NDA 2 2019 Question Paper PDF Download
NDA 2 Question Paper 2019 - Maths & General Ability Test
FAQs on NDA 2 Question Paper 2019 - Math & General Ability Test
1. What is the procedure for checking the NDA Result 2019?
Candidates must go to the official UPSC website to check UPSC NDA Result 2019 of written test or end outcome. If the NDA result was publicly confirmed, it will be found there, either under what's new or in the results section. You may also find it on the website in the Written Results and Final Results sections. The written test took place on April 21, 2019, and the interview took place shortly after. Candidates that took part in the interview phase can examine their details online.
2. What is the best way to begin studying for the UPSC NDA exam?
You can begin your training by reviewing all the subjects covered in the NDA exam curriculum. After you've gone over them thoroughly, practise MCQs depending on the NDA exam level. Practice sample papers, previous year papers, and mock examinations after that. Vedantu is here to assist you with your planning. First, go over your whole syllabus and highlight the issues that demand extra attention. Begin by learning the fundamentals of the topics. Only until you have mastered the fundamentals will you be prepared to tackle the higher-level questions. After you've mastered the fundamentals, look over the test format and syllabus.
3. Why should I use Vedantu's Live Online Tutoring to prepare for the NDA?
Live, personalized training from the comfort of your own home.
Vedantu's competence is its basic focus on customized LIVE online instruction. This ensures that an individual receives a dedicated teacher's undivided attention while studying at his or her own pace. The teacher-student relationship is strong and two-way, and it is also digitally assessed for future improvement (if needed). Benefits in time and resources, as well as a secure solution. Vedantu provides the best crash courses provided by the best professionals. In this pandemic, the best quality of education has increased through Vedantu.
4. What is the maximum number of times we may take the NDA exam?
You may apply for NDA as many times as you like, as long as you meet the age and other conditions. As a result, there is no repetition restriction. There is no limit to how many times you may take the NDA exam. Your age, on the other hand, should be between 16.5 and 19.5. As there will be two NDA tests every year, you will be able to take them 5 or 6 times. Cadets of the Army, Navy, and Air Force attend the National Defense Academy (NDA) for three years of curricular and co-curricular preparation before beginning pre-commissioning training. Everyone goes through the same 2.5 years of instruction. Cadets get degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi after clearing the exams.
5.What is the NDA exam pass mark?
The term "pass marks" refers to the UPSC NDA cut-off. UPSC reveals the year's cut off after the result is announced. Last time, the written test score was 325 out of 900, and the final merit score was 688 out of 1800. To pass the NDA Written Examination, applicants must get a minimum score of roughly 25% on each topic. Those who pass the Written Exam will be invited to the SSB Interview. Selection will be done for admission to the Army/Navy/Air Force Wings of the National Defense Academy and Naval Academy based on the NDA cut-off.