the exam if you are not a permanent resident of Assam.
2. I have Appeared for my Class 10th Exam. The Result for the Same will be Declared Later. Am I Eligible to Apply for Assam PAT 2022?
Yes, you are eligible to apply for the Assam PAT 2022 exam. However, you must possess all the necessary documents along with obtaining the necessary cut off marks in the entrance examination to be called for the interview process.
3. Who is Eligible to Apply for Assam PAT 2022?
students who have passed H.S.L.C (10th) or its equivalent examination in their first attempt along with Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects are eligible for taking up the Assam PAT Exam 2022. Also, Candidates should be of Indian national and should be permanent residents of the state of Assam.