Overview: KIITEE Exam Pattern 2022
The Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Examination comes with its own specific pattern which isn’t entirely unlike other exams candidates have experienced so far. Each course has its own specific pattern and candidates will be able to leverage the KIITEE Exam Pattern to gain admission into KIIT. The KIITEE Exam pattern 2022 will help candidates understand the number and types of questions, their weightage, and the subjects involved.
KIITEE Marking Scheme:
Every question in the KIITEE marking carries points if answered correctly. However, wrong answers carry 1 negative mark. The test will be conducted in English and will chiefly consist of multiple choice questions. Candidates will generally have three hours (180 minutes) to complete their exam. The Exam Pattern 2022 comes with 120 questions and will carry a total of 480 points.
KIITEE Exam Syllabus
There will be variations based on the course chosen; but the KIITEE exam pattern will consist mainly of three subjects for most courses (Including some B.Tech courses).
It will be possible for candidates to take mock examinations online in order to hone their skills.
The Syllabus for The Physics Part of the Examination is as follows:
The syllabus for the chemistry portion of the entrance examination will be as follows:
The Syllabus for the Mathematical portion of the KIITEE examination will be as follows
KIITEE Exam Pattern
As mentioned above, there will be variation in the exam syllabus depending on the course for which a candidate has applied. The KIITEE will be an online computer-based test (CBT)
Instructions for exam day
In light of the current state of affairs, the KIITEE will be moved primarily to an online platform. Candidates will be given a rough sheet for them to work on should they require it. Candidates must have their admit card ready as the card will hold the username and password required to start the examination. Any candidate found to be using unfair or forbidden means to take the examination will be debarred from taking the exam and their candidacy will be canceled. Any candidates who fail to take the test on their day of the examination will not be allowed to do so.
Preparation tips:
Past experience indicates that the physics section of the KIITEE examination will be the toughest to deal with and thus preparing for this topic should be the primary focus. Teachers advise that no candidate should remain under the impression that they have prepared enough for this topic and that preparation should continue for as long as possible to ensure the best results for each candidate.
FAQs on KIITEE Exam Pattern 2023-24
1. Are there any other additional preparation tips for the KIITEE?
Experts suggest that candidates who have focused on grasping core concepts instead of concentrating on memorization of details will have a better chance of answering the questions. Candidates are also asked to revise their knowledge of the periodic table and most of the properties of elements within in order to answer most questions in the chemistry section. Experts also ask candidates to memorize the formulae and shortcuts necessary to navigate complex mathematical problems much more easily.
2. How to take the KIITEE test in online mode?
The test will be taken on an online platform and so there are a few changes to the standard paper/pencil approach. The test will consist of 120 questions and their segregation will be as denoted above. Candidates will be able to navigate the page to answer any question they wish to answer in any order they choose. Each set of questions has its own color coding and will be easy to segregate based on which topic candidates wish to tackle first. Candidates can also mark any question for review in order to come back to answer it later.