JEXPO Exam Pattern 2022 JEXPO is an online exam conducted by the West Bengal board of technical education. JEXPO stands for Joint entrance examination for polytechnics. This offline test is a 2-hour examination which is conducted to select candidates for diploma in Engineering and technology in various government and private institutions. The institutions are allotted based on the merit list of the candidates prepared according to the marks scored in this test. JEXPO 2022 had been postponed indefinitely due to lockdown following COVID -19. After filling the application form, candidates should look forward to the test and prepare well in the meantime. It is important to understand the JEXPO 2022 Exam Pattern before you start preparing for the exam.
JEXPO 2022 Exam Pattern
The board announces a pattern for the test each year and following is the JEXPO 2022 Exam pattern that was announced earlier this year by the board:
Exam Mode- The exam shall be conducted through Offline mode on the OMR answer sheet, which is further scanned to get the number of correct answers of the candidates.
Exam Mate- After postponing the previously set exam date, the board is yet to announce the date for JEXPO 2022.
Papers- The exam is conducted in two sets of papers-
Paper 1 comprises the questions from the subject of mathematics.
Paper 2 has questions from two subjects, namely physics and chemistry.
Types of Questions- The examination is based on MCQ or the multiple-choice questions, where the candidate is given four choices of the answer with each question, and the candidate is supposed to mark the correct answer.
Number of Questions- The number of questions asked is 100, out of which 50 questions are from paper 1 consisting of mathematics problems, and the remaining 50 are from the second set of paper that includes physics and chemistry (25 questions each subject).
Marks- It is a 100 marks paper. Each question carries 1 mark. Mathematics- 50 questions, 50 marks; Physics-25 questions, 25 marks; Chemistry -25 questions, 25 marks.
Duration of Examination- The maximum time allotted to each appearing candidate for each other is 120 minutes. The exam starts at 10 in the morning and takes place in two sessions. 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon is allotted for Paper 1, and with a 1-hour break, the next session for Paper 2 starts at 1:00 PM and stretches up to 3:00 PM.
Use of Pen- The candidates are allowed to use only black or blue point pen to circle the correct answer for each question. The correct answers are to be circled only with the above-mentioned pens, locking the correct or crossing the wrong ones will not be counted.
Marking Criteria- 1 mark is given for each correct answer, and also there is a negative marking. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 ma marks are deducted. Hence, the candidates are suggested to attempt only those questions whose answers they are sure of. Otherwise, even the correct answers that gained them. marks would be nullified by 4 incorrect answers.
The JEXPO Exam pattern has stayed the same for many years now, but checking on the pattern each year is advisable for the appearing candidates.
FAQs on JEXPO Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. Will I be Marked Only on the Basis of My Correct Answers or Incorrect Answers Would Affect the Marks Too?
For each correct answer, you will score 1 mark, and for each incorrect answer you will losefor5 marks, which means four incorrect answers will nullify the marks you score on answering the question correctly. This is the reason, candidates are advised to attempt and answer those questions whose answers they are sure of. If they are doubtful about the answer to any question, they can save it blank instead of getting 0.25 marks deducted. This will actually be a wise and intelligent thing to do.
2. Will I have to Attend Both Sessions of Exams on the Same Day?
Yes, both sets of examinations that are paper 1 for mathematics and paper 2 for physics and chemistry will have to be solved on the same day of the date decided by the board. the 1st session starts at 10:00 and lasts till 12:00 noon for paper 1, and after this, candidates are given a 1-hour break, and paper 2 starts after the break from 1:00 pm till 3:00 pm. If you happen to miss any one of the sessions, you shall not be held eligible for the selection.