PESSAT 2022- Application (Started), Exam Dates (Out), Eligibility, Pattern
A Detailed Insight Of The PESSAT Application Form
As you know that the application form is one of the first and most essential steps for the candidates to complete to sit for an exam. However, application forms are seen or needed in several situations. The main concept behind filling in an application form is that it is like a submission of your consent and details before you sit for an exam. On filling up the form, you have to submit it by or before the last date of submission.
Gone are the days when application forms for the exam were given in person as a piece of paper. The PESSAT Application Form is an online form that you need to fill in properly before you proceed to take further preparations for the PESSAT.
Things to Know Before You Fill in the Application Form
It goes unsaid that you have to meet the eligibility criteria for the PESSAT before you fill in the form. So it is better you check your eligibility for the exam and then go ahead with the form filling. On meeting the eligibility criteria, you will only be a step behind from taking the test.
Here is a List of Steps That Should Be Attained When You Attempt to Fill the Form
Select the course for which you want to take the exam.
Provide all the necessary information that hold true to your knowledge.
Upload the required and supporting documents. (Scanned documents only. Refrain from uploading photos of the documents.)
Follow the online procedure for payment of the fees for the application form and the exam.
Take a print-out of the duly filled in application form for your documentation.
PESSAT Application Form Important Dates
Things to Follow During the Form Filling
Select the chosen course and then click ‘Submit’.
All details should tally with the documents uploaded by you.
You have to select three exam centres as per your preference. Read the declaration, agree to it, and then submit all the details asked from you.
Use coloured photographs of 150x150 pixels of up to a size of 80 KB. The format should be in jpg or gif.
Details to Be Filled in a PESSAT Application Form
Candidate Name
Date of Birth
Email ID
Mobile Number
Phone Number
Blood Group
Family Size
Birth Place
Mother Tongue
Handicapped (Y/N)
Permanent Address
Name of Parent’s
Local Address of Parents/Guardians
Details of Parents
Father’s Name
Father’s Designation
Father’s Qualification
Father’s Employer Details
Father’s Occupation
Father’s Annual Income
Father Alumnus of PES (Y/N)
Mother’s Name
Mother’s Qualification
Mother’s Occupation
Mother Alumnus of PES (Y/N)
Qualifying Examination Details
Name of the Institute
Last Institution Left (On or Expected)
Qualifying Examination
Preference of Branches
Three preferred branches
Residence (KAR /NKR /NRI)
FAQs on PESSAT Application Form 2023-24
1. What is the Full Form of the Acronym PESSAT?
To learn about the further details of the exam, you need to know the full form of the acronym PESSAT. It stands for the PES scholastic aptitude test. The exam takes place every year, and interested candidates can apply for it.
2. How Difficult is This Exam?
The PESSAT has a high level of difficulty. It is said and accepted that the standard is almost like that of JEE mains. This directs you to the fact that the PESSAT will not be an easy exam. You must prepare for all odds.
3. What Subjects are to Be Studied for PESSAT?
The subjects studied for the PESSAT and tested upon are Physics, English, Mathematics, and Chemistry. Of course, you can learn more about the four subjects on the internet. You may also ask for the subject details from someone who has already taken the exam.
4. Roughly How Many Students Take the Exam Every Year?
Since PESSAT is one of the most eagerly awaited exams, students flock to crack the exam. Roughly, around 16k-17k students appear every year to take the PESSAT.