Are you getting the feel of those butterflies fluttering in your stomach? Well, if you are preparing well, then there is no reason why you should feel nervous. It is a widely accepted feeling that the closer the exam date comes, the more cold feet you will get. However, if you make your own deadlines, then you can easily overcome the exam fear.
Here you will learn everything about the PESSAT Exam Date and also get some tips regarding the exam. The exam date, of course, refers to the D-day when the PESSAT will be held. It is pre-announced, and you must be well aware of it.
Make sure that before the exam date arrives, you have to go through an entire process of learning about the importance of PESSAT and then fill the PESSAT application form. Once these stages are completed, you get to download your admit card. Then you eagerly wait for your exam to approach. In this regard keep the following important dates in mind.
PESSAT Important Date
You must keep a track of these events on a registered site of the PESSAT.
A More Detailed Table About PESSAT
Do Keep in mind the following when you are filling up the details on the exam sheet.
Your name / roll number
Exam Center
Date of the exam and others.
However, some important details required before you take the exam would be
Candidate’s details
Permanent Address
Details of Parents
Qualifying Examination Details
Preference of Branches.
Rules to Remember During the Exam
Do not use unfair means in the exam.
No use of mobile is encouraged.
Refrain from talking during the exam.
Ask the invigilator if you have any doubts regarding the question paper.
Let the invigilator know if you are feeling nauseous.
Write your paper well and attempt all the questions.
Do not waste time pondering over one question.
What to Carry on the Exam Day?
Reach the exam center well before the scheduled time on the PESSAT Exam Date. Stay calm and carry all the necessary items.
Writing materials
Admit card.
Check Your Exam Center Here
FAQs on PESSAT Exam Date 2023-24
1. Are Electronic Gadgets Allowed in the PESSAT?
No. none of the electronic gadgets like calculators or mobile phones are allowed in the exam hall. If you are found with one, then the exam centre can take strict disciplinary actions against you. By chance you carry one with you, it is better to inform the invigilator and hand it over.
2. Will an Answer Be Marked Negatively in the PESSAT Exam?
You will get negative markings for wrong answers only if you are applying for B.Tech. None of the other exams have any scheme of negative marking in this exam.
3. Are There Any Quota Fees for PESSAT?
Yes. There is a quota fees of Rs.3,30,000 per year. The details of this will be available on the official website of the PESSAT exam. You will also come to know about the procedure of the payment.
4. Can I Get Hold of the Previous Years’ PESSAT Question Papers?
Definitely. You can download the previous year’s question papers and solve them. These are highly helpful, and you can also tally your answers with the solutions provided.