JEXPO is a joint entrance exam, conducted by the West Bengal State Council of Technical Education. This state-level polytechnic exam gives students a chance to get admission to many undergraduate diploma courses like; engineering, architecture, pharmacy, and a few others. Only candidates who qualify in these entrance exams get admissions in various private or government-aided polytechnic institutions anywhere in West Bengal. This exam is also known by the name of WB Polytechnic.
Some of the Eligibility Criteria for Appearing in This Exam are:
A 10th board certificate from any recognized board
They must have a minimum 35 percent aggregate in 10th board exams
They must be an Indian citizen and domicile of West Bengal
Those appearing for 10th boards and awaiting results can also apply
This exam has no age limit prescribed.
The admit card for JEXPO entrance exams will be available only in online mode. Candidates are supposed to go to the official website to download their admit card. You need to select the exam and specify your application number or enrollment number to get your JEXPO admit card online. Admit cards will not be provided by post or any other means to the candidates. You will not be allowed to enter the exam hall without a valid admit card. One must go through the details mentioned in the admit card properly, and if there are any discrepancies, then one must contact the officials.
How to Download JEXPO 2022 Admit Card
Go to the official website for JEXPO exam
Click on the tab “Admit card”
Enter your application number/enrollment number in the space provided to login
After you login successfully, you should be able to see a link to download your admit card on the screen.
Click on download to get your JEXPO 2022 admit card and print it.
What details are there on the Admit card – Your admit card is your pass to enter the exam hall and contains many important details like:
Candidate’s name and address.
Candidate’s roll number
Details about the venue of exam
Examination date and time
Instructions to follow on the exam day
What Should You Carry Along With Your Admit Card – You must carry a valid photo ID proof along with JEXPO admit card, on the day of the exam. The proof has to be original and not Xerox. Some of the valid photo ID is given below:
Aadhar card
PAN card
Voter ID card
Driving license
Bank passbook that has your photo
Any other ID with your photo which has been issued by a government body
Primary Features of the Admit Card – Few things to note about JEXPO 2022 admit card:
It is available only online and no other mode.
One needs to login to the official website with their form number or enrolment number to download the admit card.
Without the card, no entry to the exam hall would be granted.
It contains important information about the exam venue, date, time, and instructions to keep it safe with you.
You must carry a valid photo id card along with your admit card for admission into the exam hall.

FAQs on JEXPO Admit Card 2023-24
1. What are the exam day instructions mentioned on the admit card? – The information on the admit card about instructions to be followed on exam day is:
a. You must reach the exam center ahead of the reporting time
b. You should not carry any electronic gadget or study material to the exam center
c. Carry a blue or black ball pen to fill the OMR sheet, no other type of pen is allowed.
d. Do not do any rough work on the OMR sheet
e. You cannot leave the exam hall until the end of exam time unless you have permission from the exam center head or invigilator for exception cases.
2. What is the pattern of JEXPO exam – The format of the exam is as following:
a. This is an offline mode exam of duration: 2 hours
b. There are a total of 100 objective type questions on physics, chemistry, and mathematics with a total of 100 marks
c. There are 2 papers, Paper 1 has mathematics sums, and paper 2 has Physics and Chemistry.
d. The languages used are English and Bengali
e. You are given 1 point for a correct answer, and 0.25 marks are deducted for a wrong answer.